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top 10-- come together review...


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i think there are too many good moments to choose just 10. so I'd like to thank the people who put up with my "it's my birthday" for 24 hours straight. I'd also like to say thank you to the people who were so very thoughtful and got me a gift, i got wonderful things from the people I never expected to, and got nothing from the people whom i had the greatest expectations with. I had a great weekend, and couldn't think of a better bunch of people to ring in my 23rd with. I was up the entire 24 hours of my birthday (45 hrs straight technically) and best of all, I didn't black out for a minute of it. I can't list everyone I met, but I'm glad I met you all and had a great time doing it. Best long non May 24 weekend ever!

P.S. it was awesome to party with the chatham crew again. early on saturday morning I walked into Camp Giver and there was no one there. Nothing was moving at all. no fire, no one was there, and i thought "am i going to get ambushed by the creepy grey boys who've taken everyone else?" and then out of the corner of my eye, a flicker of movement over at camp chatham. just when i thought the party was over zeddy and kenny and mr. stu-dog reminded me it had only just begun.

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In no particular order;

1) dancing and being surrounded by friends, good energy and the ones I love

2) instagator falling off the picnic, passed-out drunk.....ha ha you fu©king wook!!

3) flip & flop

4) unveiling of PP's adn Schwa's T-shirts

5) the prom dresses (cake) and dances to go along (icing on the cake)

6) New Rider in a prom dress, elvis wig and antannaes - didn't know if I was disgusted or curious!?!?!?

7) water, water, water - swimming, swimming, swimming!!!!

8) acoustic jam around the fire

9) the fly-swater tennis racquet zapper.........moreover watching heady zeddy and friendly wack themselves on the nose with it while simultaneously letting out large screams!

10) walking past the stage during Contact and seeing LMP dancing on no sleep (looked more like swaying) - thanks you made me smile cause I knew you were dancing as hard as you could at that point!

11) musically, the Fat Cats were my highlight, Stephen Franke & NFTTS followed closely behind. BNB would have been the highlight if the sound had been better.....you could even tell they were smokin beyond the intense HUMMING. Shine on You Crazy Diamond was amazing and the Terrapin Killer. The Floyd Nero pulled off was quite sweet as well - Punk sounded right on singing!

12) Hanging out with Mud and Benson

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I have been avoiding trying to put together a top-ten list because I have been desperatly trying to shake off the creeping malaise that I so often experience following one of these things. I now think that maybe it'll help me to recall all those beautiful moments that transpired during the course of the weekend.

  • Arriving Wednesday night and hanging out with Izzy and his Gibson, Ralph and his Martin D-41 (cost him US$90 ::), Tim, and Leanne behind the stage and hearing Ralph's hilarious songs about underwear that don't fit.
  • Seeing Kate come bounding over to our campsite with a tray full of Martini fixings and a bunch of fresh mint.
  • Witnessing some of the women I love the most dancing their way onto the dance floor in prom dresses. (You guys are simply the best!)
  • Being simultaneously kissed on the cheeks by two absolutely stunning women while watching one of the bands. It sat me right on my ass.
  • Trying to explain to people that I hadn't fallen over drunk after they missed the kiss that preceeded my fall.
  • Having Lex pass on a book to me that had stimulated her intellect, because she thought I'd appreciate it.
  • Watching Dustin stand up and fall over, only to be caught by Chris who obviously had not drank enough if he was able to move that fast.
  • Getting to hang out with my best friend SugarMegs after not having seen her in a while.
  • Having a refreshing swim with Leanner-Banner every night before we began the evening's debauchery.
  • Having five consecutive, uninterupted hours of conversation with my good buddy Mark as we rode out the night and most of the morning.
  • Listening to the fantastic camp-fire jam on Friday night (two basses, four guitars, two drums, and a mandolin).
  • Dancing to the closest thing I have ever heard to '77 Dead (The Zen Tricksters).
  • Hearing nero play Pink Floyd's Echoes, and not only play it, but absolutely nail it and bring me quivering to my knees.
  • Standing in awe, in front of the stage, with Mark Tonin and Fretman as Stephen Franke & Noises From The Toolshed played.
  • Hanging out with my friend Paan. (I forgot my costume. :()
  • Telling Dustin with complete confidence that he'd get his wallet back and being right. :D
  • Seeing the best Fat Cats show that I have ever seen.
  • Seeing and partying with all you absolutely incredible people once again.
  • Needing a drive to Brantford on Thursday and Corey pulling up a minute later to see if anyone wanted to come for a ride with him to Brantford.
  • Parading around the campground following Mr. Something Something's pre-show round-up!

