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what music do you dislike?


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my goodness there's a lot of music snobs on here! ;) (haha)

i can't say there is an entire genre of music i do not like. because even though there are a few i could come close to mentioning, i'm sure if i listened to enough of it i could find at least ONE song i like.

for the most part though, i do not like what is called R&B nowadays, that sh!tty newskool punk (BAAAARRRRFFF!), and death metal.

as for specific bands/performers:

- amanda marshall

- turd matthews band (HATE HATE HATE)

- the tragically hip

- kim mitchell

- rush (of course. oh, and by the way, the reason you'll never find a girl who likes rush is just further proof women are superior to men. ::)

- PHISH. yuck! okay, to be perfectly honest on this one, i have no middle ground reaction to phish. i either really like what i'm hearing, or i am so annoyed by it i want to smash things. i encounter the latter more often than the former, so i am turned off by the idea of listening to phish before it even comes on. i would never listen to it on purpose. sometimes if it is being played somewhere, or if someone is insisting on playing it for me i can stand and even appreciate the good parts of it. but even songs that have good parts still have super annoying parts i hate. and the atrocity of that TERRIBLE, blasphemous roses are free cover is so awful i can't listen to it without simultaneously wanting to puke and smash things. hell, even thinking about it completely revives near hatred for them.

it's amazing how passionate people are about their music... music they love as well as music they hate.

oh, and i'm proud to say i like a lot of the music mentioned on here so far. i like disco, pop, new wave, all of the bands mentioned in the cure/depeche mode list, oldskool punk, many forms of electronica, hip hop (there is a HUGE difference between hip hop and rap, and i'm sorry, but hip hop fu©king rules, and if you cannot appreciate it, you are missing out. hip hop is kind of like red wine. you can swear up & down that you hate it, but as soon as you find ONE song you like, it opens up a whole new world for you), hell, there is even a new country song or 2 i've found myself singing along to! so thhhbt! :D haha

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I'm so glad there are so many other folks on here who are not all wild about Rush. I don't know what the big freaking deal is. I posted on Jamhub that Rush was my pick for the most over-rated band of all time and some people lost it.

I mean COME ON!!! Geddy Lee squealing like a girl getting her hair pulled...Neil Peart and his @*#^$!#$@& cowbell...GRRRRR!!! Enough already boys! Leave the cowbell to the pros...like Christopher Walken. :P

Obviously, as you've said in your own words, "[You] don't know...". Those of us that respect Rush, do know. That's all there is to it. If you appreciate music and you understand music, then it's not possible to not have respect for Rush. If you don't like it, that's perfectly acceptable but, if you don't respect it, there's nothing that can be done for you.

BTW Kaidy, I'm sorry it was your post that I responded to. When I say "you" in my message above, I really mean all the Rush nay-sayers.

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Rush is "technically" an amazing band. I find their studio stuff to be too produced to listen to at home, but I have enjoyed at least four Rush concerts. They are truly amazing live and are a credit to this country. If you are on the fence about your opinion of Rush, go see them the next chance you get. I doubt you'll regret that you did.

I still say, however, that there are no female Rush fans. I can only speculate why that is, but it just seems to be true. Any female Skancs out there care to refute this presumption?

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oh and kaidy mae:

Errrr!!! I absolutely hate that. And it frustrates me to no end that I cannot describe it to people who have no idea what I'm talking about.

give them that "do you believe in life after love" song cher did as an example... that's the first time i remember hearing the effect. it doesn't bug me that much in that song. it does bug me a lot in all the other ones i've heard. hmpf, copycats. :D (oh, if that's even the effect everyone is talking about)

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Pretty heated opinions indeed. Ha ha ha.

Simply. I appreciate any music that has imagination, creativity and passion as its basis. I don't appreciate the rest.

Having said that, there is music I appreciate but don't like (technical mastery without any discernable soul such as Steve Vai etc.).

The line between (not) appreciating and (dis)liking is a pretty grey area. And, I still don't know what it is that makes me like or dislike music - only what I appreciate and don't appreciate. It probably comes down to something that I relate to in the way their musical ideas are expressed. But, I don't need to relate to / like music to appreciate the quality and passion the artist put into it.

Genres - I can't think of any one genre that hasn't contained at least one artist that I would 'appreciate'. Similarly, I can't think of any genre that doesn't have one artist that I dislike.

