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really bad Farenheit 9/11 review


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hahaha - that was hilarious. The 'right' wing in America is so completely utterly stupid that I often wonder if it's a parody piece that I'm reading when I see this stuff. I love the forum where the same author is attempting to debunk evolution.

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That sounds all correct to me. He is out to shock a group of people who already think like him. He is doing the same thing he does in Bowling for Columbine. He presents only part of the information and he does so in a way to incite people to think a certain way.

This propaganda is just as brutal as the propaganda spewed in other countries which some people go on and on about and complain is so terrible.

I certainly hope people don't base their entire political beliefs on Michael Moore's films. The information is skewed so far to the left it isn't funny. I think he has some good ideas, but I lose all respect for him when I see how he tries to push his view on others and not present all of the information allowing people to decide for themselves what they think.

Kind of makes him as bad as the people he rants about doesn't it?


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she seems to be so pro-Bush that she won't acknowlege any of his possibile wrong doing. It's funny that she thinks only leftists will be the ones watching this movie, i disagree. But she has some good points about the validity of the film's evidence... Of course I haven't seen the movie yet... this is all the more reason to check it out.

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For most normal people, the rational and logical reaction to seeing this footage is to condemn the culture of death that Islamic terrorists live in, which produces people capable of flying planes into buildings and killing 3000+ civilians.

regarding the bin Laden family being on the only people allowed to fly out of America on Sept. 11:

I don’t want to have to remind leftists about the problem of racism – it just feels like they should already know (well, ok, no it doesn’t) – but just because some of the terrorists on the flight were Saudis doesn’t mean all Saudis are terrorists.

regarding the audience at the theatre:

the audience consisted mostly of dorky looking professor types, typical pierced-in-every-body-part leftists with “Kerry for President” T-shirts on, and other radical looking activists.

Leftists like Michael Moore are sick, and there is no way this movie is marketed to anyone but radical leftists, who are the only people stupid enough to like this movie.

The movie may have appeal to radical leftists and other nutcases

yep, leftists are the rascists lady... especially radical leftists who would vote for Kerry ;)

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I sure hope she didn't get a degree in journalism, because her writing is grammatically and structurally flawed.

She's entitled to her opinion and I can respect her right-wing dislike of Moore's piece, but it seems she is writing at a fourth grade level, using overindulgent slang and just poor sentence structure.

I can't respect a writer's views if they are writing an opinion piece that is poorly written. Voice your opinion, but leave the verbalizing to ones who know what they are doing Amber.

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"but I lose all respect for him when I see how he tries to push his view on others and not present all of the information allowing people to decide for themselves what they think."

Too bad Fox News (and CNN to a lesser degree) do this on a daily basis

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That sounds all correct to me. He is out to shock a group of people who already think like him. He is doing the same thing he does in Bowling for Columbine. He presents only part of the information and he does so in a way to incite people to think a certain way.

This propaganda is just as brutal as the propaganda spewed in other countries which some people go on and on about and complain is so terrible.

I certainly hope people don't base their entire political beliefs on Michael Moore's films. The information is skewed so far to the left it isn't funny. I think he has some good ideas, but I lose all respect for him when I see how he tries to push his view on others and not present all of the information allowing people to decide for themselves what they think.

Kind of makes him as bad as the people he rants about doesn't it?


unfortunately I agree with you there about a lot of Moore's work... he pushes his side of things in a way similar to how right wing television push their's... he makes a lot of valid points but then says something like "In Canada people don't lock their doors" or that Charlie the hermit he went to school with who suddenly has bright lights and cameras in his face at 11 pm (in his electricity-less cabin) stands as a spokeperson for the philosophies of the gun totting right wing

I like what he's trying to do but worry about how he tries to do it... sometimes it seems like it would be better not to fight fire with fire

that said I can't wait to see Farenheit 9/11

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I agree with most of what he says too

I just wish he didn't leave himself open for attack by overplaying some of the things he says without backing it up... sometimes I end up rolling my eyes at him the same way I do at Fox News telling me why America has to attack Saddam Hussein

in the movie he walked right into a few houses in downtown Toronto... I lived in downtown Toronto and everyone I knew locked their doors... either he got amazingly lucky or he was bending the facts to make a point (albeit a point that definately deserves to be made)

the reason I say there's a problem with that is he's implying its safe to live in Toronto because of our gun laws... any right wing activist can log onto any Toronto newspaper website and pull up 3 drive by shootings (and many other crimes) any given week... thus they have the means to cut apart the validity of an otherwise good movie that has the right intentions

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"but I lose all respect for him when I see how he tries to push his view on others and not present all of the information allowing people to decide for themselves what they think."

Too bad Fox News (and CNN to a lesser degree) do this on a daily basis

I agree. I never watch Fox news for just that reason. CNN is a bit better but they have their own agenda too. They push things too far the other side.

Moore presents facts to make his argument look good. The 'right' does the same thing. The problem I have is when people decide that one single viewpoint is the be-all end-all on a specific topic. if people base their opinions on politics and gun control on the Michael Moore movies they have seen and they think they are making an informed decision they are way off base. The great thing about civilized nations is that we have the right and ability to have and speak our own opinions about anything. I think an egomaniac like Moore is taking advantage of people who are not able or willing to research and understand issues for themselves.

I understand a lot of the people on here love Michael Moore. I have seen his movies and I think he has some good points. I know he is not presenting the facts on all of the topics he preaches about - just the ones which fit with his argument or viewpoint.

Do you people really think that Moore could just walk up to three houses in Toronto and randomly walk into them? Give me a break. I would be interested to know how much of his "real" Bowling for Columbine was actually staged. Weird that he wins an award for best documentary?

The most recent film is a better documentary than the first although it is still way left slanted and doesn't totally take into account all of the information it should.

The article quotes here is way too right as well and makes itself useless as a critique when the write is obviously so anti-left. I think there is a middle ground between right and left for most issues and decisions, but I seriously hope people aren't basing their views on movies they see. I also hope not too many people based their votes today on what other people had to say. There is tons of information available free of charge people. Don't let someone else make up your mind.

Also tube - I don't really care who on here or the millions elsewhere think or whether they agree with me. I don't decide what I do based on what the crowd thinks is cool!

What the hell, when are the next Phish shows - so we can get back to talking music??? :P


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Well that was one haphazard and lazy piece of journalism...

Fortunately her Op/Ed will do exactly what Moore's does: make current supporters even stronger in their convictions. He may be a propagandist (?) but the left could certainly use some to counteract the flood coming from the right.

Most reasonable people will realize that Fahrenheit is not a documentary so much as an editorial or an essay: Moore has said so himself. yes, it sheds plenty of new light on connections between the administration and private industry but you gotta take everything with a grain of salt. Maybe Moore would've wanted a disclaimer at the beginning of his movie indicating this was "just my opinion" but whenever you tack those three words onto a sentence you lose 99% of your impact. So good on him.

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i just got back...what a powerful film!!!

did anybody else catch the little cocaine riff (about 3 sec) when they showed his military records...haha...only 3-4 people in the audience laughed or got it...

on the way back my dad made a couple of good points, clinton smoked pot in college was was crucified in the media...bush was a party-animal booze-coke hound for most of the 70s and the media ignores it...

the right wing tired to impeach clinton for lying about a bj but bush lied to everyone about iraq (among dozens of other attrocities) and nobody bats an eyelash...

and those poor people of iraq...fu©k man, you never see that footage on network tv...

i just hopes this opens people's eyes...stephen harper preached about accountability in govt...geo bush needs to pay attention to that!

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