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Earthquakes Suck... RIP to all the victims...


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Well, my ferocious hangover may have shrouded the meaning of the sentence, but what I mean is that we, as humans are constantly putting unheralded pressure on nature and reaping its benefits without giving anything back. I see these natural disasters growing in not only ferocity but also number, because we have depleted our resources and have completely bastardized nature.

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I don't know about linking earthquakes to human activity (unless the US is now setting off underground nukes to get bin Laden out of his cave), just as you couldn't say Krakatoa erupting in 1883 had anything to do with, say, the industrial revolution. I think the idea of a vengeful nature is appealing, but that might be because we come from a culture that has always presupposed a vengeful God. It's just substituting one abstraction for another. You'd be butting heads with those people saying the "immorality" in New Orleans was responsible for what they've just gone through, or 9/11 being God's response to America tolerating gays and lesbians, using radical Muslims like Cyrus was used to end the Exile.

Now, that doesn't mean that we can't wipe ourselves and everything else away through our own stupidity - like, say, through feeding ruminants to themselves, gassing up the air when we know better, etc.

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I don't know about linking earthquakes to human activity (unless the US is now setting off underground nukes to get bin Laden out of his cave), just as you couldn't say Krakatoa erupting in 1883 had anything to do with, say, the industrial revolution. I think the idea of a vengeful nature is appealing, but that might be because we come from a culture that has always presupposed a vengeful God. It's just substituting one abstraction for another. You'd be butting heads with those people saying the "immorality" in New Orleans was responsible for what they've just gone through, or 9/11 being God's response to America tolerating gays and lesbians, using radical Muslims like Cyrus was used to end the Exile.

Now, that doesn't mean that we can't wipe ourselves and everything else away through our own stupidity - like, say, through feeding ruminants to themselves, gassing up the air when we know better, etc.

i agree that it's a bit of a stretch to link earthquakes with human activity, but you have to enjoy the irony of human activity in the oil age changing the basic makeup of the atmosphere and triggering more and stronger hurricanes that in turn wail on the part of the continent where most of the oil is drilled for and refined...

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True; I've always imagined that pulling all that oil out of the ground alone must be having some sorts of geological effects, let alone fucking up with the carbon sinks with all that entails. I was just having a bit of difficulty with the earthquake thing.

I like the Gaia hypothesis as a metaphor, just as I appreciate monotheism as metaphor.

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I don't know about linking earthquakes to human activity (unless the US is now setting off underground nukes to get bin Laden out of his cave), just as you couldn't say Krakatoa erupting in 1883 had anything to do with, say, the industrial revolution. I think the idea of a vengeful nature is appealing, but that might be because we come from a culture that has always presupposed a vengeful God. It's just substituting one abstraction for another. You'd be butting heads with those people saying the "immorality" in New Orleans was responsible for what they've just gone through, or 9/11 being God's response to America tolerating gays and lesbians, using radical Muslims like Cyrus was used to end the Exile.

Now, that doesn't mean that we can't wipe ourselves and everything else away through our own stupidity - like, say, through feeding ruminants to themselves, gassing up the air when we know better, etc.

you can actually make a viable argument that the increase in number and strength in this year's hurricane season could be a result of melting of the ice cap in the Arctic circle... A theory has been documented that this would result in an increase in cold fresh water in the Atlantic ocean, and that mixed with the increase in ground temperature caused by green house effect cause bigger and more numerous storms. Perhaps??

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30,000 less people to add to the problem.

I really think there's a connection between human society going to shit and the world trying to wipe us out. we're a real bummer for the rest of the world - causeing so much undue drama. it's a lot like a frustrated girlfriend trying to get her boyfriend to go away by being a huge bitch because she can't just come out and dump the guy.

I'm glad all this crap is happening to be honest. death has to happen in order for a miraculous rebirth.

I love how our empire is crumbling before our eyes. it's exciting really. distancing myself from consumerism (no television or car has really changed my life for the better) and pettiness, the latter being more difficult to accomplish.

Now, that being said, I expect an avian flu epidemic to hit vancouver right before I get home to the west end...if I'm lucky and can push out the right vibes, it'll happen when I'm home near ottawa for christmas or visiting StoneMtn sometime in Whistler.

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"Now, that being said, I expect an avian flu epidemic to hit vancouver right before I get home to the west end...if I'm lucky and can push out the right vibes, it'll happen when I'm home near ottawa for christmas or visiting StoneMtn sometime in Whistler. "

as much as i hope i'd narrowly miss a pandemic i'll probably have to deal with dying a horroble death.

I dont' care if you think I'm a dolt, Hamilton - there are far too many people on the planet. You're a fucking idiot for dismissing my realism as stupidity. can you really see human nature doing a complete 180 and actually saving planet earth? i can't. we're too greedy, stubborn, and lack wisdom as a whole. People live their lives in sorrow around the world and it's a key few that try to make up for it. you come at me with your superior attitude and seem to miss the point every time. I'm more than willing to meet my end when it's time. At least i've got an understanding perspective on the future. All i can do is try to be a better person. getting sad about it is really unproductive.

for now I'm here to be called a dolt.

thankyou hamilton. you've really got a lot to add to all of our lives with your important message.

instagator: "i call it thinning the heard. "

that's exactly what it is. If he makes it longer than me then hamilton will finally be correct, proving good ol' gator right.

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death has to happen in order for a miraculous rebirth.

As long as anyone who believes as much is willing to go to the front of the line.

Edit to add: that's why' date=' as tempted as I am to say as much, I try not to.


i really think man is destroying this world, doing a pretty good job so far

years ago did all this happen ? don,t think so man is too smart but this is all coming to an end

god bless all who is going through such a terible time in asia

can you imagine what they all must be going through?

i can only pray for them

rip asia

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30,000 dead thusfar. Happy Thanksgiving.

