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Are you corrupt?


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249!?!?! See what happens when you miss confession...

Ever licked or have someone lick an eyeball?

LMAO! I didn't ever think that this was all that "corrupt". However, it is now one of the reasons why I am "going straight to hell". Ahhh, funny stuff.

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148 - hmm, from all the yeses and bonus questions, i thought it would be higher - i guess i missed out on the lesbian sex... or maybe i should have been convicted... ;)

definitely reminded me of some good times though haha. :)

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172? I thought I was a good girl. Guess not.

Good on which end of the scale :D ?

The hack sociologist in me is always intrigued by the fact that these surveys have to be put together by people who take their own behaviour as normative, and who then scale in either direction towards what they figure is either deadly boring or utterly depraved. I wish I knew more about programming so I could see better how they do their math. Same thing with that What Religion Are You (or whatever it was called) site. Not to claim to be a moral nihilist, or anything - at least, not so long as I'm sober (for the most part).

There's also the problem of remembering half the stuff you've done, but then I think there was a question about that, too. You might be a total saint when you're wasted, but I don't know if they thought of that (by day, a corporate, two-timing lawyer, by night, a red-eyed, slightly vomitous Mother Teresa).

Moral terms are so pesky. I have toyed with changing my name here to Dr_Beyond_Good_and_Evil_Mouse, for a nice Nietzschean flavour, but unfortunately that's a bit of a mouthful, and DBGAEM just doesn't cut it as an acronym.

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Moral terms are so pesky. I have toyed with changing my name here to Dr_Beyond_Good_and_Evil_Mouse, for a nice Nietzschean flavour, but unfortunately that's a bit of a mouthful, and DBGAEM just doesn't cut it as an acronym.

Well, that seems like an easy enough problem to solve. Just go with "Zarathustra" (or if you want to be really anal about Nietzschean philosophy, "Ubermensch").

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