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New Reflexology Location in Ottawa!!


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Just wanted to let the Ottawa folks know that I have a new location where I'm doing Reflexology!!

The Meridians Clinic - 536a Dovercourt

$40.00 per session (each session is 45 to an hour)

(GREAT rate as most reflexologist in the city charge $60.00 an hour)

If you know of any friends or family interested please pass on the info. :)

Lisa King

Certified Reflexologist


Evenings & Weekends

(Westboro Area)

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I can't wait to get a foot-o-sage from SoNiceSunshine!

I've had strange sleeps this week...I usually sleep like a log (so lucky!) but this week I've been waking up throughout the night...so often that I'm only getting about 20 mins of sleep at a time. And sometimes I'm awake for a couple hours at a time. Strangely though, I feel quite rested. I've had a cold all week, and I usually take a couple days off work when I'm sick, but I only took 1 afternoon off because I just couldn't stand being idle.

Anyone want my cold germs? Your nose will be stuffy and you'll sleep like hell, but you'll feel fantastic otherwise! ;)

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