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confirmed: the slip, montreal, March 2nd


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I think The Slip fit into the jamband mould,

mostly becase they cannot fit into one genre, that is in my opinion what a jamband is, they are straddle a couple of genres...

The Slip cover folk, funk, jazz, latin, indie-rock, jazz-rock-fusion, old-tyme music, avante-garde and more... that and they're ever changing set list and penchant for improvisation these guys are , but not limited to being called 'jamband'

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my problem is that i came back to work after the weekend off to a barrage of day-off and vacation requests... first come first serve, and i gotta play by the rules i set... a few of them fall into the category of "fucking over my slip plans!"

}:|:o :laugh: ;) :cool: :thumbup: !!!

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Hmmm. Almost perfect, yet lousy timing for me too. I'm going to be in Ottawa March 1 - 5, but I don't think I can swing Thursday night in Mtl.

ever changing set list and penchant for improvisation

Not in 2005, let's hope for 2006.

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the slip added the Even Rats from the upcoming studio album onto their myspace - previously, they just had the version from the Sirius radio set in late '04... check it out, i hear it's been causing quite a buzz since it's release as part of the Guitar Hero video game.

i dont have speakers here at work, but im looking forward to hearing how it sounds.

maybe low roller can give a listen and tell me how much it sucks first, though? :)

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