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Guest Low Roller

Gee thanks. Just what I was looking for. What a horrible thing to happen to that guy.

Despite all your warnings of graphic content and other cautionary statements, I don't think this thread contributes anything redeeming to the Sanctuary.

Just because someone posted it on some other message board, does not mean you have to spread it around.

Why don't you post some links to Faces of Death while you're at it? :(

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This is a current event. There were many warnings, not to mention it is all over the news. I myself, am in control of what I expose myself to, not jambands.

PS...you had to do an aweful lot of clicking to get to a video clip you didn't want to watch in the first place. Geesh.

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Fine I'll delete it,my reasons for posting this was not for any entertainment purposes,I have sat around and read peoples opinions on this matter all over,but I like to be informed before I speak up about this shit.

But I'll delete it.

People have the choice whether to watch it or not,warnings were given,my mistake in thinking that some people would be interested in this.(and not for the graphic entertaining purposes)

Anyway,I can delete it....getting all pissy or sarcastic with me about this isn't very prodcutive either.....

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This is a current event. There were many warnings, not to mention it is all over the news. I myself, am in control of what I expose myself to, not jambands.

PS...you had to do an aweful lot of clicking to get to a video clip you didn't want to watch in the first place. Geesh.

What she said.

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It's enivitable that this will get spread around, and Greg's approach to presenting it to us was tasteful and serious and proactive in warning everyone, so he doesn't deserve a hard time about it, imo.

However, this is one of those things I *don't* need to see (so I choose not to follow his links). Why? Because having heard the description of it seems, in this case, more than enough.

Some things need to be seen to be understood. Idon;t think this is one of them. I get it quite well, thank you very much. :(

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as uncomfortable as it may be I think this signifies a significant change in the West's troubles with the Arab nations... beheadings are a unique type of terror that reach further beneath the psyche of the average person and touch somewhere that a random bombing could never touch... as far as I'm concerned this is the worst sign of things to come that I've seen yet, including the twin towers attack

far as the video goes its clearly noted what it is, if you don't want to see it don't look (I have to look because I want to try to understand what type of horror we're facing)

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Beheading is probably one of the most disgusting things that sends shivers throughout my body.

I'm not sure why, but it may be from the visuals created when I was little hearing about King Henry VIII.

When I heard about this, it made me ill to think about it. Then images showed up on Drudge and I had to look, just to make sure that my own imagination was taking it too far. Sure enough, it was. I'd rather not have an image in my head that is conjured up from reading about it so the still image kind of helped that a little.

But, I do know that I don't ever want to see the video.

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anticipating any questions about deleting....

Deleted posts that have replies are only stripped of their content. The posts stays since there are dependent replies attached.

This forum is now truely threaded, and when you reply to a specific post in a thread and you were to view the forum in threaded mode, you would see things more organized.

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that video gives you a pretty good idea about the hate that some people have towards america. Its also interesting this comes out right after the iraqi prisoner abuse. Good way to deflect some media attention away from that and puts america back into were a victom category. please. there have been 10,000 iraqi civilian casualties and you don't hear shit about that.

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Guest Low Roller

I'm glad that everyone is expressing their opinion on this touchy subject.

I certainly wasn't making any sort of personal attack on you Esau, just on the content of your post.

Were you hoping to start a discussion on the topic? If that's the case, then presenting the visual evidence is probably the best way to have a clear perspective on the issue. However the most probable discussion you'll get on this message board is between people that watched it, and those that didn't. I fall in the former category, as I certainly have no need to see some choppy video footage of a guy screaming while a masked man slowly cuts off his head with a knife.

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anticipating any questions about deleting....

Deleted posts that have replies are only stripped of their content. The posts stays since there are dependent replies attached.

This forum is now truely threaded, and when you reply to a specific post in a thread and you were to view the forum in threaded mode, you would see things more organized.

What questions?

I know how it works myself,so I can assume you meant that someone else other then myself would ask about that post I deleted, I really am lost to what your post is about.


Well the content of my post was mainly warnings,and a disclaimer to why I was posting the link,and I never forced,tricked or coerced anyone against their will.I said it was graphic,I mentioned it was awful...what was the faces of death comment about? Thats not somthing I read,watch,hear about on a daily basis...this awful action these terroists did is though.

Your a moderator Lowroller...you could have deleted it or editted it,as well so could have bouche.