I know what you're trying to say Shainhouse but you have a really weird way of conveying it....it almost sounds like you're taking the responses personally and so you're throwing this response in their face.

I mean it 100% when I say I'm not trying to offend you here but I'm trying to call it as I see it. To me it sounds like your saying something to the effect that 30,000 people lost their lives so chew on that (hopefully I'm misconstrewing your thoughts)

However, these events are mutually exclusive. As you conveyed, we should certainly pay our respects to the 30,000 people who lost their lives and as you were trying to get across, I hope we as a universe understand that we are excellerating the pace of these events (but these events - hurricanes, earthquakes etc - certainly aren't anything new). But it is ALSO Thanksgiving and we should ALSO take the time to celebrate this wonderful occasion. To give thanks for our existence!

That said, hopefully 30,000 people losing their lives might serve to give us that much more appreciation and that much more thanks for what we do have, for the people and the love that surround us and bring a smile to our faces everyday!

As for theories, although I think you response lacks sympathy Beats, I agree with you. With all due respect to those who lost their lives, I don't think that these events are mistakes. By that I mean, I believe that everything that happens to us (good and bad) as individuals and us as a whole is suppose to happen. And within these events are lessons - whether it be to treat our world better, treat our neighbours better, love more, appreciate more etc...

As for theories on our climate - no doubt we, as a universe, are taking our resoures for granted but that aside, our earth has been evolving for thousands of years......part of the evolution is the earthquakes, hurricanes etc. The arctic is starting to thaw (sp?) but succesion has been around since the glaciers took their course.....lakes have turned into marshes which have turned into bog which have dried up completely from the word go. It continues to happen today.

All we can do everyday as individuals is continue to respect our earth by giving back more than we take...and strive to make those around us more conscience until we strive towards this not only as individuals but together as one mind.

There is so much negative language in many of these responses. I think it's important to incorporate positive language into our everyday lives. Because from positive language comes positive thoughts and from positive thoughts will come positive actions :)

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within these events are lessons - whether it be to treat our world better, treat our neighbours better, love more, appreciate more etc...

While I'm sure nobody who's actually dealing with this tragedy on the ground could ever give a rat's ass about what we do over here - I mean, the first thought that struck me when I set foot in South Asia was that that was where the real action was, and North America had been sitting on the historical sidelines - I have to think that would be a universal truth that any kind hearted person there might be thinking, even for us. Well put.

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The world certainly has gone mad as of late. This is definitely a turbulent time on the history charts. I hope we weather the storm and come out nice on the other side.

Something I heard on tv tonight, to the effect of: water is the most valualble and rarest of resources in the universe, and we have it, and it abounds. What do we do with it? Throw our garbage into it. That's pretty harsh when ya think about it.

I guess this could be the time of geothermal revolution.

I can't imagine the insanity going on in places like New Orleans, Asia, the middle east etc. For so many people, this last bit of history has been suffering through hell.

It's very hard to imagine devestation of that purportion. We are so fortuante to be living where we do.

prais jah

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Upon a little further reading, I shall continue:

What an interesting place in the world for something like this to happen. In the Himalayas between india and pakistan, near Afghanistan. How can so much trouble happen in certain areas, man...

Now the consipiracy therorists are going to have a field day with this. Underground nukes? Some WMD testing by ??? that went a little awry, or maybe exactly as planned. The possibilities are frightening. The most likely was a natural earthquake, in a geologically active area (this has happened there before, back in 1935).

But the fact is we live in the time of science fiction, what is imaginable is virtually possible. I'm thinking evil super villian or super nation kinda stuff. Where's our 007?! We need the big guns! Sean Conery, Roger Moore, Pierce, Mike Meyers, team america, are any of you guys up for the task? The world needs you!

Seriously though, we are very fortunate, and my heart goes out to all those suffering. It is ironic that we are living it up right now for our thanksgiving holiday, while others are suffering so much.

Tis a strange design.

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I'm glad all this crap is happening to be honest.

Would you be so glad if the earthquake had hit whatever town it is that has the misfortune of calling itself your birthplace? Would you look at it in such "practical" terms if you knew a large number of the victims? "Oh no, no use crying about it, my relatives' lifestyles would only be causing harm to the Earth anyway, better off without the lot of them..."

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I definitely didn't mean to convey that 'personal' message Babsy and I can totally see how it can be contrued as that. I just meant it in as true a way as possible. We should give thanks and be happy for what we have, simple as that. It came off way more morose than intended.

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so i don't have any sympathy on an internet forum for a natural disaster.

Essentially what I've been saying is that tragedy needs to occur in today's 'global village' for people to snap out of their trance and actually help people.

people aren't trying to help so many causes at home.

I feel crummy for all the suffering people, but people suffer every day. what's so different about this new suffering?

i doubt it'd take a lot of effort to rebuild wingham ontario, hamilton. not too many people would miss it. I have to look at death in practical terms. I've gone through enough of it to know how to deal with losses and am glad to not feel repressed by it.

some new disaster will always come up in a few months. some new tragedy will grab our attention and distract us from making home a better place with better people. if some of you choose to not invite me to your homes because of my cold response to a desperate tragedy that's your perrogative.

it's evident that serious change is needed in the world. I can't wait for an election. I've gotta think community over tragedy.

My heart goes out to those touched by every tragedy.

i've got a lot to be thankful about. especially life moving on.

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I'd hope nobody's underestimating anybody else's capacity for compassion. Sometimes, though, abstractions in the mind can and do overtake the empathy of the heart, which I know about best because I have to watch it in myself.

Stalin's classic line was that "[a] single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." And, of course, he was a complete murderous lunatic.

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