All that aside - FVCK Creedlebackly Hipty Cent - and all cookie cutter products (they ain't artists that's for sure).

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- PHISH. yuck! okay, to be perfectly honest on this one, i have no middle ground reaction to phish. i either really like what i'm hearing, or i am so annoyed by it i want to smash things. i encounter the latter more often than the former, so i am turned off by the idea of listening to phish before it even comes on. i would never listen to it on purpose. sometimes if it is being played somewhere, or if someone is insisting on playing it for me i can stand and even appreciate the good parts of it. but even songs that have good parts still have super annoying parts i hate. and the atrocity of that TERRIBLE, blasphemous roses are free cover is so awful i can't listen to it without simultaneously wanting to puke and smash things. hell, even thinking about it completely revives near hatred for them.


We have a winner!!

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I'll chime in on this one, I suppose... I guess I should start by saying that despite what I like and dislike, I try not to judge people based on what THEY like or do not like... I don't particularly care for rap, hip-hop, R&B or whatever you call it. I simply don't listen to it (Although I am a big fan of SOME rap, mostly pre mid90's) I don't get it and I don't try to. I also don't put people down who do like it.

Pretty much, I'm open to giving anything a chance. I don't like those who say "whoever" sucks because they are "genre". There is so much cross-pollination between genres today that to say that is just ignorant. Though I tend to not like hip-hop, etc, there is some of it that I can tolerate.

That being said, I have broad musical tastes, and therefore, am quite sure that I can find artists in nearly every genre that I like. I also have respect for ANYONE who writes their own songs / plays their own music. No matter what kind it is, it takes balls to get up and perform and I have the utmost respect for ORIGINAL musicians...

If there were to be any kind of music that I really really hate, it would be unoriginal manufactured pop-sh!t garbage that record company execs and MTV shove down the throats of today's youth, causing them to think THAT is what good music is, when in fact, it is all simply designed to make money by exploiting the desire of younger generations to fit in and like what they think they're supposed to...

If that made ANY sense, good, if not, sorry...

S from C

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Irrational music hatred thread you say?

Okay... let's go.

Creed -- Probably the band I'd most like to get into a fight with ever. I would fight Creed, and I would win. Not only are they sub-par in all their efforts, but they throw in a pretentious brand of God-ness into the mix. No! Boo!

Nickelback, and other bands of the 'intense male vocalist phenomena' (the ones we've all been discussing) can fu©k right off too. Maybe if one or two bands did this, I could accept it, but, this is an awful, awful trend. It takes no talent to make your voice do that, and your lyrics show absoloutely no pinache either -- I am so glad to find people who feel the same way about this that I do, because most people I mention it to are either against me, or give me vacant looks.

DMB - I used to love them, and continue to love everything pre-everyday. However, that album came along, and it was like they became bigger than Jesus. It's a shame really, because they used to be a lot jammier.

R&B aka The Stuff they play in clubs is pretty trashy too as far as music goes. One or two of these songs can grow on you, but to imagine there are people, and a lot of them, who listen to this stuff all the time, is really mind-boggling.

To address the Hip-Hop/Rap situation, and I am by no means an expert, however, I don't think it's fair to hate this genre with a mere brushstroke. Certainly a lot of stuff played on Much Music or whatever, is kinda lame... but there are good ones. One that noboby's mentioned, and is ESPECIALLY good for those of you who find Hip Hop all sounds the exact same is a group called cLOUDDEAD.

cLOUDDEAD is something of a British-Hip Hop supergroup. They're on the Ninja Tunes Label (which is a fantastic label, if you're into electronic and hip-hop music)... and they have very distinct voices... their lyrics are probably some of the most poetic and visual thoughts I've ever heard, and ... well, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Seriously, though, if you're interested in hearing a different kind of hip hop sound, try finding 'Rifle Eyes' by cLOUDDEAD. It's nice.

And finally, U2. They might have been good once... but... I'll be damned if I know when. I know I'm likely the youngest person on this board, and may, or may not know what I'm talking about, but... well... they make my brain rupture.

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You live with your mother and four siblings, all younger, in an one bedroom apartment in Bedford-Styuvesant (Bed-sty) and you like to make money because you want to have some nice things. Most of what you see is sh!t, but there are a few around you who get to do what they want and floss mad chips. They rap, play sports prfessionally or they sling crack. What do you do?

