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Any Disco Biscuits Fans Here?


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A friend of mine, possibly THE biggest Disco Biscuits fan in North America, tried to inculcate in me a similar love of the band by repeatedly sending me show upon show.

I gave it a shot--and while I have enjoyed them in concert on more than once occasion, I really can't see myself listening to these shows again and it seems a shame to chuck 'em out if there's a skank who might enjoy them.

I won't be waiting by my PMs, but feel free to contact me if you're interested! :)

This offer expires 12/4/05.

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The Disco Biscuits represent I think the only band I've ever bought a ticket for and chose to leave midway through. Laurie and I shall never forget the relief we felt as we left Lee's Palace that night. Life is too short to torture yourself with that nonsense.

Hey do ya wanna hear my opinion about the Disco Biscuits? lol!

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The Disco Biscuits represent I think the only band I've ever bought a ticket for and chose to leave midway through.

For me, that was INXS around 1988. I went to see Ziggy Marley open up, but stayed for the headliner. The music was quite boring, but I thought I'd give it a chance.

I left when the late-lead-singer-guy left the stage; and returned without pants on.

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Like I said, the times I've seen them I've thoroughly enjoyed them--I'm not a fan of the singing, which is why I don't like listening to the shows, but at an outdoor festival, it's not nearly as distracting.

Camp Bisco '02 was an insanely fun time--sketchiest festival I've ever been to, but that only added to the adventure! :)

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As a possible contender for North America's biggest Biscuits fan, I am speechless. I'm not even going to bother responding to this, because the debate is endless and in the end, it's "to each, their own." I've heard the singing complaint a ton of times. I've heard the complaints of the fans being too excited to "push" the music on people.

But have you really been listening?

Did you really look?

Did they really make all that madness cohesive?

These may be questions we should ask ourselves and if they are soundboard then I may take them. Unless of course they have Biscuits hating cooties :o

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Dude, I don't hate them! No cooties!

In fact, I'd gladly go seem them again--fun, fun, dance, dance, fun!

I just don't enjoy the shows on disc--and that is an "each their own" thing. The singing bugs me on these shows. *shrug*

I did not mean to imply cooties in any way.

Please don't be offended--especially on your birthday!

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The singing bugs me on these shows. *shrug*

ummmmm, are you sure that isn't JB and Panic you are listening to? ;)



I love JB and Panic--that singing appeals to me--the from-the-gut-and-groin-yet-entirely-in-tune-stuff-goddamn that's my soul-singing.

In fact, I equate JB with the best singers I enjoy: Brent Mydland & Warren Haynes.

So, those are the singers I love...and you go ahead and love yours. :)

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Honestly, I've never known why people are down on these guys. I've always enjoyed them when I've seen them, and I enjoy their shows on disc (although admittedly I don't listen to them that often). BTW, I am not speaking here to Stoned Phillips who has said several times she enjoys Bisco live.

I'll even add to the controversy ... I like SCI too; yep, both bands simultaneously. [color:purple](And they said it couldn't be done.)

It seems like the big criticism that people have is that the Bisco singing is sub-par. Frankly, I always thought the same thing of Trey, even back in Phish's heyday. Great vocals just wasn't what I was looking for when I listened to Phish. I never thought Jerry's voice was great either; but that didn't stop me from loving The Dead.

I'm curious. Do any of the people here who criticize the Bisco vocals think that Trey has a good/great voice? How 'bout Jerry?

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I think singing is something that, for certain people, makes or breaks a band. And all of the mentioned artist, maybe minus the Biscuits, are relatively talented vocalists, just maybe not what tickles the voice-ometer in your brain. I like the way the Biscuits sing, but I can understand if you don't.

So, like who you like, don't like who you don't like, tell people who you don't like, and tell people who you like, but in the end at least you like someone and isn't that what counts?

Except the String Cheese Incident.

There are little to no excuses for liking SCI and they are all lost on me anyway in light of the conspiracy I have against their rise to fame in Phish's wake. :o

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