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May 28 - Diesel Dog: "Official Chatham After-Party"


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monday morning,

why does my head still hurt? was it the 80 ounces of Jager we had for breakfast, or was it cause I got bitched slapped with a beer bottle? either way I had a freekin blast:)

thanks to all of you crazy fuck@rs for coming down to simcoe town and making the evening so much fun...we're definately gonna do it again this summer!

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That toad thing had me laughing till just now. Incidently he licked it 3 TIMES! Can you get warts on your tongue?

Thank you so much for the party Teets, I had a blast on the old back porch. Animator Jam was easy one of my faves ever!

Special shout outs to Julia and Steve for coming all the way from US of A, you guys kick ass.

Quote of the night/morning:

Paisley talking about his car: Some people call it burgundy but I call it WOW!

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huge thanks to teetervillestation and the rest of dd for the great party. it really was a super fun time, and WOW, what a fuckin' wicked place to hang out. campfire, tire swing, crazy americans, what more could you ask for? i will definitely be up for any future bashes at that sweetass pad!

thanks so much to jay & miranda for driving me down there, and also to keri for making a whole extra trip to kitchener so me & qqc and schwa could stay a bit longer. y'all rock it.

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Wow! Saturday night was one of my favourites of all time!

What a magical night of music and friends. There was a certain mystical feeling surrounding the evening. The twinkling foliage framing the stage, the enchanted foresty area with paths running through it, the biggest tire swing ever, the sky full of stars, a ton of smiles and hugs... just a great night all around. teetervillestation, I thank you so much for hosting this truly special night. You put a lot of effort into attaining a warm ambiance and it showed. That is a great space and it's great that you've opened it up for the enjoyment of others.

The music sounded fantastic and had everyone dancing on the grass and deck. I was walking tenderly today as my legs took a beating two weekends in a row now.

What a group of great folks indeed! Always a huge pleasure to see the Diesel Dog gang and their extended posse. Very nice to meet all the locals that were there. It was great to have steve from cleveland and juleah show up! What a treat! And Paisley, just when I concluded you bailed on the fun, you came stolling around the corner! Good stuff. So many great moments... instigator and PalacePrincess finally showing up with LMP as a little round bonus! The drive from kw with schwa and QQC was a super adventure too! The surprise of the night was running into Thorgnor and his lady in the enchanted forest! So fun!

I would like to sincerely thank Diesel Dog for having huge hearts and donating their time and effort in putting this show on for the benefit of little old me. I am truly touched by the gesture of kindness and empathy. The generosity of everyone involved is truly amazing. From the funds raised Saturday night I am able to replace my MD recorder (which should be arriving to my mailbox some time this week hopefully) and even put some bucks towards a new camera. The kindness is really overwhelming. Thanks so much.

I would also like to thank all the folks that sent me thoughtful emails and such over the past couple of weeks. All of the kind words mean a lot to me. Maxwebster and Scott, the package you sent with QQC for me was really something else! Just perfectly fitting and heartwarming. :D This scene no doubt has the kindest folks of all!

So yeah, good times Saturday night for sure... I am looking forward to the next opportunity to rock that fantastic backyard! I'll post a ton of pics that Juleah took as soon as I receive them in the mail and scan them. I'm sure there'll be some pretty interesting ones in the batch!

Well, take care everyone,


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It's so nice to read that this night was an extra-special one. I couldn't be there in person, but most definitely was in spirit.

Keri, you are so very deserving of the kindness that was sent your way on this evening.

Ryan and Diesel Dog, thanks for making this happen. Not only do you lay down some mighty fine songs, grooves, and jams, but you've always been willing to step up to the plate and help out whenever and however you can. It's no wonder that so many people dig what you do.

It's been a long day and it's time for my head to hit a pillow ... reading this thread and Keri's last post will have me sleeping with warmth in my soul and a smile on my face.

Peace, Mark

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Thanks to Ryan and everyone else in Diesel Dog for making this happen. It was a very generous gesture on the part of the band, and everyone else who donated to Keri. And a fantastic time to boot. I can't wait to come back up there in the summer if not sooner...

Highlights for me include the late-night singalong 'round the fire, Jager for breakfast, the early morning beer-bottle smashing, and the generally good vibe floating around.

Thanks again to everyone for being so great, look forward to seeing you all again, hopefully sooner rather than later.


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I had an awesome time hangin' out at the barn on the weekend. Ater a crazyrainy drive back that evening from Niagara Falls (My ma wated to do the helicopter ride for her birthday so she and my brother went up, WOW) I got there at 11:30 and the party was in full swing. DD had just about finished their second set and it sounded real good outside. Ryan DID buy the tarp and had it over the back deck and people were just groovin around in the backyard, good scene. I sat in for the last set which started off with a real nice jam that travelled into Second Thoughts. Then a funky Jungle Boogie with a spacey jam near the end with the hook out. After a bit of deliberation it was decided that the set closer would be... All. (one word: "freewheelin'". No, four words "blowin' wheat fields freewheelin'") Probably about 40+ minutes of music for me but well worth the drive. Thanks for the jam guys!

The setlist after the jam...

"If I Only Knew What Was For Breakfast"

"Steve&Jeweleea Drove From The States To Hang Out On Ryan's Porch, Cool "

"That Sound is a VibraSchwa"

"Nothing Like A Campfire Jam" w/Drunken Teat

"I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends"

"80 oz. of Jag And 1 Side Of Backbacon"

"Valerie" (Rusell Mokery)

Great hangin' with friends old and new and thanks again Ryan (and Marta) for hosting! The campfire jam was good (but not as good as that campfire jam I got in Foxboro)


Floyd enters the basement with the intent to put his mic stand away. A few people are milling around the bar doing busy things with no real intent. Floyd notices the Instigator loitering about and gives him a casual nod. As Floyd puts his mic stand on the floor the lights dim slightly...

Floyd:(noticing something hopping around on the floor) "Hey I found a toad"

Instigator: "Catch it, Paisley will lick it"

Floyd picks up Toad and hands it to Instigator who captures it in a container.

Instigator(big smiling): "Yep, Paisley will lick it"

Floyd exits basement and goes outside where he casually mentions to Ryan that he found a toad in the basement and that there was speculation that Paisley would lick it (and potentially get "high") and with that the lights dim, and Floyd promptly forgets about it.


Good on ya, Paisley.

Nobody can say you haven't been toad before

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