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totally off topic, but admins...why is it we can't have the see the word fuck or shit on this board, but we can see a gaping anus face and what looks like the start of a ballsack??

p.s. lazlo, how much did you get paid to do that modeling work?

its your opinion and your definetly entitled to it..


lazlo's avatar is a picture of a convicted pedofile by the name of brian peppers..

so lets play the logic game..

if a gapping asshole that was done by the owner of said asshole is deemed offensive..

then so must an individual who did explict acts to minors must also be censored..

so i say do as you must but i like freedom of expression..

brian peppers

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ok, for those who need it spelled out...

i don't find the gaping anus pic all that offensive, but consider it a double standard that words are censored for the folks at work, and perhaps kids, when pics like that are allowed. i was under the impression that nudity was not allowed as an avatar. but whatever...

and the lazlo comment wasn't about his avatar depicting himself....i'm familiar with the whole brian peppers thing, it's old news. I was asking about his modeling for the gaping anus picture, i'd recognize his stubby fingers anywhere. And that was a nice try at throwing us off with the wedding band.

and that last bit was a joke. if you need purple text, F U. lazlo, you know i heart you baby.

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words are censored for the folks at work, and perhaps kids, when pics like that are allowed. i was under the impression that nudity was not allowed as an avatar.

Hey Alexis, I know it doesn't make sense on the surface, but here's the best explamaition I can give.

My work (and many other people's) has a network that sensors our web viewing. It won't display webpages that contain more than a certain amount of "questionable language". So if a thread has too much swearing I can't even see the page. On this site, it was really frustrating to only be able to open 1 out of 10 threads. I missed all the good ones!

So the sensorship of swearing on the Sanc has nothing to do with it being offensive, but only has to do with allowing as many people with these web restrictions to be able to see the page.

Make sense? The networks can't distinguish between offensive pics or not though so they get through.

BTW - That avatar is absolutely disgusting to me.

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Hey, it's his choice as to how to represent himself. Me, I don't think it shows much class.

so im being ignored.. not a problem to me. i never said i had class.. as for how i chose to represent myself.. im not gonna even try to defend myself anymore..

may be its not matter of how i chose to represent myself as apposed to how you preceive it??

either way..

its an ass.. thats all..

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That avatar is absolutely disgusting to me.

Along with Ms Hux's point, my firewall wont even allow me to see his pic. If he was a cool cat, he would change it himself if that many people think its gross.

may be its not matter of how i chose to represent myself as apposed to how you preceive it??
its an ass.. thats all..

Whatever, ass.

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I actually have the display of avatars turned off in my profile. I found that at home, where I use a dial-up connection, there were some avatars that were retrieved from the web, and that could sometimes absolutely hang the display of topics. I figure that if I want to see a specific user's avatar, I'll just click on that user's profile.



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I just chose to put ge-off on my ignore list (a list of one) so I don't have to witness that avatar anymore.

Great idea MarcO. Done and done! :) I'm not a supporter of censorship in anyway, BUT I think it is the right of the individual to decide if they want to read/watch/participate in the material at risk of being censored. With an image, it is hard to ignore. I had hoped that in time ge-off would have changed his avatar, but sadly, no. I access this board from work. I don't need any of my coworkers seeing that. I am merely exercising my right not to view it. It's disappointing ge-off, as abrasive as you are, I'd still like to read what you have to say.

ask fluffhead..

he is my roomate..

Poor bastard.

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Thanks for changing your avatar. I haven't received complaints, but they were becoming quite visible in the forums so it would definately need to change.

This is obviously off-topic, but I will definately be changing avatars without warning if I see any complaints or any reason whatsoever.

It's a privilege to choose your own avatar from anywhere, and I can easily revoke that privilege if it is being abused.

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