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Ottawa Big Summer Classic Rained Out!!


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SCI got about 45 minutes into their set when they were warned to leave the stage. Five minutes later the heavens unleashed a ghastly torrent of rain, thunder and lightning.

I'm back home to dry off. Thank for GTB/BNB tonight. Who knows, maybe it will blow over and the show will go on at Bluesfest.

The Umphrey's set was a tease!

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Doesn't look like it's gonna blow over -- at least before the 11 o'clock deadline, anyways.

I'm over at meggo's wearing (dry!) girly shorts. Not loving it, but it feels better than wet jeans, I guess. See everyone at Maverick's? Keller ruled. That was/is one helluva storm.

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Buck 65 has had his last 3 shows in Ottawa cancelled for one reason or another. I asked him about it 'Man, Ottawa is a curse to me.' He can't postpone until tomorrow either, he has to fly out to Vancouver in the morning.

Fer fock's sake. That's the set I was most excited for tonight. If the stupid schedule stayed the way it was originally he would have got his full set in.

The Bluesfest people, while not responsible for the rain, have got to stop changing things around on the fly. What's with Umphrey's getting a 40 minute set? Oh yeah, Xavier Rudd, who already played the festival on Saturday, had to make yet another appearance. Perfect.


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Last minute change, Keller went on at 7:45 so those of us that wanted to see SCI were caught in a bind.

I went to Keller, didnt want to move, finally headed to the Cheese for pics and then their set ended after I caught 1/4 of a tune and Smile.

What can you do?

Fuck, did Keller ever fucking kick it......

Dark Star Jam muther-fuggers.

Edit to add: I dont give a shit what the setlists may say, that jam happened. Its my favorite tune you stupid hippies. The tapes will prove it.

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Ha. Franti and Rudd jammed at Babylon last night. Franti and Spearhead are rescheduled for 7:30 tonight on the mainstage. I'm taking a pass on that, but thought someone would want to know.


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how many songs did cheese play (and what) before they stopped? i caught the tail end of smile but didn't think they could have played much before that since i'd walked over to that stage before and they weren't on yet.

umphrey's was really fun. i liked xavier too (my 1st time seeing him), so it was hard to leave him, but had to see keller of course, who was amazing as usual.

GTB smoked me. then BNB smoked me again. i got doubly smoked.

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. need more sleep! alas...

btw, you guys all rule.


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The rain wasn't unexpected, so ms.hux and I had 1 bright red and 1 bright yellow poncho to get is to the Horn of Africe somewhat dry. Umphrey's was like a music magic show. They really were doing tricks that had me looking for wires or secret compartments or something.

I was trying to shuttle between both stages after the Umph!

After that, as stated, I got back to Keller and enjoyed the fuck out of the rest of his set. He sang with the thunder and lightening while making up lyrics about how dangerous it is to be "standing behind a bunch electrical equipment during a light-ning storm"...and..."I still have 1 more minute before the kick me off the stage". Keller Williams is a talented riot. I met a photographer from Ottawa that just couldn't stop asking questions about Keller. He was completely caught off guard. "Holy crap. Is he playing that bass?" "Is this what he does all the time?" "Didn't he play with (insert name i forgot here)?"

After he got off stage, Niagara Falls came to Ottawa.

Maverick's hosted an after party and Grand Theft Bus dryed us off with a hustling raunch-awesome set and then the Burt Neilson Band (Birthday Neilson Band) got us all wet again. It looked and smelled like we were at an advanced aerobics class.

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Well, despite the rain and only catching two bands of the BSC, yesterday has to go down as the very best party of 2005.

It started out with Willy, Tonin (Happy birthday again brother) and Chris at our place to get a quick groove on before heading downtown.

Yesterday was what Bluesfest should ALWAYS be. Hardly any lawn chairs, lots of dancing and smiling people. We got our one night people, and I for one loved every second of it. I know, I know shit got moved around and we didn't get to see the entire line-up, but what we did get was stellar and we got to have it in a good environment this time.

Umphrey's has a new fan. DAMN they were fantastic. Their set was short but oh so sweet. We then headed over to see Keller. He mesmerized and inspired me. What a guy.