You go to school, rather than wasting your time pretending to 'write' ... if those rappers spent some time behind the books, they might not sound like they were actually from the sewers.

But then again, I dislike Rush, and find no musical merit to them or the beatles....so i should just shut up.

(well, there is some merit, something has to act as filler on Q107, and the beetles and rush fill that void nicely)

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To address the Hip-Hop/Rap situation, and I am by no means an expert, however, I don't think it's fair to hate this genre with a mere brushstroke.

I would hardly call myself an expert either. But Blackalicious can really make you shake a tail feather. It's not all ghetto, shoot-em-up sh!t. It's very socially concsious and experimental (crazy percussion at times, Ben Harper and a slew of other guest vocalists, etc). The lyrics aren't about their b!tches and rides. I think the negativity and misogyny of rap is one of the reasons why I usually despise it.

Also, DJ Logic folks? Come on. I love what he did with Karl Denson. It's definitely not fair to paint everyone with the same brush. But in general, that music does pretty much suck.

HOWEVER, even jam music produced by no-talent ass clowns would suck too! I think it's a case of one genre being very popular and the market being flooded by people who think they can make it, paired with people who think they can sell it. I worry that with the emerging popularity of the jamband scene if we will eventually start seeing (hearing) this as well. Ick! I sure hope not.

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But then again, I dislike Rush, and find no musical merit to them or the beatles....so i should just shut up.

Yup, sounds like a good idea. ;) That hurts me Steve. I've always thought that you and I were pretty closely aligned musically. But, to say you "find no musical merit to [Rush] or the beatles" is ludicrous to me.

I've always liked the line "There are only two kinds of music; good and bad." I think it was Leonard Cohen that said that.

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well i said musical merit, i mean they both had merit.

who else were teeny boppers and mullets supposed to listen to in the 70s and 80s. Beetles and Rush!!!!

Its pretty crazy to think i've ever lived this long, having never liked the beatles or rush....

you'd think i'd be living in a cave somewhere listening to Creed...

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You go to school, rather than wasting your time pretending to 'write' ... if those rappers spent some time behind the books, they might not sound like they were actually from the sewers.

secondtube, you know i love you mang, so please don't take any personal offense to this... but that's just a fu©king ignorant statement. that's like saying "well, if all those jambands would go to school and stop sitting around smoking pot, and pretending they could play music, maybe they'd sound like real musicians. anybody can get up and strum random notes on a guitar for an hour". do you have any idea how much actual talent and intelligence is involved in good rapping? do you have any idea how fu©king hard it is to bust rhymes? do you realize what is actually involved with it? first of all, you have to write something that actually rhymes, and doesn't sound totally ghey & stupid. you know, poetry? ;) then, you have to break it up syllable by syllable, so that the way you speak it, is actually music in itself. have you ever tried that before? do you know how HARD it is to make it sound good? you also have to have HUGE amounts of breath control, etc. it is a LOT harder to rap effectively than to sing. when you are singing, you are pretty much saying words the way you normally do, just in a musical tone. when you are rapping, you actually have to make your brain prounounce words with accents and pauses on entirely different places than you do when you are speaking them.... and you're doing all of this a million miles a minute.

as for why they sound like they are from a "sewer" (and i don't even like gangsta bitches & ho rap, and i take offense to that comment), that's part of their culture. not everyone gets to grow up in a nice suburban neighbourhood in canada where people say please and thank you and have a mom and a dad and everyone goes to a good school and speaks a fair amount of french. some people grow up in freakin' crack neighborhoods full of gangs & a lot of horrible stuff we have absolutely no idea about. while i, or you, may find a lot of things in their street culture silly or stupid, i am sure there are tons of things they find in this scene silly and stupid as well. while a lot of it may not be what i am personally into, i am not going to look down on someone else or take any worth away from them because it's something they value. hey, whatever floats your boat, i don't have to be involved in it, i'll stick to what i like, as long as we aren't causing each other any problems, then it's not a problem. how is they way they speak ("sewer talk"????), any better than the maaaaaaaaan, brah, heady head talk? it's just different.

