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Arrested Development last night...


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Oh. My. God.

For those that didn't see it, I can't remember exactly how Tobias(David Cross) said it, but he basically said he was an "analysist" and a "therapist" and then flashed to a picture of his business card:

Tobias Funke


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Lindsay: How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.

Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over— an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.

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I think having Super Dave Osbourne as Larry Mittleman is going to induce some major laughter from me. It certainly did last night.

G.O.B.: You’ve got a date?

Michael: Her name’s Rita. She teaches children at a private school and we’re just having lunch.

G.O.B.: Oh, lunch? Well, better bring some dog food. ’Cause all the girls you date are dogs, and... dogs love dog food, right, Pop?

Larry: Shut up, you idiot. I’m trying to watch the game.


G.O.B.: Steve Holt’s not my son.

Michael: Steve Holt? What, the moron jock?

G.O.B.: That’s my son, you pothead.

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roll call: George Michael has become your favorite character on this most wonderful show!

Maeby: That Steve sure knows how to please a lady.

George Michael: Good. I was hoping he would be gifted sexually. I guess it makes sense, you know, older guys expect certain things.

Maeby: They do?

George Michael: What a fun, sexy time for you.


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Show up at my place this afternoon in a maid's uniform.

MarcO: Don't do what Booche told you to do. As intriguing as it may sound, all he's going to do is order you to clean up his place, prepare dinner, and then do the dishes. Kindly refrain from asking me how I know this.



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from The San Francisco Gate 9/30/05

"Arrested Development." The funniest show on television is all but dead. There's no official announcement yet, but all the signs are there, and if this short-lived thing of beauty even manages to deliver half of a season, consider that a sanctioned-by-Rome miracle.

The ratings are abysmal. Fewer than 4 million viewers, which puts it in cable territory. Despite what may have been one of its funniest episodes ever in the first week, nobody watched. This past Monday, even fewer people watched. So much for Emmy power. So much for Charlize Theron as a cameo draw.

Blame? Easy. Fox moved the series from Sunday to Monday, which was: (a) stupid, (B) a planned assassination or © all of the above. The network barely promoted the night switch -- a killer for viewers, especially those trying to sample 30 new series -- and sure enough, "Arrested Development" drew fewer viewers than last season. Worse, once on Monday, the series got almost no push. Now, there's one more episode before Major League Baseball pre-empts the show -- and Fox will air "Prison Break" repeats in that slot for a bit after that and before, ahem, bringing back "Arrested Development."

Yeah, that'll happen. Enjoy next Monday's episode. Chances are, everything after that will be dubbed "the lost episodes" on the next DVD. Here's how things get worse for Fox: "Kitchen Confidential" is also dying on Mondays. That means Fox hasn't been able to launch a decent sitcom in some time, and, no, "The War at Home" on Sundays doesn't count. If you watch that, you deserve it.

But it's true that the audience always decides. Always. And if it doesn't want "Arrested Development" but gloms onto the asinine "War at Home," three things are in play here: (a) Nielsen families have lame taste, (B) we get the television we really deserve and © most damning, the theory of sophisticated urban viewers is out the window. San Francisco was the 27th-ranked market for "Arrested Development." New York, Los Angeles and Chicago all tied for 21st. And Boston was 45th. So much for savvy. Let's move to Portland, Ore., -- it was the No. 1-ranked market for "Arrested Development."

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Arrested Development gave me a half-hour on monday's to laugh hystericly through. It's true that FOX's monday move was done poorly and anyone that heard of the recent hype probably went looking for it on Sunday's.

Then there are those that don't have a clue on how to find out what is on television and when using digital tv guides since TIVO's are automating everything. I want to know how they sample this type of audience.

I'm a firm believer in that they give Neilson boxes to the wrong people.

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I'm a firm believer in that they give Neilson boxes to the wrong people.

how many people here would actually let someone come in & hook up a monitor to see what you're watching in the name of establishing ratings so that they can more effectively separate advertisers from their money?


who is it that is actually volunteering information about their viewing habits? the only way to account for the...ahem...quality of network programming is to assume the worst about the Neilson families....

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Add 1 for me...

But they'd have to take into account the DVD's of old shows I'm watching (like M*A*S*H) and the shows that won't catch on schedule and will just download.

I want the ratings to be established to keep quality on the air and crap (read: rock star, survivor, apprentice, average joe, american idol, the swan, oh just read them here)

Adverts should be there for the reason they were originally brought in, to keep shows on the air. TV shows are now be made to bring in advertisers and make money, which is pretty much what radio and the music industry has become.

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