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New "Pot and Driving" Campaign


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A question for pot smokers:

Is it ever possible for you to become too impaired to drive by smoking pot? I can accept that certain people are able to smoke a small amount of pot and not become driving impaired. But my sense is that everybody, even experienced pot smokers, can in certain situations smoke so much pot that that they would become too impaired to drive. Or am I wrong? Can some people really smoke huge amounts of the best bud and not become impaired in a way that negatively affects their driving?

If we can accept that it is in theory possible for any person to become driving impaired by smoking pot, then my concern about people trying to self-regulate their pot-smoking and driving is that impaired people don't readily admit that they are impaired. A person that is impaired sometimes cannot make a good decision about whether or not they are impaired.

I hope that everybody in theory agrees with the statement "If your ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by alcohol, or a drug, or a cell phone, or food, or by reading a newspaper, then you shouldn't drive." Disagreeing with that statement seems foolish to me. The difficult issue is determining whether or not somebody is impaired. And there are no easy answers for that one ...

Peace, Mark

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Public apology for linking ST's license suspension with this thread. They are unrelated topics.

However I will not apologize for vehemently disagreeing with his opinion.

I accept your apology Low Roller, and further accept your disagreement. Sometimes its just better to agree to disagree.

Steve - I apologize for losing my cool earlier. I will try to keep my contribution to a higher standard.

MarcO, i accept your apology as well, and especially apologize for lashing back. Sorry man.

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Definately. There have been times I've been to high to drive. When that happens I wait. Bubble hash, scissor...

...certainly not the most responsible driver though...I have had my keys revoked in the past...but I'm doing WAY better with that game...oops I realize these days admitting to such things is up there with child molestation in some folks eyes so I'm not going any further with that.

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Wow, this has been the one to watch all day, hasn't it? It's funny because first I saw a TV ad with a pack of rolling papers telling a guy not to drive. Then I saw the pilots ad. And then this thread. It has really forced me to think about the issue.

There have been times when I should not have smoked and drove. I can think of more than one roadtrip to T.O. for a show where I was merging onto the 427 with a sense of dread because sober it feels like bad video game. Stoned, fagetaboutit.

I will come forward and bravely admit that I'm one of the "better only have two beers tonight because I drove" crowd. I'm also a smoke and drive guy. But only after it's been awhile. I think you can be too high to drive. But I also think that as the years roll on (pun intended) I do not smoke as much or as hard everytime I do. And if I'm kickin in up a notch, then I'm not driving.

I think however that the campaign is already a success if it forces one to comfort this issue, one way or the other.

It is also a GREAT sign that this beloved herb is finally socially acceptable enough to admit you've done it that evening.

Kudos as well to Roller, Tube and MarcO for keepin in check and apologizing for overstepping.

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I have been driving for 15 years. I have driven all over North America up and down and across in ALL kinds of weather conditions. I drove as a courior for a year every day all day. I have never had an accident or near accident caused by myself. I drive on weed all the time. I'm an excellent driver. I'm certain I drive better stoned or sober than most drivers out there.

howler if i was you, after this spiel, i'd be having myself one big knock on wood.. asap.

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I can't remember the last time I did anything where I wasn't high. Operate a vehicle, work, visit the grandparents or otherwise. I am an angry, violent, intolerant person by nature and pot saves the world from me. I haven't cared about anything for 15 years and I feel better for it.

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If you can honestly - and, I mean in the depths of your soul honestly - say that after you burn one you're not impaired...

You need better weed.

i have driven stoned, and i'm not proud of it, but people should be in tune enough with themselves to know whether or not they oughta hand the keys over.

i have on many occasions not driven afterward, as the whole point of smoking a joint is to get impaired :)

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You performed a pretty magnificent drive on that trip back from Hamilton in 2004, howler. (For those who weren't in the car: Note that the previous sentence was not written in purple, and so is the honest truth, and not sarcasm. It really was a run: four tired people, sun going down, blizzard, broken windshield wiper, duct tape...)



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If you can honestly - and, I mean in the depths of your soul honestly - say that after you burn one you're not impaired...

You need better weed.

I have a really hard time believing that anybody's experiences with the weedo are THAT much different from mine that they can HONESTLY claim otherwise.

Right here dink. And I smoke the best money or a fair trade can buy.

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I don't see pot generally as a way to "get impaired". I appraoch the herb as a sacrament. Like most of us in a party situation I go to excesses... and like most of us at those times I don't drive, however...

I smoke and drive ALL the time. I'm an all the time smoker so the effects of a puff don't cause me to experience a drastically unusual state. The only times that ganja has kept me from driving are when physical effects of too much consumption (coughing, high heart rate, impaired vision due to watering eyes) have made me think otherwise. I have also smoked while driving and would guess that it's a lot like smoking a cigarette... for me.

For a novice or irregular smoker the effects of marijuana can be percieved as more extreme because their state is drastically different from their regular reality. I think instead of scaring people about this we should teach them to be honest with themselves and recognise when they are incapable. If you feel it would be dangerous it usually will.

I guess the thing is that social ideas connect. Like youth and pot, youth and crime, crime and danger, and pot and crime. Therefore social inference takes us to the assumption that pot is dangerous as well if it is criminal, just as youth is figuratively "dangerous" (see Rebel Without A Cause and our fearfully regimented public school system). So someone trying to be a little dangerous and edgy won't admit that they are out of control even when they clearly are, they would be relinquishing their power, their intimidation factor.

So the real question is,

do I scare you?

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After the last time we visited, I'm glad we walked!!!!!

Your youth/danger/pot thing reminded me of a faulty logic exercise I use with my students

Love is Blind

God is Love

Stevie Wonder is blind


Stevie Wonder is God

And yes, you scare me but in all the right ways. The question is, will I drive home from your place next time we hang? (guess it depends on the blonde ;) )

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