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Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon in Ottawa this Friday!!!!


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Howler, light a small bonfire under Betty-Boop's arse!!! Guess I'm gonna have to give Chuck & Marge a call...I will be pacing myself this time around as I'd like to take some memories home with me this time 'round...not like NYE :P

Brad, I'm gonna drag my gear with me but most of my attention will be focussed on groovin' and suds!!! I'm doing the master of the Folk Alarm Hugh's Room show at this very moment and there'll be a Carlos & Folk tune up shortly to give you a head's up of the show that will be in my bag of goodies for you...

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...4...more...sleeps......4...more...sleeps......4...more...sleeps......4...more...sleeps......4...more...sleeps... :o

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Any other outa towners making the trek for this? :)

BoogieKnight and Princess Layers....if y'all are coming mabey yas could try and wrestle CoPs cousin..miss shannon..with yas. :)

...oh and one Big Friendly stranger would be awefully sweet too!

Unfortunatly, We are not going to be able to amke this one. I got a booth at the farmers market to sell my glass jewelery and have to be there at 6 am on Saturday. Also Amber is going to be on the radio sunday morning, for a health show.(very exciting) So maybe next time.

Looking forward to hearing the tapes of this one. Should be a smoker.

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Will Dave Lauzon be jamming with the Sisters, or is it more of an "opening" slot?

Well, I don't think they've ever met. So what would it take to make that happen with complete strangers?

I'm 100% confident that they could pull something really cool off if they pursued it.

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