Then the rain came down. Bouche and I threw on our ponchos (always be prepared ;) ) hopped in a cab and went to Horn of Africa for an amazing dinner. As we stepped out of the cab, the wind blew Bouche's hot off (the ugly hat in his avatar). The fast moving flood which was Rideau Street started washing the hat down river. Don't worry folks, it was saved. ;)

Mavericks was where the fun really started. GTB played an incredible set that had the entire bar rockin'. When Lionel Richie's "Hello" came on, none of us were really sure what the heck was going on, and then I saw him.... Mr. T Duck had finally come home! Thanks for returning him safely to me guys and in such a special way. You're amazing.

As if we hadn’t been treated to enough good music for one day, The Burts took the stage and ripped everyone’s feet right off the floor! How these guys are not incredibly famous amazes me. They nail funk like nobody’s business. They rock out classic style like they invented it. They create dance trance like they own the place. I love BNB!!!! Clearly I wasn’t the only one, the crowd cheered and screamed like pre-teen girls at a Hilary Duff concert. It was incredible.

It was Mike Flipowitsch’s 30th birthday at midnight. Thanks for spending it in Ottawa man. A small crowd was organized to moon Mike after the first song. We proceeded to the front of the stage and ripped our drawers down (this morning I’m wondering why that would have been such a good birthday gift). Mike failed to notice the first time, so yep, we did it a second time. He missed it that time to. Oh well, my ass knows it gave to the birthday cause and it’s the thought that counts.

Thanks to “that place” for another fine after-party. It was good to meet you Phorbesie. And thanks to the guys that joined me for a wind down, hot tub soak at dawn. Glad to know you.

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That T Duck incident was absolutely incredible. hahaha "HELLOOOO.....Is it me you're looking for?"

Dennis and GTB are without a doubt, some of the funniest, friendlies and most talented guys I have ever met. If they represent what east coast mentality is like, I really wish that that edge of canada were much closer.

thanks Dennis

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Keller's dog jumped on me as I was arriving. He half-offered me a request as an apology when I recognised it was him, but I said nah, play whatever you want. He seemed like a nice guy. Him and his wife / girlfriend / friend / female companion were just playing with his gorgeous dog beside the courthouse.


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Very well put Ms.Huxtable... a most memorable night of great music and fun, despite what the heavens threw at us...we rocked on.. Keller was fantastic as usual, too bad we didn't get all the Cheese, but the GTB and Burt's made up for it in every way... Great meeting all the new folks at Mavericks and the after after party!

Oh what a beautiful buzz, what a beautiful buzz!!

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Things weren't looking too good for Bluesfest once the rain and thunder started. I was lucky to get some cover for the first half-hour of the rain. As we were asked to leave by the festival grounds people, I went backsage and spoke with Travis (String Cheese Incident drummer) and Carl Young (Spearhead bassist) who said they'd be over to Babylon to finish the job. I immediately hopped in a cab and was one of the first in Babylon.

I didn't look good for the first hour as we waited for something to happen. The local bands played a couple of songs each, then the music finished and still no sign of anyone. Finally some Bluesfest and Spearhead FOH staff showed up and I helped set up for the Spearhead show. I snuck in a "HOW YAAA DOING!!" on the mic just minutes before the band got onstage.

There were only 200 or so people in the club which made it a real treat. The band started the set with "Stay Human" and by the second or third song SCI's Michael Kang/Billy Nershi/Keith Moseley/new percussionist Jason jumped on stage for a full on hoe down. The band jammed on some SCI material and bassist Carl Young let Moseley take over on bass so he could play saxophone.. which was a real treat. I didn't ever see Xavier at the show... but the stage was just packed with pretty much everyone in SCI & Spearhead.

I was pretty blown away by the entire spontaneous jams. Franti was in fine form, and switched up his set from the night before, and aside from the constant "how ya feelin'" and "make some noise" or "let me see ya jumin'" it was a real fun ride.


At the end of the night the whole band stuck around and chatted with the audience. I got a chance to talk with Carl Young, who has got to be one of the most soulful performers I have ever seen. At BSC Toronto, Carl sang Sly and the Family Stone's "It's a Family Affair" and I was just in awe of his lead and back up vocals, sax playing and bass work. Just by watching the Spearhead show you can see that Franti and Young are driving the ship, the chemistry and mutual respect between those "brothers" is just amaizing. Young, who is probably's Franti's senior by 10 years, acts like the band's musical director and does a great job of keeping the groove be it rock, funk, reggae, hip hop or even electronica bass groove. That man shits soul.

Although I really wanted to be there at the BNB/GTB show, I think that the Babylon show was my personal highlight of the entire two day Canadian BSC tour.

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