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SURVIVOR- heads are gonna roll

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

Day 1 results

Wooee we got a close one folks! Out of 6 contestants, only 1 was spared the wrath of voters- John Coltrane. Everyone else got at least one vote.

Good turnout from voters, but I'm assuming there were some that were waiting to place their vote until after I asked the Immunity Question. Well tough, because I didn't feel like it yesterday, and I may not do it today either. Or maybe I will. It will depend how my afternoon is going.

Until then Ollie can sleep soundly because Bowie survived Day 1 and Prince was eliminated even though they had the same amount of votes. I had to spoil a vote for Bowie because it was cast by 'Anonymous' who may have voted twice (including for Bob Marley). I'm disappointed that the vocal Prince fans (Douglas et al) didn't come out in support of their gyrating lovebucket.

So now onto day 2. And here's the list:

- John Coltrane

- Frank Zappa

- Willie Nelson

- Eric Clapton

- David Bowie

And there may be an Immunity Challenge later on so that one contestant may be protected. Or not. We'll see.

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Guest Low Roller

Oh the hell with it, here is today's Immunity Question. First person to post the correct answer gets to protect one participant from being eliminated today.

You can still answer the question if you already voted earlier in the day.

The question:

Place the following records in chronological order:

"Uncle Meat" by Frank Zappa

"Dirty Mind" by Prince

"Yesterday's Wine" by Willie Nelson

"The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie

"A Love Supreme" by John Coltrane

"461 Ocean Boulevard" by Eric Clapton

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"A Love Supreme" by John Coltrane (1964)

"Uncle Meat" by Frank Zappa (1969)

"The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie (1970)

"Yesterday's Wine" by Willie Nelson (1971)

"461 Ocean Boulevard" by Eric Clapton (1974)

"Dirty Mind" by Prince (1980)



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Seeing as I've got the Cream MP3s that Tungsten linked to the other day, which I'm loving (thanks, Tungsten!), I immunize Eric Clapton.

And I also vote Bowie off the island.



This post is wrong on so many levels and is possible grounds for banishment.

Damn you are great at bringing out the hate in me Low Roller.

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