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Kevin Breit this Saturday


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I know somebody already posted it but in case it flew under some radars out there:

The Geggie Concert series – Jazz Improvised

Community Programming

January 28, 2006

Cuong Vu, trumpet (Cuong has recorded and toured with Pat Metheny and Myra Melford), Kevin Breit, guitars (Kevin has recorded and toured with Cassandra Wilson and the Sisters Euclid) - John invites two of the most open-minded and melodic players of improvised music to the Fourth Stage.

John Geggie, double bassist

Cuong Vu, trumpet

Kevin Breit, guitars

House Fourth Stage

Seating Plan Non-Reserved Seating

Ticket Information $20

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I hear that Gentlemonkey lucked out and got 2 tickets that were returned. SOLD OUT! Wow!

I hear that the trio will take stabs at songs from each other as well, so hopefully we'll get an interpretation of something Sisterish or Folk Alarmish. It's also considered a RISKY show. Like that Grateful Dead release....Live without a net!

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COP the first of several Kevin Breit songs they played was Sisters. It was wonderful. I thought going into this that Kevin would be just an accompanyment but they each had their moments to shine and of course we all know when Kevin has a moment, it's MAGIC.

No kidding I had to cross my legs, my arms and my ankles to keep from dancing during that last tune.

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Nice to hear you were "Sharon in the groove" for this one last night...I wouldn't have expected any less...

Yep, the tune "Sisters" is gorgeous...did he mention the weird tuning and how it came to be written?...and did he throw in a few of his humorous anecdotes?...I'm hoping that maybe bradm recorded this or someone did...

Counting down the days & sleeps until March 31 :)

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Sorry, but I wasn't there. The previous couple of weekends (not to mention the week itself) were pretty tiring for me, and I have a cold, so I decided to take a pass on last night.



And you call yourself a "Taper"...for shame bradm ;)

But seriously, the amount of time and hours of music that you've made available to everyone is incredible and I still don't know where you find the minutes in the day to do all of this...

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I know it's ridiculously early but... SHOW OF THE YEAR!!

On our way to the car, I told Lynn that it is going to be damn near impossible to beat that show in 2006. I may as well not see any more music.

cuongvu, I love you. That kid seriously blows.

It's Mostly Residual (Cuong Vu original) and Terra Nova Tango (John Geggie original) were my favorites of the night, not taking away from the mastery of everything else.

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hahah.... march 31st is already legendary!

It's true that last night was a rare treat. I recognized a kid who's only 16 and a Breit fan that was at the Kevin Breit workshop last June and I got to thinking that this kid was at 2 of the greatest, intimate musical moments that I was at in the same year. Lucky us.

I also was amazed at the fact that Kevin Breit was IN FRIKKING OTTAWA in front of us! I mean, this is some serious mojo! Last night's musical experiment seemed to do wonders for Kevin's smile. He was glowing the entire night...along with the crowd.

Oh yeah...when did Kevin get a new Boomerang?

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Yes, this was an awesome night of music. I was definitley expecting things to be a touch on the sleepier side, but as it turned out, it wasnt' sleepy at all.

They took turns playing each others compositions. and had a couple improv pieces.

Cuong Vu, on his effect-ed trumpet, created some really vibey soundscapes.. and took some magical solos. Breit was definitley not uncomfortable on stage, demonstrating his ridiculous versatility, and getting the crowd giggling with his banter and personality, and ooo-ing at his hot licks. I love how he commands attention by just being himself.

Geggie definitley held it all together and let his guests shine. He opened with a really neat solo peice as well..

anyway - glad to have gotten in the door. it was definitley sold out.

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