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I think this is one of the best non-hbo shows out there...the characters may seem shallow after 4 episodes, but as the season progresses you really get to know them (via the flashbacks). There are a lot of characters and it took most of the first season just to introduce them all. Overall I felt a sense of tension and creepiness throughout the season that kept me coming back every week. Now my favorite TV show of all time is Twin Peaks, and even though Lost is not as good, I can certainly see the comparisons. There is a lot more going on on this island than meets the eye. There are many hints and foreshadowing throughout the early episodes (figure them out yourself! :P )

Here is a website that lists all the times Hurleys #'s come up...

4 8 15 16 23 42

Can't wait for season 2!

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Glad to see so many people into LOST!

I haven't been hooked on a show like this since hopping on for season 2 of X-Files back in '93.

The bait-and-switch in the first sequence of the season 2 opener on Wednesday night was fantastic. You're like, Where and when is this happening? What's up with the vinyl and the turntable...

and then... whammo! Big Reveal followed by "Duh!"

My only fear with this show is that they'll be forced to stretch it out way too much, over 5 or 6 seasons, as the ratings keep getting hotter. When they may well have had a full arc, including escape from the island (if it is an island), written up for, say, 3 seasons.

The longer they stretch it out, the more risk that they "jump the shark." And that cast members have to be killed off because the actors are graduating to feature films (à la David Caruso or David Duchovny)...

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