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"post rock" fans?


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yeah man, you know i'm down with all this.

tortoise has long been one of my favourites, in the last two years i've gotten into Do Make Say Think... Godspeed never did it for me... Isotope 217 are great... Explosions in the Sky, just started listening to them on your advice and I really dig em. The Eternals - if anyone has their stuff I'd love to hear them again. Only heard them once (opening for Tortoise back in the day, can't find their stuff online). Lots more bands in this vein that I love, just can't come up with names at the moment.

Tortoise is definitely the favourite for me. Doesn't get much better than them.

I'm curious to see what your answer is to Jaimoe's question... I'm a big At The Drive In / Sparta / Mars Volta fan and think that at least Mars Volta fits in sometimes to this 'category.'


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Oh Djed - here's a band you have to check out. Mono.

They are from Japan and are awesome.

that is all. for now.

oh, and early Kepler albums, local Ottawa band. Drummer Gara has since moved on to another little upstart called the Arcade Fire.


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I'm not sure what " post rock " is supposed to define. It sounds as dumb as the term " math-rock ". But Mogwai are interesting and heavy as hell. Would At The Drive In be in this category? How about The Refused?

I don't see why folks always have to instantly jump and say how stupid and useless musical labels are. The term 'post rock' for me brings to mind a certain type of music. More in particular, a certain type of 'rock.' I would say the label does its job.

[color:purple]Let's just call all music 'organized sound waves' as to not limit a band's path of creativity.

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The term post-rock was coined by Simon Reynolds in issue 123 of The Wire (May 1994) to describe a sort of music "using rock instrumentation for non-rock purposes, using guitars as facilitators of timbres and textures rather than riffs and power chords."

i would say that there are definately elements of PR in all the drive-in bands. far more so in the Mars Volta, but i wouldn't call any of them post rock. maybe if they kick Cedric out of the band, hahaha.

they better not. :D

constellation is a cool record label from what i've heard. do make, godspeed, fly pan am, silver mt zion

AD i'm searching for Mono and Isotope 217. i actually was looking for 217 a few weeks ago because someone told to check em, but i forgot about it. thanks for the re-mind.

what GYBE have you heard? i'm not huge on them but theres a fair amount of stuff i dig on. F#A#oo was always my fave. or Skinny Fists...

what did you think of Valley of the Giants?

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ah yes, a silver mt. zion, forgot them.

as for godspeed, i've heard yanqui, skinny fists, and slow riot along with seeing them once and i just didn't like it too much. not sure what it is about them, but yeah.

don't know valley of the giants at all... i will check them out soon, thanks


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Isotope is great, so are:

-Chicago Underground Duo or Trio

-Bell Orchestre

-Burn Rome in a Dream (Toronto band, and really good)

-People for Audio

Canada has a really good presence in this scene and you should really ceck out some of the bands that are playing the genre here.

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Blane turned me on to Isotope back in the day... And I totally missed the Underground Duo show at the Mercury Lounge way back when too. Dat sucks.

I'd definitely agree with the Bell Orchestre pick too. They're getting a lot of hype these days due to some connections, but they are actually very good too.

Will definitely check out those other two picks, Blane has never let me down on picks. Well, once.


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wrote like a valley girl
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Mogwai and Explosions in The Sky are both great, as is Mono.

I really love the band Pelican too, who are also similar to these bands, but at times heavier.

Kepler isn't really all that similar to the above bands, but they are fantastic. They are playing in Brantford this weekend with the Hamilton drone-pop band A Northern Chorus (similar to Slowdive/Mojave 3/Low/Sigur Ros in sound with great songs) at the Ford Plant.

Another band that is worth checking out, especially live, is Below The Sea from Quebec. I just saw them play in Hamilton last week and they were mindblowingly good. Similar to gy!be I suppose...

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Kepler has really evolved since their early stuff. I can hear a lot of Tortoise-y stuff in 'This Heart is Painted On.'

But maybe it's just wishful thinking too..... Heard good things before about Pelican but never got around to checking them out. Perhaps now I shall...



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I have limited experience with Mogwai and tortoise, but everything I've heard I found very interesting.

I actually got turned on to Tortoise when Mike Flipowitsch said that my band What the Thunder Said reminded him of Tortoise in a way.

I gave it a listen and could see where he was coming from. So I guess the Thunder has a post-rock thing going for them.

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