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Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon in Ottawa this Friday!!!!


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whoa. AllAboutJazz.com has published the submission I sent them. I wonder what local jazz fans are going to come out.

All I can say is that if this show isn't sold out or packed like sardines in a tin, it has no bearing on the rock-solid promotion and genuine intent to bring great music to the people in Ottawa...

I swear everytime I think I'm busy I look at the time and effort that bouche puts into Jambands and I'm feelin' like a lazy arse!!!

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we discovered colour versions of the promo posters all over bank st. GREAT JOB MAVERICKS!

The guys at Compact Music have been great with displaying the poster as well. One has it on their standup board outside.

Anyway, those that haven't got tickets yet, it's a beautiful day to head out to either Compact Music (both locations), Folklore Center or Lauzon Music to get your ticket today or tomorrow.

Whatever is left will be picked up on friday for sale at maverick's.

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Can we get back to how much fun it'll be on Friday night and into the earliest part of Saturday? Note that I fully qualified the span of time/day for the show for a very personal reason: it's my birthday on Saturday. I normally wouldn't pre-announce it, but if there is anyone (especially out-of-towners) who wants to celebrate/commemorate the occasion, let the games begin at midnight Friday/Saturday. :o



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Can we get back to how much fun it'll be on Friday night and into the earliest part of Saturday? Note that I fully qualified the span of time/day for the show for a very personal reason: it's my birthday on Saturday. I normally wouldn't pre-announce it, but if there is anyone (especially out-of-towners) who wants to celebrate/commemorate the occasion, let the games begin at midnight Friday/Saturday. :o



Awwww, man!!! I was totally gonna buy a Jager shot and have it ready at midnight for you so you'd be surprised I remembered.

Oh well.

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Hey Bouche! Love the jazz submission! Nicely done.

Alas this little mommy will not be at tomorrow's show.

Have a great time folks :)

Wish I could be there...

I will be especially loving Bradm on Friday/Saturday... and not only because its his birthday... But because he's the best bloody taper I know!

Edited by Guest
Happy Birthday Bradm!
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"can-o-phish, will it possible to get a set list for the Sisters Euclid portion of the show?



Classic. Setlist request BEFORE the show. I may actually be able to help with this along the way. I realize that I know alot of their tunes.

I wonder if they know Panama? It would be the ultimate cover.

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