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Casbah issues


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I'm sick of this BS. I have lost count of the number of times I have shown up there and the place is either closed without warning, or the show has changed, or the price has been higher than advertised. And now shows are getting cancelled without any notice going out anywhere. They need to get new management, get a website, and get a clue. As far as the liquor license goes, They deserve to lose it in exchange for serving us "pints" that are barely bigger than a bottle. When they re-open they'd better have a whole new stock of real pint glasses or I'm never going to a show there again. If they re-open you can give it a try for yourself. Order a bottle and pour it into one of the glasses. Then try to figure out where the extra $1.50 goes when you buy a "pint".

Whitey, I know you are on this board and I'm sorry man but everything I have said is true, and I can't be the only patron that is sick of being played for a chump.

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whoa there fella

i can understand that you're upset and feel the need for expression,a nd you have a right to that expression. however, to preserve any reputation you may care for, you might want know the facts before you start ranting. shows get cancelled and adjusted all the time. if you want to complain about the liquor license, well, blame the government dude.

as far as i'm concerned, the casbah plays a nice big fat role among other bars and venues in this town in contributing to what we have here. and you can't rag on someone for that. you can't rag on someone for tryign to improve their business and as an extension your experience. things don't always go smoothly, but shared growing pains are part of the experience called life.

i don't personally drink beer, so i don't know the whole pint dealy-o, but really, i wish y'all would drink from bottles cause i'm sick of stinkin like beer from you schwilly spilly folk and your pint glasses. and maybe paying attention would be good. if you're in a bar and see a mini-me pint glass pulled out, opt for a bottle.

i for one will say thank you to the staff at the casbah for everything they do and wish them good luck in their new endeavours and will be there to support a great venue with great shows run by great folk. things will get better. i personally have never had a bad experience at the casbah, even when i'm draggin my drunk pals home who've ralphed in the bar....(names shall remain nameless). the staff is always super nice...although the chick behind the bar could hurry it up a bit sometimes.

but hey whitey...i've seen you pretty quiet on these issues you've had the last week. it WOULD be nice to hear from you on updates regarding more than show postings.

...and now, back to my 3L jug of wine!

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Alexis: I admit that we cannot hold current management accountable for past problems with cancellations because the management there has changed hands quite a few times. However I think it is fair to expect that some sort of official announcement should be made SOMEWHERE when things like this happen. Here is a community where a large number of Casbah patrons spend time, and since the bar does not have its own website (which is inexcusable in my opinion), I think it is only fair to expect that some word from management be posted here (or SOMEWHERE). Instead the band has to come here and apopogise.

I agree that the Casbah brings some great acts to Hamilton, and I appreciate that. But great acts are one thing and a well managed venue is another.

I have no complaints about the staff at the Casbah. They are always friendly and I've never really noticed any problems with speed of service.

Regarding the pint stuff, I'll clarify it a bit. A pint is supposed to be 500ml (well... it is SUPPOSED to be more but that's another discussion... it's usually 500ml). A bottle is 341ml. If I remember correctly, a domestic bottle at Casbah is $4.25 and a pint is $5.50. Their pint glasses are more like 400ml. So if you have a very fun night and put down 5 pints, you've essentially been ripped off for one because you've been served 500ml less than you should have been.

I take it you drink wine. How about a 20% surcharge on each glass that you buy? That's fair, right? I will be first in line to defend any bar for bringing quality acts into town, however I can not excuse any bar for shortchanging the customer.

If you can come up with a valid excuse for serving smaller glasses than are implied by the term "pint" that doesn't involve 'wanting to squeeze more money out of the customer without them realizing it', please let me know.

The saddest part of it all is that the regular customers get it the worst. The most faithful patrons are getting the royal screw.


I also hope cuff the duke goes on as scheduled as they are quite good. I have heard they have had a lineup change though... hopefully it works out for them (and us).


I agree, and I'm actually against boycotting in general. Really what I have been doing lately is simply boycotting their pints, and to be honest, I am still going to go see the acts that I like. But I will be going for the band and not for the bar. The Casbah has a sweet setup, and I'd be inclined to go there for a drink once in a while when there is NO band playing, however I can't get that bad taste of being ripped off out of my mouth.

All I am saying here is: Keep the customers informed and don't rip them off. Is that too much to ask?

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yeah so i'm a chick and i don't drink beer, so i MUST drink wine right? WRONG! i actually drink scotch or chicky malibu...and mixed drinks are the same at any bar, overpriced, usually watered down a bit and tastey!

i guess my point was...constructive criticism is usually better (and gets more attention and respect) than a "let's boycott this bar". your comments might get more consideration if the management knew you were coming back. if they know that you're not cause of your boycott they might say "oh well f him he ain't comin back"

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i boycott
Cuff The Duke

and im not missin' out on anything there.


haha :grin:

I also hope cuff the duke goes on as scheduled as they are quite good. I have heard they have had a lineup change though... hopefully it works out for them (and us)

Jeff Peers has left the band, and they have a guest keyboardist now too apparently.

January 11, 2006 - The last few months have been filled with ups and downs but we want to assure you that we are pressing forward and excited about the future. Ups- We are proud to announce that our old friend Dale Murray will be joining us on guitar and pedal steel. Downs- On our last tour Matt endured a lot of discomfort in his left wrist while we played each night. Never one to complain he continued to play regardless. Upon our arrival home he went to see a specialist and was shocked to discover that an old injury, that had been incorrectly diagnosed as a sprain, was in fact a break, which in turn had never healed properly. As a result he now requires surgery and the recovery time is still in question. Ups- We are proud to announce our newest one-handed percussionist/keyboard player- Matt Faris. :) Ups- Our good pal Patrick Conan will be sitting in behind the kit for Matt until he recovers. We're really excited about the possibilities these changes will bring and look forward to seeing you all soon...Cuff the Duke

I don't have much of a desire to see the new Dukes. I'm kind of losing interest in that band.

here is a link to their new video Poor John Henry

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pfffftt... cowboy, some of us losers are just jumping on board now so don't ruin it for me! Their latest album has really helped me through some rough times and made me feel like fucking gold. I think that album is brilliant and I know I can expect great things from them in the future.

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Like c-town said, I assumed you drank wine because you said so in your post. Regardless of what you drink, the argument is the same. I guess you don't mind paying for a mixed drink when the liquor bottle used was filled with 20% water. That's fine for you, but if I am going to be paying "bar prices" for a drink, I want to at least be getting the drink that I paid for.

Perhaps the Casbah won't care about appeasing me if I'm never going to come back, however they should care about appeasing the rest of their patrons, some of which probably DO care if they are getting short changed on a pint of beer.

I already admitted that my "boycott" call was a bit of an exaggeration, but the title of this thread got your attention, didn't it :-)

As I said before, all I am asking is that we all be treated fairly as customers.

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I gave up on The Casbah some time ago. Between the ridiculous bar prices, snooty bar staff, the terrible terrible sound and just sheer lameness of the place, it just ruins the experience of going to see the good bands that are booked there. I have skipped on a number of good acts there and will continue to do so. It's just not a good venue for live music and life is too short to continue to be frustrated, so fuck it.

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I noticed those small pint glasses there too! It's those ones that are wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The glass is super thick too.

That is BS and grounds for a boycott as far as I'm concerned.

It's simple, just don't rip people off and you won't have any issues with angry, dissatisfied patrons.

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