Musically, The Fat Cats absolutely blew me away. That was the best show that I've ever seen them do. Thanks guys!

Mr. Something Something maintained their position as one of the best new bands that I have seen in years. These guys are the real thing and if you haven't seen them yet then you are really missing the boat.

What can I even say about Stephen Franke & Noises From The Toolshed? [color:"red"]WOW!!! I stood right in front of them with my eyes unblinking and my jaw tripping me up as I tried to dance. I am so happy that there's a band out there playing this stuff. If you're a fan of Soulive you've got to see these guys. I picked up a CD (thanks Mark) and I listened to it today. I really think this band is going places; see them before you have to share them with the rest of the world. :)

nero played Pink Floyd's Echoes. Need I even saw more? It was stunning. Epic. Mind-bending. Life-changing. Punk did an incredible job on vocals and the 'dark' jam part of the song seemed to include several teases from other Floyd songs. The guitar work was stellar. An excellent show all around.

The Zen Tricksters planted a smile on my face that still hasn't worn off. I've never heard anyone capture the energy of the Grateful Dead like they do. They were actually better than I've every seen the Dead. (I never saw the Dead with Jerry.)

Now I'm smiling again like I was on the weekend. I wish I didn't have to be at work all week. :(

Thanks to all of you for being the coolest, nicest, most fun-loving group of friends that I've ever had. I love each and every one of you dearly.

Love and peace,


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man I had an awesome time....paan sure said it right when he mentioned having a hard time adjust to going back to work, I slept all afternoon and night sunday, went to work monday morning at 9am, and still couldnt function, i went home at 10:30am to go back to sleep, and slept till 7pm, and still was back in bed by midnight too sleep another full night...unbelievable, next time I think I need to remember to eat along the way, my body can't take all that debauchery for 3 nights straight....

I'm still movin slow, and its tuesday night!!!

you guys are all fantastic, each CTMF gets better and better as I get to know more and more people in this scene, I can't get enough of you guys!!!

how long till the next festival?...can't wait

oh and I've got some great pics, gonna post em real soon


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once again, this is indeed none of my business, but since I started this thread, I want to enter at this point. Greg, I don't think you should take every derrogitory comment to heart. Honestly, you bring a zest/flare to any show, but I think you can agree with me here, as sometimes when you push the boundaries, you have to expect criticism. When I saw you with the toy or antique gun in your hand I didn't think anything about it, let alone feel threatened in anyway, but, someone other stranger might not feel the same way. We all do questionable things, fu©k I broke my hand by punching a wall!!! How does that make me look? Let alone feel? Do you hear what I am getting at?

And as far as all of us taking unnecessary risks by comsuming mass quantities of drugs and alcohol, yes, once again, that is questionable behaviour, we all can look in the mirror and judge ourselves on what is right and wrong, but I FEIRCELY BEG TO DIFFER on your point that nobody would care or stop, or help someone in danger. Maybe I am a little naive, but to be completely honest, what attracts me to this scene, is not the drugs, it is not even the music, that is a reflection of it, but it is the people, the philosophy of a community that tries hard at times to put others before themselves, and that to me is a fine escape from reality. And it is what attracts me to all of you on this boardand those abroad. So don't stress, becareful, know your limits, help a friend, they will help you too.... and last but not least "shine on you crazy diamond."

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Top Ten (No Particular Order):

1.nero kicking everyone's ass... Yeah, the "Echoes" was super phat, but their whole set was absolutely rockin'...

2.Camp Give'r... Thanks for adopting me these last couple of CTMF's, it's hands down THE party camp at CTMF. Great kids, great times.

3.Schwa's t-shirt, when can I get my hands on one of those?

4.Wassabi's 2nd set (w/Safety 4th). That percussion jam was the definate highlight of the 5 Wassabi shows I managed to catch that week. I danced my ass off.

5.A tie - the marshmallow guns and the electric fly swatter... 2 of the best CTMF toys I've ever had the pleasure of torturing people with.

6.The drum/guitar circle after Wassabi Sat. night. That was absolutely fantastic, a great way to end the festival (and my 5 night London->Ottawa->CTMF run).

7.The perfect weather we had. After the May 24 rain fiasco, it was a welcome sight...

8.Partying with Korey & Sara Sun. morning. Too much fun and trouble to get into at that hour, definately two of my favorite people in the world.

