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Best/Favorite GD Studio Album?


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Just curious what everyone's picks are... What do you think the best is? What's your favorite? If you had to recommend an album to a newbie, which one would you choose to recommend? I'm just interested in seeing people's opinions.

My favorite Dead album is probably Workingman's Dead... I can put it on anytime and I never get sick of it. I also am really partial to Grateful Dead (their first album), Anthem Of The Sun and Terrapin Station.

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I never knew Europe 72 was a studio album Greg? Although, the audience is barely audible throughout.

....there were actually studio overdubs on Europe '72 so <gasp> not technically a pure live album! (wasn't until 1977 that they achieved perfection live)

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Hmmm...American Beauty has always been one of my picks should I ever find myselft stuck on a deserted island. However, now I'm thinking I haven't given Workingman's Dead that much attention lately. :( Also, Aoxomoxoa needs another spin. Thanks folks. I'm totally undecided, but I know what I'm throwing on when I get home tonight. :)

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