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what music do you dislike?


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holy calamity, scream insanity! (theres people here who dont like hiphop?!)

all you ever gonna be's another great fan of me.


(you can never bear witness without hiphop)

some of us need to go back to school...


talking heads rule too. just ask the man, mr. tonin. :)

i agree with most of what has been said here. almost everyone is here based on the common ground of music, so its natural. i also dislike recent u2, but have told my sister i'll go see them if possible this year. i went to see the hip(another band i dont necessarily dislike, but hear way too much of) with her and it changed my perception of them. same with green day, nofx, outkast, and blue rodeo to name a few... live shows can be a turning point. so go out and support live hiphop!

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"Does 'hip hop' count as music? I hate that!"

- Most ignorant thing I've heard today. An entire "style" of sound production devalued because of what? Do you like trance? At least Hip-hop isn't all 4/4 timing and thuds. Rap is some of the most complex, condensed and creative of vocal styles. Hating out of a lack of identification perhaps?

BTW, I cannot stand Bryan Adams and I promised a friend of mine that I would punch DMX in the nose if I ever had the chance to.

Don't get me wrong, I dislike over production as well, especially in Hiphop. :)

Oh yeah... "Rock and roll could never, ever, hip-hop like this" - Handsome Boy Modelling School

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I nominate for disliked bands....

for solo artist...My nominees are

Jessica/Ashley Simpson--is there really a difference?? like fu©k-off!!!

Advil Lavigne--my old roommate loved to listen to her, I would get headaches from that annoying voice, and sh!tty lyrics..

Bon fu©king I would love to kick his ass---Jovi... just cus he's a fu©kin sissy, in his torn jeans--shove your hairblower up your ass!!!

Nominations for musical group...

each and every pop boy band, girl band, boy/girl band... Band??? you need to play an instrument fucktards.

Nickelback, really fu©k, I am speechless...

Aerosmith, just fu©king retire!!! really fuckoff!!

nomination for genre...

r n b... those whinny voices give me instant dirrehea...

and most dissapointing band...(aka used to be quality, now they suck)

U2--$165 dollars--a fu©king crime in my books... sellouts!!! Paan, couldn't agree with you more!

and ladies and gentlemen, this is an opinion, so don't take it personally..

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I'm not sure what thatpatguy was getting at...I read the props for greenday and the booing of DB and really forgot everything else put forth by him because those are two very weak, uninformed comments as far as I'm concerned...

My comment was simply in reply to claiming (again, obviously with an uninformed opinion) that the works of David Byrne and the Talking Heads were done because other music of the day was schooled and complicated...ABSOLUTLY NOT TRUE!!!

I would say DB and the Talking Heads were far ahead of thier time and DB still is today!!! New Wave, Alt, Post-Punk and even Art will all work for the Heads...they were RISD drop outs...first four shows were opening for the Ramones...The early experimantal help of Mr. Brian Eno and above and beyond all THE GENIUS MUSICAL MIND OF DAVID BYRNE!!!

Gawpo Giggles :: :: ::


Well.. I do consider Talking Heads to be a punk band.. and I consider David Byrne to be a genius. And not just a musical one either.. his graphic design work is stellar.

Maybe I wasn't clear, maybe it was that my opinion on what makes a band punk is different that other peoples.

I was by no means booing DB or any of his musical efforts. I list DB as number 5 in my top 5 favourite musicians. I also wasn't booing any of the other punk bands I listed. I like punk, it's great music (the real punk, not the mass marketed crap)

I do consider him/them to be punk because when they started out they, like the other bands of that CBGB scene, were attempting "do it yourself" music. The early TH songs may not be as simple as as say the music of the Ramones, but you have to agree with me that they are not nearly as complex as say Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

Talking Heads and DB grew though, and with that their music grew as well. Talking Heads 77 sounds nothing like Remain In Light, which sounds nothing like Little Creatures. Talk about a band that evolved.

Personally I don't define punk as a specific sound or musical aesthetic, I define it as an approach to creating art, and I feel that David Byrne wanted to approach music making the same way as his CBGB peers (also.. Jerry Harison used to play for The Modern Lovers.. one of the pioneer bands of punk.. not that that necessarily means anything.. I just wanted to throw it in there).

