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Should I go and see the Sadies?


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A friend called me last night and offered me a free ticket to see the Sadies next week in Whistler. I have never heard them, but am under the impression they are British punk. I have heard good things about them for a couple of years, though, and I have always had an interest in punk rock (well, until the early-90s when it became watered down, pop-punk).

The thing is, the show is likely to start after 11pm at the bar, and I have to be back at my desk in my office 8 hours later. Then, I am scheduled to see GWAR that night in Vancouver, and am again back at the office the next day after driving back from Vancouver in the middle of the night. (BTW, an aggro-rock-week filled with the Sadies and GWAR is not typical for me; whereas a run of blues/jambands/folk/reggae would make more sense.)

Anyway, my point is that I am going to be dead tired if I see the Sadies, go to work, drive to Vancouver, see GWAR, drive back, go to work, and then finally crash hard. I am more than prepared to do it, though, if my good friends at the Sanctuary tell me that the Sadies are worth it.

Any comments?

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I'm gonna be seeing them here in Calgary this Saturday eve...i can tell you more then. I have heard some of their stuff and feel it will be a great time..i also think the venue will be an important factor for this gig. For anyone here in the know they are playing the Bowness Comm Hall here in town and if you know that place an you have an idea about the Sadies then your know it will be a STINKY good time. Godspeed.

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Hmmmm, so the consensus seems to be that these guys are clearly NOT British and NOT punk, but an amazing Canadian garage band with country influences. It also seems that the Skanktuarians have spoken and advise me to attend.

I will almost certainly go, but I would very much appreciate hearing from SolarGarlic this weekend after he catches their show.

Thanks guys!

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" I also can't believe you are going to see GWAR!! Friggin hilarious"

YOU can't believe it? To say the least, neither can I. I just hope to get out alive! Wish me luck. (I think I'm getting too old for this...)

WhiteyMuseum: You have always been a reliable source of music-info. I will almost certainly be going, and your recommendation played no small part in that decision. Thanks!

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Here's what you need to know - Dallas and Travis Good are sons of Canadian legends The Good Brothers. The music is a country punk kinda mix, with some surf guitar. They play a ton of instrumental tunes and the average length of their songs is about 2 minutes.

I've seen them a few times throught the years, the last time was 2 weeks ago. Rick White of Elevator fame joined them for the encore and did some Unintended material (album by Sadies, Greg Keelor and Rick White). Go check 'em out.

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These guys are offspring of the Good Brothers?!?!? I had no idea! I used to be somewhat friends with (presumably) their sister, Darcie Good, who was a one-time member of the Grateful Dead cover band "The Coma Toast".

Alright, I'm going, but I still want SolarGarlic's review!

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