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Calamity Jane

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After work today, I was truly torn as to whether to have a beer or a popsicle to aid in cooling down. And by 'truly torn' I mean it actually took about 3 whole minutes of wavering before beer won out. But it got me thinking about the feasibility of beersicles. Has anyone ever tried to make them? Is this just an awesome, untapped idea waiting to explode on the Canadian scene? I've just put some beer-filled popsicle molds in the freezer so I'll let y'all know tomorrow how it works out.

(unless someone already knows they'll be duds....let me know, but let me down gently, okay)

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okay, the update:

truly, truly disappointing.

Gr8Ful was right about the skunkiness -- they even smelled 'off' without even trying a taste. but the worst part is that they were mostly ice crystals with no discernible beer flavour at all!!!

okay -- who has successfully made a alcoholsicle of any kind? Is it possible?

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But damn! I wanted booze on a stick!


1 bottle of beer

1 8" piece of 1x2

1 12" piece of duct tape

Place the piece of 2x2 against the bottle, parallel to it, so that 6" of the 2x2 sticks out past the bottom of the bottle. Wrap the duct tape around the stick/bottle.


(Poster assume no responsbility for anything going wrong as a result of attempts to actually try this whacky stunt.)



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OK, I'm literal, and deal with (and notice, and interpret) words the way some musicians deal with (and notice, and interpret) musical notes and chords. But when you said "booze on a stick", I had a vision of some beer company CEO telling a new underling in his product development labs, "I've got a great idea: beer on a stick! Make it happen!" and having the underling produce just what I described, after millions of dollars in research. After this, there would be scenes of people standing around with their beers on sticks, claiming how cool a product it was.

I'll stop now. For now.




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