and as for the school thing, there is absolutely NO basis in that argument. not everyone has the luxury of school even being a possibility. and hell, how many people do YOU know with degrees that are working as waiters and waitresses and all kinds of other low paying jobs... while being thousands and thousands of dollars in debt because they spent the last however many years in school getting a piece of paper that isn't even worth the paper it's printed on, because they have no job experience? school is NOT the magical answer to everyone's problems everywhere. i know a lot of people who went to school who are a hell of a lot dumber and less successful than people i know who didn't go to school.

and of course, you've proved your all around insanity by actually saying you don't like the beatles, so i don't know why i'm even bothering to argue any of this. ::

(by the way, i don't believe you. :D i bet there is at least ONE beatles song you like.)

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"do you have any idea how much actual talent and intelligence is involved in good rapping? do you have any idea how fu©king hard it is to bust rhymes? do you realize what is actually involved with it? first of all, you have to write something that actually rhymes, and doesn't sound totally ghey & stupid. you know, poetry?"

Unfortunately, i know it all too well....

Some of you may know, others may not, that my brother is a rapper....i guess a pretty good one. he wins money at comps. has made it on to some basic radio...

anyways, he thinks he gonna be the next mnm. his friends push him forward....he's spent days and days writing rhymes....

if he put JUST SOME of that effort towards school, he would get somewhere....

You see, i did not just make some stupid blanket statement...i see it first hand.

I watch 'rappers' spending years working VERY hard, when it COULD be spent doign something to better their lives....

NOW, ok, my brother lives in a household that will probably not boot im out w/out a real job. society is not going to give up on him.

BUT, the person above compared someone living in the slums. The problem is, people living there (no this is NOT first hand knowledge) think their only way out is to rap....

NOT TRUE. how many rappers actually make it? 1 outta 10 000. But what about those other 9999? IF they spent their time on SCHOOL, they would be making something outta themselves...

This is true no matter who you are, or where you live...

And yes, there is one beatles song i like....Here comes the sun.

Only cause of the meaning it holds due to Big Cypress....

(ps, i have to go to school, but there are lots of other things in your post i'd like to debate as well, and will be back later...you understand the US sets aside quite a substantial portion of funding for innercity school kidz who dont have the marks to get a scholarship, but are still the best in their school. Well, lots of suburban white kidz are pissed cause a kid from the hood with marks not as good as theirs, is getting the scholarship, and not them....well, i'm not debating which one is right or wrong, but there are PLENTY of opportunities for kidz with tough backgrounds to do well in school, and then do well in life....our society tailers to these people....its the ones that would rather spend their time writing rhymes that are missing out.)

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A couple of years ago, before this hit, I would say new/young country, as it is bad pop music with a southern accent, and the videos are basically rap videos with pickup trucks instead.

But I would rather be strapped to a chair and listen to new country 24 hours a day for three years straight while Bea Arthur does a strip tease rather than listen to this subgenre:


Find me the musical value/talent. I f-asterisk-ampersand-percent-king dare you.


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There is however plenty of incredible hip-hop post'92. Gravediggaz, KRS-One, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest... be serious. ::

I hope the irony isn't lost on you that other than the Gravediggaz, the artists you mention were all around pre-'92... In fact KRS-One's best work was definately with Boogie Down Productions, Tribe and De La also put out their most monumental works pre-'92... It goes back to me saying that most "new" rappers aren't terribly gifted, in comparison to their predecesors anyways... Those that were good can obviously stand the test of time... (Well, KRS-One has really gone to the shits lately... Compared to his work with BDP anyways...)

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um, i'm terribly sorry, i'm a woman and i like rush. it all started because neil peart (grrrrr) writes great books. and then i saw the rush in rio dvd and it was all downhill from there. but i am in love with neil peart and if i ever date another musician it will be him. i don't care that he's ancient, so is everyone else i've dated in the last couple of years.

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I hate everything and everyone on this lousy rock...i wish everybody would just fu©k off and die...kidding!...most musics have something good about them...even if it's the ability to overproduece really well...Wow!...that record was really overproduced...just listen to hwo they drained all the humanity out of that guitar sound...I just wish that the good music that is getting made these days was given more juice in the media...but hey ...the revolution will not be televised...so I guess "you just gotta poke around"...not much is shakin' on shakedown street these days...oh well...Jim

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