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To Whoever Keeps Stealing Jackets From Our House.


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I agree. Getting stuff stolen SUCKS! I would go along with others and pursue 1 of 2 options... Set up a tempting situation and either beat down whoever it turns out to be or videotape it and turn it in to the cops...

I had my apt broken into when I was at Ohio State. They took over 300 CD's, a US$2000 keyboard (instrument, not computer :)) a video camera, 3 video game systems and tons of games, 1 shoe, a tv, money/keys/wallets...

What sucked most is we never got any of it back, and it was DEFINATELY someone we knew, because the vid camera and SOME other stuff was hidden, so only people who knew us would know where it was... we had company over and everything, and some stuff that was stolen was theirs. It was pretty ghetto... And to this day, if I ever find out who it was I am going to f them up... I have my suspicions, of course, but can't PROVE it...

And another time at a hookah show, my car was parked on the street in downtown Cleveland, and was broken into and our COATS were ALL stolen (4 of em). But they left EVERYTHING else of value (wallets, keys, CD's, CD player's) so I feel like it was some poor homeless guy or a few of them who REALLY did NEED coats. So I was more OK with that. Still sucks...


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hmmmmmmmmm.....lazlo was pretty tame compared to my ambush him, grab some garden shears and threaten losing a finger for everytime you've gotta ask "where's my stuff a$$hole?" a la that joe pesci/jennifer tilly/gina gershon movie i can't seem to remember the title to right now.

good thing i didn't post THAT one!

just remember if you DO catch him, and go soft on 'im he'll be back. I say if you do catch the guy put a stephen harper mask on him and let huxy unleash the fury.

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Once, when I was away for a few weeks, someone broke into my house, ate a bunch of pizza pops, left the dishes in the sink and rang up a $1500 phone bill to a porn line somewhere in New Zealand.

And I had to pay it.

That really sucked.

Hope you get your stuff back and you don't have to endure anymore sketchy thievery.

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This is fuct up sh!t for sure!! Wow, thats pretty tight, being cool with the guy lettign him take ur bottles and whatnot,and in turn he steals from ya!! Ya definetley have to teach him some sort of lesson, get creative, maybe sit and wait and then soak the guy and turn him loose, sittin in the cold ,being soaked all night might teach him a lesson, but it could also make him come bakc na dbrun ur place to the ground, definetley take into consideration what he might do in return to whatever u end up doing to him!!



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In all seriousness, although I expect most of you are kidding, I would highly discourage taking any action that could "foreseeably" injure this person. This includes sending him to freeze in the snow by being all wet (which could actually kill him as some cops in Saskatchewan have learned the hard way) as well as more direct approaches such as "beating him down" and the like.

Rather, if you can detain him while you phone and await the arrival of the cops you are on much safer ground.

...my two cents.

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The plan as it stands right now is corner him and scare him while presenting him with two options. 1. He can return what's he's stolen and I won't call the police or break his kneecaps with a pool cue. Option 2 - He tells me to fu©k off and I smash him in the face with a pool cue, and let him bleed like a stuck pig while we wait for the cops...In either situation I get some satisfaction.

This guy is completely insane, I'm just hoping the threat of police will be enough to break him, don't want to have to worry he's coming back to burn down the house. Gotta play this right...

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Ahhhh.... The voice of reason... I suppose that your suggestion IS probably more rational, with less legal repurcussions than some of the other actions suggested thus far...

As for the 1 shoe thing... That IS the biggest mystery of all. I, however, propose that the owner of the missing shoe was the culprit, since that was the ONLY thing of theirs to go missing (And not of much actual value in comparison). Additionally, said person WAS 'asleep' in the living room, woke up, and 'talked' to the thief... His claim: person said when he whoke up and said what's going on? "Steve told me I could come borrow this nintendo 64." And since he was half asleep, he just assumed that it was cool, because the guy made it seem like it was... Fishy... And he kept saying, well, why would I steal my own shoe? To make it look like you didn't steal our stuff, duh... But he never wore those eshoes again, and we actually went to his house to look around, search his car, and whatnot, and confront him about it, and either he is the best liar i've evr met or he didn't do it. Still not sure which... I still hang out with the guy, on occasion (He lives in Columbus, his parents live 1 street over) but NEVER leave him alone in my house, nor let him stay the night, etc. Just sucks not being able to trust people, especially 'friends.'

I saw Bowling for Columbine, and it made it look like ALL you guys leave your houses wide open... ?


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a lot of people leave their doors unlocked...theives will break in to get in a lot of the time seems to be one of the voices of wisdom up here.

personally, a locked door keeps people out - but with no worry against personal safety leads people to not think of locking doors.

theft is generally the only reason a lot of people lock their doors.

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at my house now all the doors lock automatically, the front door that leads to the foyer, and our apartment door i can't believe that it hasn't led to more accidental lock outs than it has. however we have a secret entrance that i kinda feel weird about having cause i live in downtown toronto where all the crazies are apparently, but it's come in handy on more than one occaision.

BUT, when i lived on my own, if i was home i didn't lock the door. sometimes i'd forget to lock the door when i went to bed. and i was a 17 year old chick livin on my own. and i used to tease del for locking the door and the chain all the time when we were home. i guess i can see the point of it now.

but basically, most canadians (in my limited opinion - i've only lived in fairly large urban centres) only lock their doors at night or when the leave the house. people barging into your house to take your sheeit or beat you down is practically unheard of.

crazy break in story: when i was a kid, maybe 6 or 7 this guy repelled off the top of our apartment building, down 1 storey and got onto our balcony. came into the apt and stole a butt load of cash and a bigger buttload of narcotic consumables. which taught me the lesson, be careful who you bring into your house. it turned out to be a "friend" of the family.

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...deep breaths Freeker, deep, calming, breaths... :P

you guys should probably catch him in the act somehow and turn him in to the cops, because from my understanding here a locked door won't neccesarily stop him from 'breaking' in. Besides mabey he needs help...not that I suspect 'help' is realy what he would get.

Yas want Wilson to come stay for a day or two a week, get a beware of dog sign, suit the Wilsonater up with a scarey looking studded collar...get a big 'BEWARE OF DOG' sign...mabey the guy will get the idea Wilsons allways around?

Wilson would LOVE to hang out with you guys(exspecially the Sloth) :: I'm sure he misses Sloth like crazy :(...when he sees guys that look like Sloth he gets super excited...then seems mopey for a bit when its not..

Anyways think about it, realy. :)

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