He even said himself that he wrote Psycho Killer just to see if he could write a pop song.

Anyway.. I love David Byrne and Talking Heads, yes I consider them to be a punk band, yes I also like Green Day (well.. not so much anymore.. I prefer their earlier stuff before they became as big of a band as they are now), and yes I differentiate between Green Day and the Blink 182s out there. I'm sorry if I was unclear or if I rattled a few feathers.

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I hate music that is created for the sole purpose of making lots of money. Music and commerce were never meant to mix but unfortunately this reality has created all kinds of shite; boy bands, pop princesses, kiddy punk etc. Basically, I hate bands that were created or heavily manipulated by big record companies for the sake of selling more units. It's an ugly trend.

I am also sick of the plethora of over-produced rock-radio bands that all try to sing like Eddie Vedder....

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"Does 'hip hop' count as music? I hate that!"

- Most ignorant thing I've heard today. An entire "style" of sound production devalued because of what? Do you like trance? At least Hip-hop isn't all 4/4 timing and thuds.

What? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... Not all trance is 4/4 timing and thuds... My opinion on "hip-hop" is that the genre has sucked since 1992... Sure, once in a blue moon there's a good song, but as soon as R&B and rap met, it was basically the end of good rap as we know it. Almost every song around '92/'93 had some chorus that was sung instead of rapped. That was the time when collaborating with an R&B artist seemed to add a new twist to an old formula, but ended up creating the term "hip-hop", which to me is nothing more than watered down rap. Not that the singing alone killed rap. That happened when rap really hit the mainstream, big time. As soon as rap became accepted by the masses, it sold out. Large. Sure there are still some artists that are "keeping it real", but compared to the genius lyrics and beats created pre-1992, it all comes off as sub-par. Nowadays it's either all about the bling (which got tired really quickly, yet still seems to outsell most other kinds of rap, ie. Chingy), all about being a thug (which, when compared to N.W.A., etc. comes off as almost joke like), or all about being a player (don't get me started...). Again, there are always exceptions, but other than artists who have done their time through the years (Snoop comes to mind, and even then...) most rap turns me off within the first 15 seconds.

Pop music in general turns me off. Sure, every once in a blue moon a song will somehow manage to maintain it's credibility without compromising itself, but the overwhelming majority of it is created with one thing in mind - making money. Creativity is tossed aside in order to appeal to as many people as possible. There are too many artists to even cite here, but I'll name some of my least favorite: Avril Lavigne (she's so punk!), Ashlee Simpson (she's so talented!), Celine Dion (what a voice!), any boy bands, any female artist deemed a diva who has made less than three albums, anyone who has won a contest with the word Idol in it, the list goes on and on... What happened to the days of people discovering music, instead of having it shoved down their throats?

House music really bores me to death. Talk about bland. Electronic music needs to grab me and take me places, the majority of house music just leaves me wanting more. A lot more. It seems like the most repetitive of all electronic music, happy to provide a beat and not do anything with it. Also, any "techno" beats (sorry Palace Princess, best word I could come up with to describe it) found on the radio are garbage... The only good beats I've heard have been played at parties... Oh, and jungle music sucks too.. Call me biased, but the jungle room was the one room I avoided like the plague when I used to party. Bad music set to bad beats with even worse MCs... I'd still rather hear it than most hip-hop produced today though...

That's a good start, I dislike a lot of music, but I really enjoy a whole lot of music as well... For the most part, as soon as something becomes autonomous, whether it be an artist or genre, I walk away...

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" hmm..

Well.. I do consider Talking Heads to be a punk band ".

The Talking Heads can be considered New York Punk, which one could also lump in both CBGB legends Television and Blondie; both are not traditionally thought of as punk bands.

I think that the Talking Heads fit comfortably into the Post-Punk, New Wave genres of rock, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I'd rather listen to my own farts than these people:

Amanda Marshall (ugh)

Nicklesmack (or the other poowads that sound like them... what are they're names again? Oh i hope I never remember actually!)

