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in defense of skinny people


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So I'm listening to the CBC and I hear that JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) apparently is ranting about models being too skinny and how she would rather a woman be funny, smart and charming a million times before being thin.

I'm wondering what about women that are skinny naturally? Since I've gone vegan (five years now) and now that I hardly ever eat fast food (no more travelling with bands every weekend) I'm down to about 130, give or take a few depending on the season. I've had numerous people comment on my weight, anything from the "you look great!" to "are you sick?". My answer, I eat well and I exercise. It's a very secret and complex formula that no one seems to know about. There aren't any diet books about it at all. I eat constantly. I hang out with several two hundred pound men and I eat as often and usually similar portion sizes to them. However, I'm eating veggies and they're eating.....well, what typical North American men eat. I am very healthy and I feel great. So what's so wrong with being skinny? I also get lots of people thinking I'm still in high school because of my body type (and baby face) when in fact I'm 25. I was vegetarian for five years before going vegan so I haven't ingested a lot of those beef hormones that would make me very hippy and buxom. I'm lean and solid muscle. I'm actually at the top end of the healthy range of the BMI charts, almost in to overweight for my height (5'5") but I still get people asking me why I'm so skinny. I'm not fucking skinny! I just don't look like the majority of women and what the fuck is wrong with that? I like the way I look and even if I didn't there's not much I could do about it other than start eating shitty food again. That's not going to happen. So please, before you jump to the conclusion that every skinny woman is trying to look that way and must be starving herself to conform to the super-model ideal, give your head a shake! I might be skinnier than a lot of others in my age group but it doesn't mean I give a shit about what the fashion industry says I should look like. I love food, I love sleep and I love being active, it's not fucking complicated. I'm healthy. And I like to think I can be funny, smart and charming occaisonally too.

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So I'm listening to the CBC and I hear that JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) apparently is ranting about models being too skinny and how she would rather a woman be funny, smart and charming a million times before being thin.

So, skinny women can't be funny, smart and charming? That really sucks for the skinny women out there.

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So I'm listening to the CBC and I hear that JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series) apparently is ranting about models being too skinny and how she would rather a woman be funny, smart and charming a million times before being thin.

So, skinny women can't be funny, smart and charming? That really sucks for the skinny women out there.

She sounds a bit defensive to me. People just need to stop worrying about other people's bodies in general.

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Eat less, live longer

been popping up on the news a lot lately

The researchers also observed lower blood levels of insulin after fasting and a lower body temperature in all participants who undertook a restricted calorie regimen.

"Body temperature and blood insulin levels are markers of longevity like gray hair or wrinkles can be, " said Ravussin. "It has been shown both in animals and humans that those with lower body temperature tend to live longer, and so do those with lower fasting insulin levels."

Another important finding, according to Ravussin, was that less DNA damage seemed to occur in patients with lower calorie intakes.

"One of the many theories of aging is that there is more DNA damage happening, which is the destruction of genetic information -- smokers for example have more DNA damage," said Ravussin. "So this is a very important information, totally novel in humans, that calorie restriction can reduce DNA damage."

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in the wise words of Luther:





More like in the wise words of R.L. Burnside via Mississippi Fred McDowell. The Allstars don't have an original bone in their body.

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