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something to share with u----crazy dream....


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well, for like the past two months, I have been sleeping really lightly, and today after school, I had a splitting headache and I had a nap... It was the deepest sleep I have had in months.. well, it was so deep, that when I was falling asleep, I recall dreaming that I was falling asleep.. so in essence, I was dreaming about a dream I was having in my sleep--kind of like those pictures of someone holding a picture---layered... and now I have just awakened, and I have had three wierd things happen, that I can't figure out whether or not they are reality, or just misunderstandings... or my memory is gone to sh!t... well, what do you think of that?? :: :P

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If Yo is still asleep everything is fine, you just feel strange because you need to learn how to dream again after the hiatus...


If Yo is awake then you are now in an entirely new reality...

Discard your current framework and replace it with a beer or joint.

Things should get right back to normal.


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dreaming of sleeping just says you really craved sleep... have had many dreams of getting high or laid, etc... just today dreamt that I was gorging all sorts of favorite foods only to wake up to realize I was famished

more sleep might be a good call, as well as might be asking the dream for answers

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Very rarely do I have dreams I would consider good ones,ever since I was a kid I have had nightmares,seemed to be normal for me,so they really don't bother me too much,except when they cause me to wake up at 330am when I have to go to work at 7am...that pisses me off more then anything.Good dreams to me are ones that don't involve friends,since mostly my dreams consist of fighting,war,death & just plain bad situations.

Personal horror flicks I guess,I don't take too much stock in them.

dreaming of sleeping just says you really craved sleep... have had many dreams of getting high or laid, etc... just today dreamt that I was gorging all sorts of favorite foods only to wake up to realize I was famished

I have many dreams of fighting in a jungle war & killing people,somtimes by hand,does that mean I crave jungle warfare & murder?

Just wondering...

...as I sharpen my bowie knife...

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ahhhh hamilton! That happens to me alot too! Except that in my dream, I am always working a shift at McDonald's again. And I think to myself in the dream, "I've dreamt about this soooo many times. I guess I finally decided to work here again." And yeah, I wake up exhausted and bitter that I have to go to work again.

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I work in software development (telecommunications hardware and software), which is largely project-based: you work on a particular product (e.g., a new feature for the next release of a product), and when that's complete, you get assigned to the next project.

I've found that, usually a couple of weeks after being assigned to a project, I'll have the dream about, which is a sign, I guess, that the project has finally "sunk in" to me and become, in essence, a part of me.

For example, I was put on a project to add features to a product line, with the features needed for a network that MCI was building for the FAA. A couple of weeks after starting the project, I had a dream in which I was at an FAA site upgrading their gear, and the upgrade was going badly. You want a stressful dream? Imagine screwing up the gear that was carrying voice and control traffic for jet liners...



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i had a very strange sleep last night too....i took a night time cold medicine that knocked me out cold....

anyway.... i had three dreams.... first dream was about sleeping and waking up and then thinking i felt a ghostly presence....second dream was explaining the dream to people....and the third dream was realizing that everything before was just a dream....


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Sometimes I dream about being at work, working. Then, when I wake up, I'm exhausted because I just worked all night... them, it's time to get out of bed and go to work. That really sucks...

had that one whilest working out west... dreamt I just couldn't catch up at work and everyone was freaking out at me... worked worked and worked feverishly all night only to have the alarm go off at 6 am and time to go to work for a 10 hour day climbing around in people's hot crowded attics... hahaheehee ::

eating, getting high, sleeping and other base dreams are the only ones I'd label easily as bodily reminders, always a good idea to especially watch out for the peeing dream

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hamilton...sorry hope you don't mind I stole that as my quote because it's soooo true...

I always have wierd dreams...

Last night me and Voodoolady were mail people in this small town, driving one of those little postal trucks...She then dissappeared and the rest of my dream I spent the time looking for her...These to other dudes didn't like thier truck so they tried to steal ours...I never did find steph but it was ok because she woke me up!

Earlier...I dreamt that I was driving the bus and rolled it into a ditch, nobody was hurt, everyone was laughing good! Then the bus turned into a garbage truck and it was all bent up as I was driving it down the street...how I got it out of the ditch I dunno...anyways, some garbage man came along and fixed it...Our journey took us to this park that we were looking for...we were in some sort of challenge...There was this note that my Dad had that was all jumbled letters...We got to this park using that note...at the park there were lots of birds and these little "nubs" in the ground that would give you a little jolt when you stepped on them...

Then I busted out of the park in the garbage truck!

Wierd eh?

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always a good idea to especially watch out for the peeing dream

:) Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! :)

I haven't remembered a good dream for fifteen years. I have horrible nightmares constantly and that's one of the reasons why I sleep in such sporadic patterns. I try to smoke a lot of pot before sleeping to decrease my retention of the dreams and to help with lucid dreaming. Sometimes when the dreams become lucid I find I can better separate them from waking reality. M2C.




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