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Good vibes?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry too, Sharon; I think Kaidy Mae's right - think of this as the universe's way of telling you there's something better being lined up. In the meantime, FbtS's advice sounds ok too.

Maybe you shouldn't be doing the job you do now so well. What's that principle that dictates that people get promoted to their place of maximum incompetence (that's how it seems to work in the academic world, certainly)? An old professor of mine here at U of T used to argue that you needed to meet two of three criteria to end up in positions of high administrative responsibility - you had to be lazy, incompetent, and/or drunk all the time. I've been working with that maxim for a while, though, and I'm still waiting for it to pay off ;).

Seriously, though, it's still pretty shitty. You guys should get out tonight and do something completely distracting (there's a great firepit jam tonight in TO if you're in for the drive ;).

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i think i prefer the Dilbert Principle.

The Dilbert Principle refers to a 1990s satirical theory stating that companies should promote their worst employees to managerial positions so as to prevent them from directly affecting the consumer's experience.

sharon, in your situation, this means that you are in fact much too nice of a person and far too good at what you do to be promoted to the snake-pit of incompetent management :)

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