9.Seeing Team Chatham get a pep talk from 'gator... "Some of you are going up, some of you are going down. Stu, I'm looking in your direction...". Classic.

10.Seeing so many good people... CTMF is one of the few places you can run into that many cool people at once. Can't wait for the next one...

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but I FEIRCELY BEG TO DIFFER on your point that nobody would care or stop, or help someone in danger. Maybe I am a little naive, but to be completely honest, what attracts me to this scene, is not the drugs, it is not even the music, that is a reflection of it, but it is the people, the philosophy of a community that tries hard at times to put others before themselves, and that to me is a fine escape from reality.

Marc, here's a reality i experienced... i think i told you about how sick i got Saturday night... having never felt that way, and not knowing what was happening to me, all i could do was ask for help. i've never had to ask for help, i've always been able to take care of myself. but, this time i had to ask for help. there were more people who walked by, than stopped to help me. in fact, there were 2 people sitting directly across from me when i said to them "i think i need some help" and they didnt so much as flinch. i never would have thought that was possible either, at a CTMF, but i was wrong.

i thank my lucky stars that Ian and Leslie were in the tent behind me and came out to help me. they stayed with me until they were sure i would be ok, and they came back to check on me... eventually other people came by (Simone, and i forget who she was with).. but in the beginning, more people walked on, or didnt bother to move a muscle than to help a dude in need.

i've said it countless times, but a big thanks to thorg and his girl, and i owe you guys some beers and a BBQ...

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if it makes ya feel any better scotty, when i heard you were under the weather i checked in a few times too to make sure ya weren't dead, and threw a bottle of water in there too for when ya woke up with sweaters on your teeth. people care! ::

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just wanted to touch on something Babsy said... about BNB and shine on you crazy diamond... WOW!!! Jeff was seriously belting that one out... i love it when that guy gets goin... i agree, had the sound been better, it would have been my musical highlight.. however, for every action there is a reaction, and i may have just exploded and missed the rest of the weekend.

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haha, i know people care... but my point was that not all people care to care all the time, and we shouldnt take the atmosphere and the loving words for granted. you just never know who's going to care, and when.

thanks for making sure i wasnt dead, and the water was just what i needed.

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AHHHHHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA!!!! i cant believe i forgot to put flip & flop in my earlier posts. you guys made me giggle every time i saw you. im chuckling right now thinking about good ol flip & flop.

i have a vague memory of an early morning argument over how you decided which one was in fact "flip" & which one was "flop"....hilarious!

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ah, everyone has a bad night or week sometime... I saw the toy gun and thought it was just a toy gun, you guy's just don't strike me as deadbeat gunslingers usually... used to see a lot of toy guns back on Dead tour, and on my street as a kid

flip and flop were particurly impressive

glad to hear you learned your lesson Sheik, that'll learn ya ::

cheers to all the positive sides of the weekend, I didn't stand still much and saw 100 times more positive than negative... got lucky and spent half my time enjoying the sweet outdoors and the other half being very successfully irresponsible... can't be irresponsible all the time though (or it wouldn't be fun when you do)

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Top 10, also in no order:

1) The people, the music, the atmosphere... oh... and the PEOPLE!

2) Greeted by, and feeling accepted by everyone even though I was dressed like a goat man.

3) The costumes and the silliness... I love both (obviously)

4) Buying the drum from Jim, and getting lessons from him... what a swell guy... and a swell drum.

5) All night touring from drum circle to drum circle, breaking-in 'Licorice' as I call her (yes, my drum). Jamming with some fantastic drummers.

6) Seeing a bunch of friends that I love to hangout with (at Willy's trailer), and meeting alot of people I would love to become friends with.

7) Coming to certain realizations about my life.

8) The warm, ecstatic feeling of energized bliss that was redolent everywhere I went.

9) Having my wife and daughter there to experience it with me (Shelby is going to know this kind of communal love early in life).

10) Wanting to take you all home with me.

I have been more affected by this weekend away than any other festival weekend... and am dying to do it again.

Now if I could just get over this depressive, lull state of aftershock...

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My highlights were the Fat Cats, Mr. Something Something, Contact, Turvey/Berkley/Bastian/Lafoucade (who I heard were changing their name to "Kathleen Turner Overdrive"), Zen Tricksters and Wassabi. Had a blast with the give'r girls prom dressin' it up! Mike from BNB late night acoustic show Thursday night. Swimming in Lake Izzy and not sleeping for 3 days.

Bring on the pictures!

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