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HEADACHES SUCK!!! ((no smokes 4 days))


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Sunshine's trying to quit again!!!! And I need to whine!

Trying to stay as positive as possible.....haven't touched a cigarette in 4 days!!! :: not even a drag :o

I haven't been too irratated, but I can't deal with this headache I have.... ::

I so dearly want to kick it this time, but I'm soooo scared of this weekend!!

1)fantasia party and hot tub (mmmmmmm)

2)GTB and birthday parties

How will I make it through the weekend??

Okay so I tell myself I don't want to die!! I guess that should be enough?!?!? But why isn't it sometimes!!!


Thanks - bitch session over.


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no worries sunshine, just remember two things:

1) cigarettes are disgusting, and

2) you are a non-smoker

everything else will fall into place!

ask velvet for secrets.. i understand he's a non-smoker too! congrats everyone who has fresh breath, clean smelling hair and laundry, and an extra 8 bucks most days.

as far as the headache.. for me, sleep has always been the best cure. sometimes it takes days of sleep.. dont give up, keep sleepin' :)

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Keep up the good work, just remember that by quitting smoking you have greatly reduced your risk of developing over two dozen fatal diseases/coditions including lung and bladder cancers, heart disease and stroke. Plus as a woman smoking puts you at higher risk for blood clots(due to estrogen levels) and causes the breakdown of collogen and elasticity in the skin which leads to premature aging (just look at the smoking bingo ladies to see what I'm talking about. In the meantime if you get desparate the nictotine patch should eleviate the headaches, or if going the natural route drink lots of fluids (water, not beer), take a multivitamin daily and try using some lavender essential oil (rub it on your pulse points). Lastly try getting outside walking, it will help your lungs to clear some of that crap out of them. Good luck, I'll try and send you some good non-smoking vibes.

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non-smokers have better sex! (more stamina) i quit last march after eight years of smoking. you're almost through the physical addiction part of it, after that it's mainly mental with the odd craving. for the headaches i would just drink lots and lots of water. it's what works for me. other than when i broke my wrist, elbow and foot (summer '03) i haven't taken a tylenol or asprin in six years. i just don't really need it, i trust my body's ability to take care of itself if i provide it with the right food, fluids, sleep and exercise. oh yeah, this is my 1000th post! woo hoo! :: good luck dude, but you don't really need it. questquecest's adivice worked for me too. just mindfu©k yourself in to quitting just like you mindfucked yourself in to starting.

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Thanks for the support and ideas guys & gals!!!

Day 5 - no headache, no craving.....just couldn't sleep lastnight, but that's ok!

WOW - I can't believe how much smoother it's going this time!!

I just keep telling myself with the history of cancer and heart disease in my family I'm at high risk.

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I was trying to figure out the neurological pathways and how your nicotinic receptors would be affected by your quitting.....the answer I came up with is tryptothane (sp?). So eat lots of turkey!.....omg....so that's where the quitting cold turkey thing comes from.....damn, I'm not a genius. It has to do with certain neurotransmitters causing vasodilation/constriction causing headaches, blah, blah....I'm such a nerd. (and I could be completely wrong, but it's worth a try)

Another idea is to try hydrotherapy....put a cold cloth on your forehead and something warm on the back of your neck. This just helps to draw the blood out of your head and back down where it belongs. Do this and relax for 10 min. (warning. do not put warm cloth over front of neck = bad)

And of course, drink lots of water....it is so good for cleansing faster!

Good luck.....quitting smoking is the best thing ever (hasn't done much for my weed intake though...lol)

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Hey NOW!!! No scounging for this girl. Last night I had a smoke in my hand and I broke it!!!! Threw out the safety pack in the freezer and made it one more day!!

DAY SIX!!!!!

Now....has anyone ever experienced nausea when they quit???

I can't decide if it's the flu, or just part of the detoxification............



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No problemo!

Hope you make it!

I always use ginger for nausea......make tea, add ginger to tonic water for gingerale.....add honey for sweetness.

Also a natural food store will most likely have "quitting smoking" remedies and herbal pills.....I had one friend say they helped him?

You can do it!

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