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I imagine all the Iraqi's that live in the USA or Canada must feel pretty awful also watching their homeland being destroyed on CNN daily too.Not all of them are terrorists so I can only imagime how many innocent bodies we've all seen on the news laying dead in the streets of Iraq with US soldiers hovering over them with a thumb up...

I do feel awful for his family and as well the Canadians or anyone else that is being held hostage and may not make it either.

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Its also interesting this comes out right after the iraqi prisoner abuse. Good way to deflect some media attention away from that and puts america back into were a victom category. please. there have been 10,000 iraqi civilian casualties and you don't hear shit about that.

another interpretation is that american is now a victim of america... did you not read that this beheading was in retaliation for the abuse of prisoners and occupation of iraq? in that light, it's putting the civilian casualties very much on the front page, above the fold. this kind of action by the beheaders will only further the american public's attention to this, and maybe people will start saying 'let's get the hell outta there' (john mccain i'm looking in your direction)

although they shouldn't leave just yet... install the iraqi government, make sure things are working, then get the hell out. and stop killing people. and stop abusing people. and stop being so rightious (sp).


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i have not viewed the video....and i am trying hard not to click on the many links that lead me to it.

my brother once downloaded a video off kazaa called "russian solider being killed" and i have never gotten that image or the feelin it gave out of my system....

i don't need another .....

however, i did read news stories about the video and what happened to Nick Berg and it truly saddened me.

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an American civilian looking for work in Iraq, harmless and even noble and courageous to American thinking... not necessarily so to the beaten, bloodied and impoverished nation who was conquered and is now occupied by the conquering force who won't leave until they are satisfied that Iraq will behave in a manner acceptable to the conquerers... the beheading itself brings thoughts of Arabian sultans with huge curved swords unquestioning of vengence in the name of honor as they see it

twin towers were a warning, that went unheaded and dismissed, sure of themselves in their technology and arrogance... they've pushed too far and offered no respect to one of the oldest and proudest societies on the planet, a people who would rather die than be bullied

bad news

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Guest Low Roller

My moderator label is purely decorational at this point since I'm just a moderator for the Gamehenge forum, a forum that even I forget to visit on a daily basis. But even then, I don't condone deleting other people's post unless it is an ultimate necessity.

But that's not here or there...

You definitely provided ample warning about the contents of the link, so I cannot say anything regarding that. I just don't think that this is one of those things that should spread over the Internet. Of course I'm in no position to stop the all-mighty internet, but I can at least hope to keep my sandbox clean.

Is this whole war thing getting uglier by the day or what??

Apparently Mr. Berg was arrested in Baghdad in late March by the local police, then handed over to coalition forces in early April, and then subsequently released. But before he could leave the country, well, we all know what happened.

The coalition is now saying that the US never had him in custody, and in fact have no record of him being a contract worker in Iraq. Read more on CBC.ca

Meanwhile US politicians who were privy to some new footage of prisoner abuse have released a statement saying that the footage they saw was "worse than anticipated".

Things are only going to get uglier before they get better.

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I'd say the states are just as much terrorits as anyone else in the world. remember the states carried out a devastating war of terror in Nicaragua, leaving tens of thousands dead and the country practically ruined, an attack for which they incidentally were condemned by the World Court and the Security Council in a veto-ed resolution, but then escalated the attack.

I'd like to see the UN step in against the kind of prisoner abuse seen lately, but of course the states will veto any action decided by the UN. the UN, geneva convention, human rights are a joke. the states are the lone super power and their massive abuse of that power is going to cause WW 111.

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Guest Low Roller
My apologys to you then,I didnt realize it was for just one forum.

That's cool. As it turns out it's for the Bit Torrent forum, not the Gamehenge forum... I'm surprised Bouche hasn't fired me for complete incompetence yet.

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[color:"purple"] Purple is the sarcastic colour right? Well, remember: if an Iraqi insurgent ties an American soldier's fingers and genitals to an electrical box and makes them stand on a box, threatening electrocution should they fall, it's torture. If an American soldier does it to an Iraqi, it's abuse. American troops would never torture anyone, would they? :: ::

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Man, I can't imagine what this dudes family/friends must be thinking... I also can't believe this video is getting as much attention as it is. I for one won't be watching it, but that's just my opinion. You had a good point though Bouche, I have an image in my mind of what it looks like, how similar that is though I don't know.

Crazy crazy crazy... What a mad world we live in. Is this video getting the same kind of attention in the states, or is it being covered up? I assume if it was being covered up we wouldn't have heard about it either.

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