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Star Wars Trilogy DVD


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So, I, like many others, love starwars. Grew up obsessed with the toys, and movies, and the whole thing. I enjoyed seeing the 'Special Edition' in theaters. especially on weeeeed. but after the fact- decided that i am not totally crazy about all the characters inserted into scenes.. (particularly, jabba the hutt's palace musical number and the new final celebration song). not to mention the pathetic attempts at humour with the digitized banthas and other creatures. but i got over it. fine. fast forward to today.

The news is, that George Lucas has altered the original films further, and apparently has even removed the original Darth ghost (Sebastian Shaw) from the final scene, and has replaced him with a green misty version of the 'new' Anakin Skywalker, Hayden Christiansen.

Does anyone else think this is just plain wrong?! Ney, a huge fist in the ass of society? I shudder to picture the Gunguns celebrating in the final scene, or any other of the throw away characters created for the 'prequels'. added to the originals to give them some kind of false lasting power. god. Its like George Lucas went crazy with boredom or something.. or maybe thats me! ::

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It's wierd, I mean we've seen "Directors Cuts" before, but Lucas has taken it to a whole new level. It sounds like part of it is due to the fact that he's a perfectionist and they technology exists so he can go back and make the movies perfect, in his opinion. But switching the ghosts is totally pointless in my opinion and should have been left alone. WTF? How do we know that Christian wouldn't look like Sebastian Shaw when he's old?

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It's wierd, I mean we've seen "Directors Cuts" before, but Lucas has taken it to a whole new level. It sounds like part of it is due to the fact that he's a perfectionist and they technology exists so he can go back and make the movies perfect, in his opinion. But switching the ghosts is totally pointless in my opinion and should have been left alone. WTF? How do we know that Christian wouldn't look like Sebastian Shaw when he's old?

Exactly CH ! all these moves are improvements in his opinion. Its like he needs a 'realist parrot' on his shoulder to peck his head every now and then and tell him he's being a fu©king idiot. Its like so many people hold these movies and memories sacred, and Lucas has no trouble replacing these (i should say) cinematic memories with his cheap-ass digital visions/improvements. I mean, the Digitized yoda/dookoo light sabre brawl is cool, but i cant just even feel for it. or any of the jedi wars, its just all a blur of lasers and sabres- and i can barely be bothered to focus on the action, because its got no feel. The puppets just meant so much more. I should say that some of the sweeping landscape or space /space station shots are great. Explosions are cooler. But it just doesnt work for the characters themselves.. iMo ;)

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character animation is the hardest for CG stuff..

I like some of the "improvements" and others I don't.. this new ending sucks monkey turds if you ask me..

this is my prediction.. once the hype of these DVDs is over and he's not making a million dollars a second he'll release a "Classic Edition" DVD set of the originals.. but I'm thinking that's 3 or 4 years down the road..

we've got these, next year is last film, then there is the 3 pack DVD version of the first three films, then the 6 pack version, and the 9 pack super geek out collectors "we are only make 30 million of these so buy yours now!!" GOLD edition.. and then, when that's all said and done.. we will have the "classic edition" released..

wow.. it's exhausting just to think about it

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Where the hell is Qui-Gon's spirit? Answer me that Lucas you son of a bitch!

Maybe since Luke never met Qui-Gon, his spirit can't appear to him? I dunno, don't ask me how the friggin' Force works...

Slightly stranger is that Ben and Yoda never refer at all to Qui-Gon. TRULY strange is that Luke never asks, and is never told, anything at all about his mother! Once you found out your father was Darth Vader, wouldn't you want to know what the deal with your mother was?!? (There is, in fairness, one moment on Endor where Luke asks Leia about her mother, which of course is also his mother (but she doesn't know that until a few seconds later when he tells her) but wouldn't you think that he'd actually ask someone who knew her when they weren't an infant? But I digress...)

Anyway, Greedo shoots first is about as bad as a decision as has ever been made in film, and putting Hayen in there is kinda dumb and unnecessary, and I miss the old Ewok celebration song at the end of ROTJ that sounded like the Sesame Street theme, BUT I do like some of the things that Lucas tried to do with the special editions. For instance, restoring some of the scenes in New Hope, particularly Luke's brief reunion with Biggs before the Battle of Yavin, does add to the story in a positive way. And some of the effects are definitely gratuitous (the extra windows on Cloud City) but some are done with humour (the extra inhabitants seen riding into Mos Eisley) and taste (the remastering of many of the battle scenes to improve the contrast so we can see what's going on better).

