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Constructive Criticism


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I've heard Trey say the same thing (I think it was in a column he wrote on jamming), about how he'd look for one person in the audience who looked like he/she was enjoying himself/herself, and then he'd play to that person, or at least focus on that person's reactions as he played.



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The whole question of artistic integrity is an interesting one, especially if the artist hopes to make a living from their work. The need to generate income has often placed the artist in a vulnerable position in terms of what they could do artistically, but I think the balance of power is gradually shifting. Call it the Wilco factor.

Recently I read where a major label (Universal) said it's OK for their artist (Hawksley Workman) to deliver a clearly non-commercial effort ("Treeful of Starling"). What the record exec said was: "The bottom line for us as a label is we're here to promote the artistic endeavours of our artists period..." That's pretty revolutionary talk in an industry where historically the bottom line has more to do with dollars than art...the times they are a-changing.

In 2002 when Wilco delivered their album ("Yankee Hotel Foxtrot") to their label (Reprise) the reaction was quite different. The band was told it was unmarketable and would have to be redone. Tweedy, of course, said "Screw you" and the rest is history.

With the proliferation of credible indie labels, the power of the internet and the rise of satellite radio, artists are regaining a greater freedom than they've had in a while and that's a good thing. If Universal don't like what Hawksley's doing , he'll simply take it elsewhere....right on.

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that was what i hated most about college.

sure you can be creative... so long as it's creative in our way.

hah me too. well in english and history courses.

the 'you must think this way' almost put me over the edge a few times.

you should see some of the papers i wrote. damn was i proud. my professors probably thought i was on crack, putting it mildly. one paper in particular about france's involvement in WWII was the icing on the cake for my creativity. i concocted this twenty page paper that insinuated France actually fought for the 'axis of evil' and was never an ally to begin with. the funny thing about it all was that i actually had somewhat of a convincing argument. i think i got a b on the paper, but ever since that my professor looked at me with new light. what kind of light that was, i don't know.

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With the proliferation of credible indie labels, the power of the internet and the rise of satellite radio, artists are regaining a greater freedom than they've had in a while and that's a good thing. If Universal don't like what Hawksley's doing , he'll simply take it elsewhere....right on.

right on, right on.

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1. Have a Heart - Write Better Songs.

2. Longer and More Complicated Does Not Equal Better - Don’t Overplay.

I think the above observations both relate to singing too. There just aren't too many good singers out there in the jamband scene.

I agree, but speaking as a singer, part of the problem is that if you are exclusively a vocalist (as I am) there isn't much for you to do during lengthy instrumental passages, thus the jamband scene can be a bit intimidating to try to get involved in musically.

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This is a silly thread.

If every musician in the world ignored advice from audiences and just did whatever the hell they wanted to do music would be at a better place than it is now.

who said they had to listen to a word of any of this?

people say they want more than "this sucks brah" so there ya go.

so what is it Todd? No criticism at all, be it shallow or "contructive"? Because no one ever said anyone had to accept the criticism. It's as much for discussion purposes as anything else among the rest of us, you know, the people that go to some of these shows.

Scratch the surface and I think you'll find quite a bit of unspoken frustration out there that isn't easily expressed nor appreciated around some parts.

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I liked your thoughts MarcO and intend to keep some of it in mind when constructing tunes.

I think a lot of bands are so deep in their bubble that they don't realize that they aren't projecting what they think they are sometimes.

I'd say that bands should record themselves and listen back to it. Sometimes when you think you're rockin you're wanking and sometimes you'll be pleasently surprised at how active and engaging some of your jams are.

Thanks for filling the void and providing constructive criticism....hopefully this thread will live for a while.

Great response to a lot of mayhem around the mouthy threads in recent history.

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I'd say that bands should record themselves and listen back to it. Sometimes when you think you're rockin you're wanking and sometimes you'll be pleasently surprised at how active and engaging some of your jams are.

Very very true. I got to see the first HM video we've had of us taken over the holidays, and it was an eye-opener for sure. Not only did I see how we do interact on stage, I'm now pretty much convinced that my whole stage presence would be radically enhanced with a great big mullet.

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I would have to say that some bands shouldn't worry about what the average joe 6 pack thinks about their music but that others, well... should

it's a matter of being at a certain level of proficiency (and you generally know your own level, if only on a visceral level)- if you feel you're good enough and churning out good shit then it's up to the rock gods to determine where you go from there

on the other hand if you're noodling so much that you need a colander to find your way off the stage- only to find an empty room, refer to MarcO's original post

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on the other hand if you're noodling so much that you need a colander to find your way off the stage- only to find an empty room, refer to MarcO's original post

hahaha good stuff! Laughed out loud til i realized I didn't know what a colander was haha

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