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question of the day part 2


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this is totally unrelated to the original qotd, it was inspired by fairysari's signature.

what kind of guys do you find sexy?

for me, i love guys in coveralls, but they can't be cheesey retail coveralls that were bought for some inane fashion statement. they have to be ones that are used for work and therefore imply that the man has skills (and a job!). aaahhhh guys with skills mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :o :: :o

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:( shot down again......

no, no, no, you weren't shot down, this isn't who's got my heady husband thread, this is just a qotd that has no real implications, especially since i'm with ricky and he might shove a drumstick up the ass of anyone who gets a little too close, :: think of this as a survey on the strange tastes of women.

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for me, the sexiest thing in the world is a wicked sense of humour and a great brain.

as far as physical attributes, i like the cute little boyish looking men. a la my real live mang thang. or josh hartnett. or deaner. mmmmm.

and i'm sorry, but as cliché as it is, i'm a sucker for a man in uniform.... especially firemen...rrrrarrrrh (-> cat clawing motion with hand) ::

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For the record, I have it on high authority that StoneMtn doesn't like coffee at all.

Actually, he once made me an instant coffee and my first sip almost killed me. He had NO IDEA how to make instant coffee (prolly still doesn't), and he used about 50/50 water/instant coffee. No exaggeration. "What, is that too strong?"

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