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Good Set Bad Set (Bonnaroo)


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Friday June 11th, 2004 >> Wilco

1. The Late Greats

2. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart

3. Hummingbird

4. At Least That's What You Said

5. Jesus Etc.

6. War on War, Shot In The Arm

7. Muzzle of Bees

8. Company In My Back

9. I'm The Man Who Loves You

10. Theologians

11. Poor Places

12. I'm Always In Love

13. One By One

14. I'm A Wheel

15. Handshake Drugs

16. Spiders (Kidsmoke)

Friday June 11th, 2004 >> String Cheese Incident

1. Dudley's Kitchen >

2. Desert Dawn

3. Lost >

4. Mouna Bowa

5. Sirens

6. One Step Closer

7.Way Back Home

8. Joyful Sound>

9. Valley Of The Jig

10. Outside Inside >

11. Give it Away >

12. Rollover


13. Good Times Around the Bend

14. Texas

Guess Which is Which (or What)?

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Friday June 11th, 2004 >> String Cheese Incident

Dudley's Kitchen

Mouna Bowa

and a Texas encore? I'll take that 3 song show by the Cheese any day over 1 Wilco song. So I guess it's a matter of perspective. If I were into Wilco, my mindset might be different. But I like the Cheese. Well, to be more accurate, I like some SCI. Not all of it, but some of it is fantastic. Wilco, from what I've heard, are talented players. Their songs just dont grab me. It's not like The Slip, where I could at least see what the attraction was, Wilco just makes me totally indifferent. Just my opinion, and I'm sure I'm not the only one with it. But, kung, I'm sure several people will agree with you. I'm just happy to have the amount of choice we do today.

Guess Which is Which (or What)?

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Friday June 11th, 2004 >> String Cheese Incident

1. Dudley's Kitchen >

4. Mouna Bowa

8. Joyful Sound>

9. Valley Of The Jig

11. Give it Away >

12. Rollover


13. Good Times Around the Bend

14. Texas

Guess Which is Which (or What)?

I like the SCI tunes listed above, and when I first saw the setlist I thought it looked like a decent show. I think Wilco blows, and I wouldn't cross the street to see them, so I guess I would say that the Cheese was the good set and Wilco the bad? If I'm right do I win something?


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Wilco is awesome!! Not sure what you guys have listened to, but go out and buy Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, smoke a J and listen to it on good headphones. Pretty sure no one can deny that album.

I dont know SCI's tunes, but i'm looking forward to giving them another chance in Ottawa in August!!

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Oh right I forgot you all shat your brains out after the last bong load. Just one song like Jesus Etc. (one of the best songs to be written in the last five years imo) blows that cheddar (I mean aerosol cheese) set out of the water. Funny I seem to remember the entire world lining up at Wilco's doorstep to kiss their ass after Yankee Hotel Foxtrot came out I can't say I recall the same thing about Untying The Knot. Oh yeah right even their most committed fans thought that blew fucking goats. Rollover and take that one up the hooper.

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yeah, i gotta agree with the last 3... the monkey, marco, and kung... to add to what marco said, i also think that long after wilco is done as a band (who are we kidding, its a matter of time), tweedy will also be remembered as one of the greatest song writers of our generation. i'd like to put him in the class of bob, neil, early bruce, etc... he's got a road ahead of him, but it looks pretty good from here.

looks like the wilco set is riddled with newer stuff? im just seeing songs i dont recognize and i know a new album is on the way, although i havent seen a track listing or anything for it... havent sought it out... but the songs i recognize look really good (jesus, war on war, shot in the arm, i am trying.. etc), and these days its hard to imagine me being disappointed with new wilco... probably not a set i'd hope for, but at Bonnaroo, i cant imagine ever getting a set i'd hope for, regardless of the band. there's just not enough time.

i dont know enough SCI to determine is thats a good set for them or not.

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I don't ever recall lining up at any doorsteps... Must be because I'm a stoned-out wook, brah... Nothing to do with having different tastes... What I've heard, I find fairly generic... Rather pop or adult contemporary sounding... Noo specifics here, some friends have put on some Wilco, and I didn't get into it. Sorry. I like Gabber, but haven't found too much love for that style of electronic music. Maybe you're all not taking ENOUGH drugs to get it? Either way, I don't chastise people for having different tastes.

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Embarassed to say I haven't heard A Ghost Is Born though but here's the track listing:

At Least That's What You Said 5:35

Hell Is Chrome


Spiders (Kidsmoke) 10:48

Muzzle Of Bees 4:58

Hummingbird 3:13

Handshake Drugs 6:09

Wishful Thinking 4:43

Company In My Back 3:48

I'm A Wheel 2:39

Theologians 3:38

Less Than You Think 15:06

The Late Greats 2:30

I have heard Handshake Drugs though and both musically and thematically I think people will relate to this song.

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it's like pavement i suppose, not for everyone. Although in my books, wicked cool. I think maybe the way you started this thread is what got people worked up kung. whats the point in that comparison..? both bands are COMPLETELY different and can only be compared on the basis of personal tastes.. so who really gives a fuck?!!? ::

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They both appeared on the same day at Bonnaroo hence the basis for comparison- coincidental really. I think there was a bit of a thread about Wilco and the Cheese the other day hence the further comparison. I'm just curious how far the cheeseheads can get their heads up there asses before they can actually see out their eyeballs and wake up to the light of day.