Rush (i know they are talented musicians, but i hate their music ...especially the singing)

Celine Dion

I can usually clump most gangsta rap in there... don't like that and any music that has a lot of yelling instead of singing.

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"what music do you dislike?"

- basically, anything which lacks in creativity, honesty, feeling, heart, and/or artistic integrity... recognizing that there are exceptions to every rule, because sometimes its ok to just be drunk as fu©k with your friends and not care what the rubbish is in the background.

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Never in my wildest dreams...

People hating hip-hop? Unbelievable. I'm not here to judge your tastes but I find this really surprising. We've been blessed with some incredible talent that, like EVERY GENRE OF MUSIC sometimes gets skipped over in favour of mainstream sellable artists and collaborations that are guaranteed hits. You can hate all the P Diddy's but there's a slow steady trickle of good music coming out in that world..for me it was 36 Chambers, and then Camp Lo and then Dialated peoples and now even Kanye West and Eminem and definitely Handsome Boy Modeling School (Thanks to Andy Lee for that one). Listen to their albums and not their singles and see if it changes your mind. I'm not as knowledgable as the others who've said their piece but you've gotta give praise, or at least indifference where it's due because I really doubt that you hate hip hop. Really really doubt that.

There's not much music that I do hate, although New Country could send me spiraling out of control in certain circumstances. In general I probably dislike music that doesn't mean anything to me, as I said somewhere else it needs to elicit some emotion in me (including "this band is terrible, they need to get the fu©k off the stage right now) or otherwise I'll get bored and dislike them. As an example, Joyslam?

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"Does 'hip hop' count as music? I hate that!"

- Most ignorant thing I've heard today. An entire "style" of sound production devalued because of what? Do you like trance? At least Hip-hop isn't all 4/4 timing and thuds.

What? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black... Not all trance is 4/4 timing and thuds... My opinion on "hip-hop" is that the genre has sucked since 1992... Sure, once in a blue moon there's a good song, but as soon as R&B and rap met, it was basically the end of good rap as we know it. Almost every song around '92/'93 had some chorus that was sung instead of rapped. That was the time when collaborating with an R&B artist seemed to add a new twist to an old formula, but ended up creating the term "hip-hop", which to me is nothing more than watered down rap. Not that the singing alone killed rap. That happened when rap really hit the mainstream, big time. As soon as rap became accepted by the masses, it sold out. Large."

- Point taken. Perhaps I may have meant house music... I'm not very familiar with either so I could easily be mistaken. There is however plenty of incredible hip-hop post'92. Gravediggaz, KRS-One, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest... be serious. ::

Question; You are a young, say 17 year old, African-American person from Brooklyn. You live with your mother and four siblings, all younger, in an one bedroom apartment in Bedford-Styuvesant (Bed-sty) and you like to make money because you want to have some nice things. Most of what you see is sh!t, but there are a few around you who get to do what they want and floss mad chips. They rap, play sports prfessionally or they sling crack. What do you do?

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for me music is like a revolving door

my tastes evolve and change constantly

i don't see the point in disliking a style of music, because the next thing i know i'm diggin' it!

i like to keep an open mind and open ears

what i don't like is arrogance on behalf of the artist making the music...that bugs the sh!t out of me

i'm someone who appreciates humility in people, musicians or not

but i have to admit...i'm not a huge fan of mr Peter Cetera

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I especially hate that vocal effect I've been hearing for five years that makes everyone sound the same. I'm sure I don't have to describe it.

Errrr!!! I absolutely hate that. And it frustrates me to no end that I cannot describe it to people who have no idea what I'm talking about. I don't understand why bands like Creed, Nickelback, etc. all have to have that same, generic male voice. Oooooh, man, there has to be a name for this ugliness. I can't tell any of those jerks apart.

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I'm so glad there are so many other folks on here who are not all wild about Rush. I don't know what the big freaking deal is. I posted on Jamhub that Rush was my pick for the most over-rated band of all time and some people lost it.

I mean COME ON!!! Geddy Lee squealing like a girl getting her hair pulled...Neil Peart and his @*#^$!#$@& cowbell...GRRRRR!!! Enough already boys! Leave the cowbell to the pros...like Christopher Walken. :P

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