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Sisters Euclid/Dave Lauzon in Ottawa this Friday!!!!


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Set I


Harvest Moon[1]

Frigid Moose >

Two Miles Of Bad Road

string changing banter


Jerry Garcia

Sunday Best

The Rigged Noose

bank banter


Set II



Tumblewood Tea

Four Shows Nightly


Keep On Rockin' In The Free World[1]

Treat Her Right

Southern Man[1]

Parkdale Symphony




Creature Comforts

I go bed now.



[1] Neil Young cover.

[2] With "Machine Gun" (Band Of Gypsies cover) teases.

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Starting to shake the cobwebs from my head...jeebus it was another wirlwind night in our Nation's Capitol for this kid...oh, and this ain't bouche at the moment...just too frickin' lazy to log out and log back in...this be C'o'P at the helm...

The little clock on the bottom right hand corner tells me it's 10:16am and I'm getting ready to head off to Stoneface Dolly's for some Saturday breaky...mmm mmm good time to get crackin'...

So let's see...I think Dr. Evil Mouse and Calamity Jane are downstairs on the couch after some late night Poutine & Tubbin'...Abbey joined me this morning for some puppy snuggles which was a great way to start the day...

For those of you who I met for the first time last night, nice meetin' ya!...one of these days my ass will be in Ottawa for more than a 24 hour stint and I'll be able to spread out my time...

Ms. Howler, congrats on your awesome news!!!...and thank you soooo much for the "treats"...the sketch is going up on the studio wall as soon as I'm back in T-Dot...and the book is going to be giving me reason to follow the trade winds and make my way towards the equator while sippin' on some fine rum...

bradm...you my friend have one of the fattest Sisters shows that I've witnessed...hard for me to explain but there was a laid back style to the show last night where there was more room & time for the music...and shakin' my ass to Parkdale Symphony at the end...doesn't get any better than that...I'm sure you're going to enjoy the Folk Alarm show as well and be sure to pass it on to your friend...

hmmm...me thinks I should rest my head a bit more before I head out...

Cheers to the O-Town crew...Ollie, Randy, Gentle Monkey, Gateaux and of course Pablo...so great to hear and see you making music!!!

Later Potaters!!!

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I think it's me again.

I am still in shock at the talent we witnessed last night. I'd love to pass on a champion toaster award to John Tate! Man, he had a ticket already paid for, at the door and he came in and dropped 20 for a new one, and 40 for the hell of it. So Ms. Hux knew this was off balance and gave him some Sisters merch...2 cd's and a dvd.

Later, John Tate can't stop dropping beers in front of me, my brother and likely a bunch of other people. It was nice to have someone driving to get everyone drunk. It definately worked. Finally, I went to thank him again and he said, "The free drinks are over for tonight".

HAHHAHA. Man, John Tate rocks.

I got alot of shots taht I have only seen on the little camera screen. I will probably set up a Flickr set dedicated to the Sisters and get a couple of my favs highlighted here.

Now, I hope I'm not forgetting anything, but I think that was definately show of 2006 in Ottawa for me. What could top it? Let's find out in the next 8 months!

Happy B-Day Bradm!

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Awesome night out for this kid! :)

Thanks soo much to all who made it happen...big High Fives!!! :)

Well me and mini friendly gotta go lay back down but had to send out the cabbage to the organizers and the performers for all that yas do! Sweet beans for sure!

And so many smiling eyes....so awesome to see lots of you fine folk! :)

rock n roll


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Sleep will be a precious commodity today. We had to retrieve the kids at 8 this morning, so had to cut that catnap short to drive back home in the wee hours through that wall of water that suddenly came pouring down.

That was such a happy room last night. It was so good to see everyone, and wow... what a deliriously rich palate of music to sink into the soul.

Now, what was that about sleep....

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good morning y'all! I note that it's nearly 4:20 as I post this.

I echo all the HUGE THANKS for those who pulled this off. I always enjoy seeing the Sisters more in OTown...the dancing freaks are the majority here, and I certainly think the Sisters appreciate seeing all those grooving bodies!

Nice to have met yet more skanks last night, and as alsways, delightful to rub elbows with those I already know, but see way too infrequently!!!

ps.... last night I did not feel so overwhelmingly sad and alone in the awesome knowlwdge of our Master's noodliness...someone else in the bar immediately recognized my Flying Spaghetti Monster shirt. Not to mention it helped Groove Festish I D me right away! :P

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Man, Ollie was such a huge amazing partner in putting on this (and last year's) Sisters Euclid show. We learned alot together last year and even more this year.

Everyone who bought tix at the locations in advance really helped out by getting these locations happy to help out in the future.

There couldn't have been a better opener than Dave Lauzon. He really worked his arse off in getting people out on top of the talented project he let loose upon us. I know he's got a breit (heh heh) summer ahead and I can't wait to see what else he gets matched up to.

Maverick's was again top-notch in hosting the event. They treated all of the artists as kings and made sure everything was just right. I was so impressed with the lighting last night as well. Jared, doing the sound was dynamically working the white light for me (for photos) and I didn't even realize it. I just thought it was luck.

Ms.Hux and Calamity Jane made even more money for the Sisters selling their merchandaise. Apparantly Kevin loved how light his boxes had become when Ms.Hux handed them to him ;)

My legs hurt today...probably from the Tumbleweed Tea....doubletime! I think it's officially Spring now. Ottawa can now come alive. The deepfreeze is over!

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Yesterday was one of those beautiful sprawling days in which you cherish every fleeting moment. Thank you everyone for coming out and making the event such a success. It really meant a lot to see each and every one of you out last night. And I was amazed by all the out-of-town support. You guys are awesome!

Big thanks to Dave Lauzon for bringing a good chunk of the crowd and warming up the room with an excellent set. Your contribution was immeasurable.

Thank you as well to Mavericks. I am blown away by the little touches you guys provided without us even thinking to ask. I have a lot of respect for how you guys do business.

Big thanks to Sharon and Deb for sacrificing a part of the show and helping us out with the door. You did an excellent job! And thanks to Mike for getting me involved in this project. Let me just say that it's been a blast and I look forward to more and more stuff like this in the future!

Special thanks to John Tate for making sure I had a beer and contributing so much to the cause. I had no idea until just now that you paid about 4 cover charges! Also nice to see Dave Drage again and get to spend some quality sober time together for a change! Thanks for taping, along with Brad and Pete. I can't wait to hear all the sources for this show.

Finally, thanks to the Sisters Euclid for an incredible two sets of music. I can't believe this goes down every week at the Orbit Room and the band is still only a blip on the Canadian music radar. I love the way Kevin attacks the note during a solo and is such a physical player. He does so much fretwork that just makes my jaw drop. And Kevin sang! Holy fuck I want him to do more of this! Rob, Ian and Gary were their usual stellar selves. I am now intrigued to check out the other work they are involved with. What a great combination of players!

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I'll add a few more as it's kinda how I'm feelin' at the moment..."'cause I'm all strung out on heroin on the outskirts of town!" :o

Having heard Sisters do "Carmelita", my next great musical exploration will entail digging into Warren Zevon (especially live stuff). (I think it's cool when a given artist can make you go and investigate or re-evaluate other artists.)



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I really thought there was a dearth of tumbling-piss-and-crap-on-the-drumkit references last night. Mind you, I suppose it's a joke you can only take so far :).

You know someone's got something good going when you can still hear the little figures he does in your head weeks and weeks after the fact, and that's very much what both Lauzon and Breit manage to do. Masters of their art, that's for sure.

Brings a smile to the face :).

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