On the whole personally I believe that less is more but the changes don't make these any less great. I would personally have liked to have both the original editions as well as the new ones on the DVDs, but hey I've got the videos of the originals so I can always dig those out.


Mr. M.

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"The other movie, it's on VHS, if anybody wants it. ... I'm not going to spend the, we're talking millions of dollars here, the money and the time to refurbish that, because to me, it doesn't really exist anymore. It's like this is the movie I wanted it to be, and I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. But I want it to be the way I want it to be."

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character animation is the hardest for CG stuff..

Meh, I don't buy it. Did anyone who saw LOTR for a second not buy Golem? I certainly didn't, I actually managed to completely forget that he was a totally CG character, and bought into everyone of the huge range of emotions he displayed, as well as all his actions.

The problem with Yoda, at least in part, is that we have this preconception of how he should look and move 'cus we've all got the amazingly well done Muppet in our heads. The biggest thing Lucas has to fight with every time he makes a new SW movie or any changes is everyone's memories.

Oh, and Jar Jar doesn't count 'cus he's just an annoying character, CG, puppet or otherwise.

- M.

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Just to add to the geekdom here. Lucas has also changed the Emporor in Empire Strikes Back and changes the dialog between Vader and The Emporor so it is now the Emporor who tells Vador that Luke is his son. He has also redone the Catneena scene so that Han now ducks and shoots at the same time as Greedo.

I was watching Star Wars and Empire today simulataneously at Costco on the Giant Flat Screens and all that I can say is WOW! do they ever look beautiful.

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My call is that it's your movie and you can do whatever the fu©k you want with it, but given the vast amount of room on a DVD and the fact that they can be made dual sided, they should have included the original cuts along with the new versions. Even if both, or really all three versions could not fit onto one disc, they easily could have made each movie a 2 disc set, one with the original or classic renditions and one with the directors new vision for the film.

It's a MAJOR drag to have to dust off the ol' VHS copies to experience it the way you did for the first time.

...or, maybe they're saving the super box set with all versions included for the christmas season...

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I didn't buy Gollum at first, it took me a while to accept him as the character.

Oh, and this may freak a few of you extra geeky folks out but...I've never seen any of the Star Wars Movies...not even the ones from the 70's. I know who a few of the characters are just from being a kid when those movies came out..(lots of toys etc) but I have never watched the movie. There has been so many spoofs and stuff done on the series that I know some of the key lines, like, "use the Force" and "Luke I'm your father" stuff like that, but never seen the actual movies. Let the disbelief commence...

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I find this recent Lucas quote rather intriguing:

Q: After "Episode III," will you ever revisit "Star Wars"?

LUCAS: Ultimately, I'm going to probably move it into television and let other people take it. I'm sort of preserving the feature film part for what has happened and never go there again, but I can go off into various offshoots and things.

You know, I've got offshoot novels, I've got offshoot comics. So it's very easy to say, "Well, OK, that's that genre, and I'll find a really talented person to take it and create it." Just like the comic books and the novels are somebody else's way of doing it. I don't mind that. Some of it might turn out to be pretty good. If I get the right people involved, it could be interesting.

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Just to add to the geekdom here. Lucas has also changed the Emporor in Empire Strikes Back and changes the dialog between Vader and The Emporor so it is now the Emporor who tells Vador that Luke is his son.

If you want to read an ULTRA-geeky discussion of this particular change, check this out:


It's actually kinda interesting 'cus it ascribes pretty complex subtext to Vader and Palpatine that actually make this change somewhat justified. Personally I still don't think it was necessary but it doesn't change the story substantially.

He has also redone the Catneena scene so that Han now ducks and shoots at the same time as Greedo.

Goddamnit George, give it a rest! What's gonna happen in the next version, Greedo's gonna get hit by lightning. Let it go already!

- M.

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I'm going to get this " revised " trilogy, but fortunately I have the last issued original three video widescreen package ( the one in the Darth Vader box ). I hate the fact that Greedo shoots first. Han is great because he's an anti-hero. Greedo shooting first makes Han only a hero.

I've said it before: George Lucas is a hack, albeit a talented hack.

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