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If you had 24 hrs notice before Planet Earth.....


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I can't decide whether I'd spend it alone in bed with my Bouchey, or get everyone together for one last throw down.

Compromise... have one last 'throw down' with Bouchey and everyone else.. hee hee heee.

P.S. I think Bouche should change his name to Bouchey.

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i'd listen to the entire catalogue (and any live shows i could if there was time left over) of ween, nirvana and the beatles.

i'd break into a bridal store & steal the biggest, fluffiest, fanciest, most beautiful gown i could find, and wear it allll day.

i would hug my mom and my grandma and my siblings for way too long and try and be around (or at least talk to) as many of my amazing family members as possible.

i would smash any big screen tvs i could find, just because i've always wanted to do that.

i would eat peking duck, as many different kinds of ice cream and cheese i could imagine, and killer beef tenderloin or prime rib, until i felt like i was going to puke. i would then force myself to have cheesecake, chocolate concoctions and bbq ribs for dessert.

i would roll down a grass hill in that giant gown, just to see what it would feel like with all that extra padding. not to mention the joyous reckless abandon of getting grass stains all over an immaculate white dress that cost thousands.

i would probably puke next, from eating all that food and then rolling down a hill.

i would have a very nice tiara absolutely overwhelmed with rhinestones, firmly planted on my head for the entire day.

i would steal a huge bouncy castle and invite all of my friends over to bounce on it at the same time.

i would have pointe shoes on for most of the day, and make it a point to get from a to b by dancing only.

i would snuggle with backbacon in a 2 person hammock and have a nice little nap. preferably overlooking a gorgeous lake setting.

i would then gather anyone i've ever found even remotely attractive (male and female) and have a huge orgy until the world ends.

that would be a good day i think.

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i've always wanted to push the first shelf over so the rest all go like dominoes.

but that can be done after everything is ripped off the shelves because that would be more fun. in fact, how 'bout i start and one end, you start and the other, and we race to the middle. aisles with the most crap knocked off the shelves get extra points.

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1.i'd eat all the sushi i could find (i really miss it being vegan, but i have my convictions until armageddon comes)

2. i'd read my writing to someone (only if i'm 100% sure we're going to die)

3. i'd call everyone i know to tell them what they meant to me (yes i have a sappy side)

4. i'd watch crouching tiger, hidden dragon; the princess bride; and a Midsummer Night's Dream curled up naked with rick

5. read to kill a mockingbird again

6. if the day was sunny, have lots of sex outside in the toasty heat of the day by a river

7. depending on the season, i'd either go mountain biking or snowboarding and try all the really crazy stunts that are likely to kill me anyways, that way i'd go out having a fu©king blast!

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...maybe you could help me with my sock drawyer sometime, I have too many orphans, but I still let 'em swim with the others...

Next time you're over I'll let you assess my situation there dingher...that sock inventory thread got totally hijacked, how can people joke about something like that, a**holes.... ;)

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first, i'd call in sick to work.

after that, if i had that special someone to share those last 24 hours with, well, i'd probably do all the same mushy stuff that has been outlined here already... really, just spending those last moments, close, and held tight would be the way to go.

otherwise, i'd eat plenty of mushrooms, and ride plenty of rollercoasters. listen to as much slip as i could fit in. eat the thickest, juiciest steak ever, smothered in garlic cream cheese, cheddar, and more mushrooms. cherry cheesecake for dessert. probably masturbate 5 or 6 times. do some push-ups. umm, what else, oh, because im not a very fast reader and could never finish a book in 24 hours, especially if i was trying to accomplish all the rest of this sh!t, i'd read my favourite parts of Tropic of Cancer. i'd call up someone who did me wrong, and tell 'em its ok. then i'd call up someone who i had done wrong, hope to get the answering machine, and tell them although i probably meant it then, i probably dont now. i'd try to find a river somewhere and smoke a massive joint on its banks. then i'd go home, tell some people i love them, eat some more mushrooms, put on some more slip, and lay down.


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ooo i like this thread!

first i would call my family, since they`re too far away to go see. that would take about 2 hours for mom, 2 hours for sister, 30 minutes for bro and about 10 minutes for dad, heheh... oh and a big `bye sweet puppy!!`, to my dog, also over the phone.

maybe a few more calls to say, "seeya soon!"... see that's the good part. with any luck, we'll all end up somewhere cool and all together, anyway.

then i would wanna go to best 'end of the world party' around, and shake my bootay and become nicely lit, and just go go go til the big BOOM! the party would probably be at 40 main.

woohoo i'm getting excited! :D

PS becky - damn - i want go to your bouncey castle, too! hmmmm...

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I guess in the end my point is.....the end for each of us could come sooner then we like, whether it be a freak accident, illness, or the world coming to end.

I have found myself getting caught up over trivial things...and that's not me...don't know where she came from...

So don't worry about the small things in life, try to have fun, and do those little things that mean so much to you in your final hours.....like making the effort to tell your loved ones daily/ weekly that you love them, visiting a friend, spending those romantic days with your lover....or most importantly renting a bouncey castle for all your friends!

Love you all....keep loving and living life to the fullest.

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