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Mandatory Afternoon of Fun!

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Somebody please save me.... We're having a Mandatory Afternoon of Fun at work today where we are split into teams, and we have to compete in a bunch of stupid games to promote company spirit. All this "fun" will probably drive me over the edge....

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One approach would be to act in such a way as to make sure your team loses, and be open about it. As justification for your (in)actions, claim that you're promoting the team-self-esteem of the other teams by making sure they don't lose; in essence, your self-sacrifice is for the benefit of others.



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Guest Low Roller

Oh boy! I'm on team WHITE!

Today everybody got a scale model toy car with a sticker of the company logo on it as a thank you for our hard work and dedication in making this past year the most profitable in company history...

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In Taiwan employees often do calisthenics together every morning. My friend lived above an Audi dealership, and so many times we were coming home after a long night and had to shuffle by 25 people on the sidewalk uneagerly doing jumping jacks together at 8am.

Seemed very concentration camp-ish. Kinda like the sing-song stuff at Lick's, which I've always found creepy.

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Oh man, sounds like I got outta there just in time! What exciting new activities will the forward-thinking upper management think of?

Toy cars? Awesome! Sounds like the time they sent all of their top customers coat hangers for Christmas...

Keep fighting the good fight.

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Guest Low Roller

Well everything seems to have a car theme to it for some odd reason since our company has nothing to do with cars...

To the best of my knowledge activities will include:

- A car drawing contest

- A remote control car race

- A LEGO car building contest

- A car arcade game race

- some other car related shit

How old are we again?

Fuck. I'm ready to get into MY CAR and get out of dodge.

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Guest Low Roller

Update: Well we just did a ten minute "How many laps can you run while dragging a person in a cheap plastic toy car behind you?" enduro-race RIGHT AFTER EATING.

Excuse me while I go throw up.

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Guest Low Roller

I am writing this message in hope that somebody will find it and deliver me from my torment. I don't have very much time as my captors will soon find me.

I have been forced into unwilling participation in an afternoon of mandatory corporate-approved fun. I am experiencing horrors that will surely stay with me for years to come.

I was forced to eat vile food and then made to run laps while dragging other unwilling collegues in cheap plastic cars. I did not feel safe at any point of this futile exercise. I feel nauseous from the food, the running, or a combination of both.

Then we had to race remote control monster trucks. Alright, that was kinda fun.

But after that we were forced into drawing a car of our own design with chalks whose dust is still slowly choking me as we speak... I may or may not have developed an allergic reaction to said chalk.

We have a couple more car-related "events" to do, and then we are being shipped off to some meeting place like cattle to listen to our CEO speak.

Some members of my team have wisely fled the premises, but I was warned by senior management to stay the course and that they will be watching me, as they feel I am a "potential runaway"... It's kind of like being labeled a "potential terrorist"...

I hope that my message will reach someone, and they will notify the proper authorities of the cruel and unusual punishment I am being forced to endure while our clients hopelessly try to reach us...

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