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Inane Workplace Banter


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You know what I'm talking about. You pass someone in the hallway, say "Hello" or "How's it going?" and get something like this in return:

"Another day another dollar."

"We almost made it." (referring to the weekend)

"One more hour to go." (referring to the workday)

"It's Monday."

"It's hump day."

"It's almost Friday."

I always find this difficult to respond to because I hardly ever pine for the weekend. I figure it'll get here eventually and in the meantime I'll enjoy the work week as much as I can.

Does this drive anyone else crazy? I find it so cheesey.

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Maybe it's the nature of my workplace, but we seem a bit immune to that sort of talk. For example:

Me: What's going on Alan?

Alan: (thoughtful pause) I really have no idea.

Me: How's it going Jeff?

Jeff: I feel like I'm standing on a moving baseball.

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"working hard, or hardly working?"

"if i was any better i'd be you!"

"if i was any better i'd be dead!"

in response to "how are you?"

"just ducky!"

grrrrrrrrr, that makes me want to kill people

or "can't complain"

things that also make me want to kill people:

"at the end of the day..."

"just so we're on the same page..."

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"working hard, or hardly working?"

OMG I get that one at least 6 times a day, and just reading it made me want to scream obscenities.

Working in a building supplies store in a small community, I get all kinds of horrible redundant small talk, 80% of which is about the weather.

"some day..."

"s'gonna rain, er wha???"

The opening of fishing season is also good for an influx:

"gettin' any trout?"

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Mike just sent me this great article: Avoiding Office Small Talk.

This line is gold:

For instance, you're walking down a long hall, you see a coworker. . . but they are too far to begin a conversation, yet too close to avoid an awkward chat, and you must find something to focus your attention until you find the precise time to start the inevitable semi-conversation in passing.
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The most annoying filler phrase, "Going forward.."

Whoever: "So, is there going to be any more layoffs?"

Manager person: "Well, going forward, we're going to be addressing some issues on a day-to-day basis and ..."

Me (thinking): "Oh, cut the fucking bullshit you smug-faced lying piece of shit!"

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The most annoying filler phrase, "Going forward.."

Whoever: "So, is there going to be any more layoffs?"

Manager person: "Well, going forward, we're going to be addressing some issues on a day-to-day basis and ..."

You: "If we're going to be doing that going forward, what are we going to be doing going backward?"



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"the reality is......."

"it's not getting any cooler in here is it?....."

"man is it hot in here!"

and yeah, pp already posted it but I work with a guy who has said this to me EVERY DAY for years now:

"workin' hard or hardly workin'?"

go suck a bag of cocks you spermwaste.

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"workin' hard or hardly workin'?"

Let loose some personal stuff to make him seriously uncomfortable:

"'Working hard'? I can't work hard, not since my erectile dysfunction came on strong, and those little blue pills? My doctor won't let me take them due to my heart condition. My wife and I have talked about alternatives, and it looks like the only thing may be for me to let her hook up with other men, but we have the kids to worry about..."



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We have one guy in the office who addresses every male co-worker with mister and his firstname, accompanied by the Rob Schneider copy guy lilt.


"Mister Miiiiiiiiiiiike"

"Mister Oliverrrrrrrrrr"

"Mister Randaaaaaaaaaay"

He also can't tell his own jokes without laughing his ass off.

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