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When people are ignorant/rude do you....


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consider that those people see the world like an Albertan, a barren landscape of cowboys, oil and guns where every man woman and child is on their own.

As a kind and considerate Albertan, I take offense to this inconsiderate generalization. :(

As much as I hate to admit it (being and Albertan and all), I find this statement all too true. Don't take offense to that CM, you live here and surely realize the egocentric crap one has to put up with in this city.

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This might answer your original question, as to how I handle stuff like this:

One of my pet peeves is people that stand and chat in inappropriate places - like right outside the exit of Massey Hall when 2,000 people are trying to leave. At a sold out Cake show I let my frustration get the better of me and pushed through a guy doing just that and said "great place to stand!". Moments later I was informed by a laughing Stoned Phillips that I had just shoved Canadian Idol Ryan Malcom! In retrospect I wish I shoved a little harder.

Nicely done Basher!!!

You sir are my new hero!!!!

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Sunshine...do you mean a Turnstile?


Sunshine, I'm just loving your use of "bud" as a verb--you don't get a lot of that (unless you're an elementary school teacher, "to bud (in line)" is very strongly a part of their vernacular)!



He was budding! He budded in front of me!

I wish I was five again.

Julia, what the hell is the proper term for 'budding' in line?

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ISTR one columnist who told a story about being in line at a grocery store, and the lady in line had a small child who was behaving terribly: shouting, screaming, carrying on, making everybody else's lives miserable.

The columnist asked the woman if she could calm her kid down a bit. She refused: "No, I don't believe in controlling him that way," she said.

The columnist took a container of orange juice from his cart, opened it, and dumped it over the kid's head.

"Neither do I," he said.



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Is it "budding" in line' date=' or "[i']butting" in line? I always used to use the latter, but I think it somehow got corrupted into the former.



oh boy.......now i'm confused. Did I just make a fool of myself for the second time today? :blush:

I don't think so, because I've heard both, but always considered "butting" to be more correct.



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Good ole Kingston boy Ryan Malcom could have kicked Basher's ass. Seriously. Vegans are wimps.

Andre' date='

Have you ever had to pick your teeth up off the ground with broken fingers?

I can't wait to see you next.[/quote']

That actually did happen to booche once after an ex-girlfriend kicked him in the ass then punched him in the mouth :P

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