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Im going home Donny

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ya well us Toronto folk would definately take a TO show over an Ottawa or Montreal show anyday as well... dont be greedy now just cause ya'll have the Nero :)

Dude, I think nero has played Ottawa like 8 times in the last 2 years... I saw way more nero shows in SoOn... We'll be as greedy as possible, if it helps get Ottawa more shows...

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Barrymore's Music Hall, Ottawa, ON

Wed, Nov 10, 2004 08:00 PM

Fu©kin' right!!! I hope nero gets to open again... I figured we'd see a couple more dates announced, but this is sweet... Damn I love living in Ottawa (directed at you Hamilton kids rubbing the Duo and Slip shows in us Ottawa kids' faces...) ::

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I just realized that nov.11 is a HOLIDAY for me!


sorry Beastie Boyzzz!!!

Yep!! I have the next day off too!! I have three concert nights in a row that week.

I'm planning to maybe do Beastie Boys, then drive straight to Barrymores for Moe from the Corel Centre. Do you think that's doable? I figure Beastie Boys will be over by 11. Then Moe will start around then. So voila!

And then on the 11th and the 12th, I'm going to the Casino in Hull to see The Musical Box. They're a Genesis tribute band and they're re-enacting the "Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" for their next tour, originally presented by Genesis from 1973-1975. I've seen The Musical Box do that show 19 times up to now. It is amazing! It's not jam music, it's prog rock. But they do an evil jam at one point during the show.

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But they do an evil jam at one point during the show.

If you know it's coming and can characterize it as Evil 2 months beforehand is it still a jam?

Well, yeah, since they do the same show all the time on this tour, and since I've seen it 19 times, it's no longer a jam. But it's supposed to be a jam, that they're re-enacting, that was done in the 1970's. Actually, they've done it differently a few times and I get really excited when they truly jam on it, instead of playing it the same way Genesis did.

Sounds like a great show, too bad about the moe.verlap


There is no overlap. I get to go to all shows!! Can't wait! What a great week it'll be!!

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