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The Official Jambands.ca Hate Thread


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Imagine having a whole set of those remote-beep units,

BradM, I've been wanting one of these systems for ages to find my keys, purse, stereo remote, cell phone, van*, etc. I've actually tried to find them at gadget stores so that I could have everything beep. Perhaps we should look into creating these little beepers. ;)

Anyone ever watch Talk Soup? They had a "weed beacon" on there that was this exact idea. Brilliant!

P.S. I'm sure someone's going to say they hate thread hijacking. :P

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this is not thread hijacking -- we're still all about the HATE......losing things, we're just trying to be creative in finding solutions.

Dave once bought me a beeper key-chain, but I couldn't whistle in the right key (or loud enough) to activate it -- so it was useless.......except, when Cassia had a 'meltdown', her wails were in the exact right key/tone. Imagine how impressed we were -- already stressed out with a temper-tantrumming demon-child and then the damn beeper also goes off...that's just [color:purple]brilliant technology, that is!!

ps -- I friggin miss you and LRP like no tomorrow!!!!!

now that's thread-hijacking!!!

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just found out, why you are confused ha ha was replying to old post,s

i am so happy to know that ,it made my day, hope sucky face had a good time last night,

oh maybe the name will confuse you i mean lazlo, even learned how to spell

but i will do my best to keep you more alert in the morning,s as coffee is not that great a stimulant, hhmmm wonder what can be said about this ,as if i care

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Popo, I'm sure it's just your imbred New Brunswick way but the posts you're responding to are 9 months old. Nobody has any clue what you're talking about not that they ever do

i,m telling booche and bouche to lay one on you saucy face

we are well brought up people here

and we don,t live in tee pee,s

nor do we piss on the floor

swallow that one or put it in your pipe and smoke it[color:yellow]

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we are well brought up people here

and we don,t live in tee pee,s

nor do we piss on the floor

swallow that one or put it in your pipe and smoke it

Just because you were well brought up doesn't mean that your mother isn't your sister and your father your uncle. And I don't appreciate your attempt at racism. I have some relatives that still live in tee-pees and contrary to popular belief we don't all smokem' peace pipe. You might not have come right out and said it but I know what you were getting at cause I see through your wiley ways.

[color:purple]I hate racists.

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I hate the letter Q and the number 3

i hate trying to get this colored, too bad what you hate as i don,t like that word hate[color:orange]


Why is it that so many people hate, hate. Hate is the basis for all human emotion. The only reason people love is because they're afraid to be alone, therefore one must hate the idea of being alone. To fear is to hate and to hate is to fear. Everybody lives in fear(hate) of something everyday of their lives, so why is nobody willing to embrace it?

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Popo's punctuation and multiple in-a-row postings are irritating to know f'ng end.

Dude...don't use a fucking comma in place of an apostrophe anymore [color:purple]it,s horrendous.

Smarten up.

PS If this is just a French keyboard thing I take back some of the hate, but not much and then I still stand by doing things like Popo's Popo,s Popos' Popo,s,p,s,,,g, been doing are wicked annoying.

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