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The Simpsons come to life



MAKERS of the hit cartoon The Simpsons have a filmed the show's opening titles using real actors.

In the hit viral going around the world we get to see what Bart, Homer, Marg, Lisa and Maggie would look like if they were humans.

The clip re-enacts the title sequence to a tee beginning with the camera zooming into a schoolroom to see a blonde Bart scribbling lines on the blackboard.

Simpson’s maker Matt Groening has approved the human version of the show’s opening credits to promote the brand new series.

Sky One will broadcast the promo as its viewers gear up for the The Simpson's 17th season which begins on March 20.

An insider said: "We're really excited about it.

"We used regular actors, not so much for their resemblance - as you can't copy a bunch of yellow characters - but becuase you can easily identify with them."

A balding actor plays Homer as he leaves work dropping some nuclear waste out of the window on the way home.

While a baby girl copies the scene where Lisa appears to be driving Marg’s car.

The opening montage ends with the whole family squeezed on the settee ready to watch the cartoon version of the show.

Story from UK Sun Online here.

(It strikes me as funny that it required two reporters to research and write this story.)

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Simpson’s maker Matt Groening has approved the human version of the show’s opening credits to promote the brand new series.

Do you think they meant to say new SEASON? Cuz it doesnt really say they are going to make a live series anywhere....

Edited by Guest
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This is one of the silliest comments I've seen, from another board:
Lisa's hair was too long and she's playing a tenor sax, not a baritone!


Geez, possibly a sax player trying to show off some knowledge?

Its funny this person thinks that everything should make sense. In the cartoon Bart is 4 ft...lisa is shorter, but even still, if she was a 4 ft tall 8 year old she would be barely bigger then a baritone sax.

They left out the part just before the driveway scene, where in the cartoon, the camera QUICKLY pans over some sort of landscape where almost every character is standing.

Also, How is that the 17th season has been going strong here since september and only starts in the UK in march?

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Its funny this person thinks that everything should make sense. In the cartoon Bart is 4 ft...lisa is shorter, but even still, if she was a 4 ft tall 8 year old she would be barely bigger then a baritone sax.

In the cartoon they also have less fingers.

I thought that little intro was wicked. Unless you're incredibly picky it was pretty much perfect (I mean it's pretty hard to go from cartoon to real life, a lot more restrictions).

I would hate it if they came out with a live version though. Then again, one episode would probably be pretty funny (homer did hit real life at the end of an episode a long time ago, one of the halloween ones I think and I also remember the family making an appearance at an award show).

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