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anyone else seeing ARCADE FIRE tonight?

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I saw them last night, it was great!

They came out for 3 encores, one being the Talking Heads Naive Melody. The last tune they did, they got off the stage walked through the music hall, up the balcony and ended it outside!

Their sound is so lush, I love it! Have fun whoever else is going tonight and tomorrow!

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Great live band. Loved their show at the Underground in Hamilton last fall. Took my kid to it, since he loves their new album Funeral. It was his first club show (he was 18 months old, in a backpack)

People predict their album will sell 500,000 copies in the US by this time next year. It's already over 100,000 (and has soundscanned 14,000 in Canada through the chain stores - wow!)

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a brief review...

it was pretty much exactly what i expected ...however, i thought the theatrics would be a little more elaborate.

the show basically made me apprieciate the album that much more...but it really wasn't anything mind blowing...

the crowd was a little too cool for school and then venue up close had horrible sound.

thats all i gotta say bout that.

oh, at one point, the lead singer came out into the crowd and started walking up the seats reberto benini style...and stepped on my new sweater.... FUCKER!!!!

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