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You can listen to the new Wilco album here.

Well I just gave some of that album a listen,couldn't last a whole 5+ minutes through track one though,and not much more on any other song,even after it picks up its rather "light" in the quality department,or in the very least,its as "generic" sounding as anything else I would hear on 102.1 The Edge (snore),....perhaps if I was suicidal with a handfull of sleeping pills and whiskey in my belly,then I would have it cranked.Never been a fan of either band myself,but I think I'd take SCI over Wilco,that is,only if I was being dragged by a truck through a catus field and it would save my life.

Then again,I'm "dumb as a post" right? (I believe that was the saying) ::

As for the SCI sets...couldn't tell ya,couldn't care,so I won't bother.

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What's up with the SCI hate on anyways... I mean I know the story, but stop beating a dead horse... There are some bands I can't fucking stand, but I try not to dwell on the negative. If there's a thread about Rush, for example (sorry Mr. M), I try to limit my contempt for them and keep things topical. Of course it's all perspective on an issue, like Trey vs. Jerry. People can argue all day and not change anyone's minds. We get that you don't dig the Cheese... I can't wait for your Lollapalooza review, I hope they blow you away, or at least gain a little bit of respect from you. I've listened to enough and seen them enough to know that SCI is a talented band. If they're not what you're into, then fine, say so. But I feel it shouldn't be your personal mission to change the minds of every skank on here to agree with your personal tastes. If we were autonomous, tix for shows would get a hell of a lot harder to get, you'd always see the exact same people, and this scene would be boring as hell. You should direct that energy into positively promoting The Slip and their beautiful music. You're lucky to have a strong connection with the band, and you're smart enough to promote their music in the proper way. Your opinion is always welcome and refreshing, but the Cheese-bashing has hit it's limits, in my opinion.

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That was some eloquent shit Del. So what's the difference between slagging the Cheese and say Jungle (which is clearly a far superior form of music than fucking Gabber)? The thing with me and the Cheese is not just this personal beef it's not that at all- they're the Scientology of Jam Music, the Banya of jam music, they prey off the mansy pansy ethic of their audience and offer little of substance in return. That's really what I'm talking about SUBSTANCE- I've always said I'm sure I'll love the jam and the scene and dance my ass off when I see them but I will feel very dirty and hella stupid afterward that is for sure.

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So what's the difference between slagging the Cheese and say Jungle (which is clearly a far superior form of music than fucking Gabber)?

Ahh kung, if you only knew... I'm assumming you align yourself with jungle because of it's hip-hop beats and MCs? I might be wrong. Gabber, as I was explaining to Esau and Paisley, is the anti-techno. It's where people who got bored with house, trance, jungle, etc. end up in their search for balls out, four on the floor dance music with zero tolerance for bullshit. There's nothing happy about it, it's in your face aggressive, and it is very serious. there's nothing flaky about a live Gabber set. it is all business. definately not for posers or the weak. if you haven't spent your years in the trenches of local parties and huge raves, then I can understand where you're coming from. otherwise, make way, 'cause we're coming... "Play the fucking track!"

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Holy fuck this new Wilco album is crazy-good! Thanks for the link!!!!!!

Currently listening to "Spiders". Goddamn it's amazing! Electro-grooves, screaming guitar, like Neil Young sitting in with New Order but nothing like that at all.... wow! ::

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Luke...what the fu*k.

okay. i get the idea...you're eloquent. so you want to prove it by continuing to talk about SCI even though you don't like them

So we all know this already. you're verbose and you like to slag on SCI. I like wilco more than SCI too but that might be because i've only been to one SCI show and don't have an album...ooh.

why do you even start threads about string cheese when you dont' like them and it's obvious you want people to foloow suit? why don't you just write about wilco and not get people involved in thinking about string cheese. if they like SCI then if they think about the band and then thin about another band the thoughts abotu the other band (this time wilco) are tainted by a comparison to another band and if they're into jams rather than tight songwriting then any comparison, even a good set aned a bad set comparison will always hit the mark.

you're a totally baffling dude. i hope you understand how to get people into music someday cause i think you're going to turn a lot of people OFF OF WILCO. IF YOUR'E THE ONLY ONE RAVING ABOUT WILCO AND YOU DO IT IN A WAY THAT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT (although an eloquent idiot) THEN YOU MARGINALIZE THE BAND, ITS MUSIC, AND ITS FANBASE.

fu*k, Luke...i hate having to tell a dude that's older than me to grow up but grow up!

it'd have been a lto easier to extole the virtues of this fantastic band, Wilco. write about how they wrote about this or that or how tweedy wrote this part of a song with this in mind or that in mind or how they juxtaposed a certain thought with a texture or build to make the song and its purpose speak loudly and shine through to the listener.

don't just say 'look at this set and look at that set - i like wilco and guess which set's better. you people have no taste'.

dude...preview your posts before you post em if you're gonna be childish. you might get your point across better.

i think i'd like the wilco set better but if you'd got me awhile ago(6 months) i'd have said SCI...maybe i'd say string cheese tomorrow. who knows.

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I happen to disagree with Luke but don't see the need to write a 500 word essay on it CB. I do see your point, but considering Kungfest ain't even seen the band he's trashing...can you all just realize his statements are basically unqualified and move on?

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