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....off to Toronto.....


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I'll be spending the next month in TO fighting it out in the riding of York-West, and elsewhere for the Libs.

What time I have off will certainly require blowing off some serious steam, so if any of you cats know of any good shows, parties, I'd love too hook up with ya, email me at geoff@drhuxtable.com

Peace, and don't forget to vote!

-Hux :)

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come to Hamilton with your liberal propaganda...

see how long it takes to get a piece of steel shoved down your throat.

(joking, joking, well, not really...... NDP rules this city!)

No wonder no other candidates even stepped foot in Hamilton, other than for Layton. He's like a god around here, especially with the steel workers.

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I'm aware of Hamilton-East, Hamilton-West, and Hamilton-Central.

i think thats only three ridings...I checked out the gov.on.ca site, and it only listed those three ridings....

Horvath already has Hamilton East, and Christopherson will soon have Hamilton Central, all we need is the rich people in Hamilton West to stop voting Fiberal.

Not enough steel workers in the West End. Too many doctors!


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since the amalgamation there's actually 15 Wards but I was just going off the 4 corners of hamilton I grew up with and binbrock and stoney creek (had no idea there were 15 now, wow, what a mess)

whadda I look like? the mayor :o

(can't find a listing of that but the Spec was saying the NDP is stronger than they have been though we've always been a Liberal dominated city and I got the impression there were 6 Liberals around the core... been wrong before, a half hour of sleep then was off to court today... LUNCH TIME!!! :D)

(ps. don't really care, come down Hux... we treat you right)

Hamilton Mountain too Secondtube... Beth Phinney land

side note I read today that the Greens have 16% of the population behind them in B.C. - Go Greens! (I like the NDP to, and yes, I like Hux too)

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Hamilton ridings, there's Hamilton Centre, Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, Hamilton Mountain, the big 3, then in the area ya got your Burlington, Ancaster-Dundas-something-something, and Niagara West Glanbrook, that's most of 'em I think....

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"Hamilton Mountain too Secondtube... Beth Phinney land"

that was before Christopherson jumped on board. There is no Hamilton Mountain any more...its Hamilton Central.

And the two front runners are Beth and David.

(i have a friend who i went to school with my whole life, and he is the candidate who lost to David for the NDP slot, for obvious reasons...Christopherson has held his riding for as long as i can remember...but just jumped ships to the NDP)

It was a coincidence Layton decided to start his ONtario run in Hamilton.

From what i understand, there are three main ridings in Hamilton (main hamilton, not all surrounding area's), and after this election, NDP will without a doubt have two of the three, but as i said, the Liberals kinda own our west end, for the reasons i gave....

If your rich, and you a doctor or lawyer, the Lib's are right down your alley!

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"Hamilton ridings, there's Hamilton Centre, Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, Hamilton Mountain"

Hamilton Centre and Hamilton Mountain have combined, at least i'm 99.9% sure, thats how my buddy got beat by Christopherson. Christopherson lives downtown, but centrally, and ran again my buddy, who was running for Hamilton Mountain.

Obviously one of the most respected politicians in Hamilton, Christopherson, won.

Maybe i'll throw Chris a call...he'll definately know the answer!


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My Morning Jacket this Friday @ The Opera House. I'll be there along with Low Roller and I assume Kung.

I'm predicting that this will be one of the best concerts of the year.

Other than that, I'll email you soon so we can check out some bands when you ain't off politiking.

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