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Canada Day in Ottawa: The Spades


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  • Thursday, June 29: Maceo Parker @ Jazz Fest, then Vanderpark at The Rainbow
  • Friday, June 30: McCoy Tuner @ Jazz Fest, then BNB + Peter Elkas at Mavericks
  • Saturday, July 1: Canada Day at THAT PLACE, then The Spades at Mavericks

Does anybody have an extra me they could lend me for that weekend? I don't think just one of me is going to be enough to get through all that...



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Chances of me making it to a bar this year are probably 1 in a 1000. I've failed the last two or three years and i hope this one is different but i'll fizzle out guaranteed!!! Wether it's Calamity Jane drenching me with booze or knocking out my darlin something will happen.

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Chances of me making it to a bar this year are probably 1 in a 1000. I've failed the last two or three years and i hope this one is different but i'll fizzle out guaranteed!!! Wether it's Calamity Jane drenching me with booze or knocking out my darlin something will happen.

yeah...before I even read your post, I'm thinking...pack an extra set of clothes (or two) J buddy!

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....

I will not waste beer this year....


beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

beer is not a plaything....

BTW, when do those "special, VIP" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) tickets go on sale?

Or do you guys just wanna hire me out as door security????

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I repeat no one is allowed in the house on Canada Day!

One helpful addition would be a special area (ideally inside behind closable, if not lockable, doors) for bands to stash their music gear. Even a tent (not that it's going to rain... ;)) with a staffed table and check-in/-out tickets, maybe?



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  • 4 weeks later...

Dr. J here (on James' computer) recovering from a night of rock 'n roll madness at the Montreal House here in Peterborough. Bradm's previous analysis of the Late J. P. Helium Band was quiite accurate - straight ahead guitar driven rock with some interesting change-ups thrown in. Good stuff.

Great new song by The Spades called The Next Round. Talks about sitting in the same places you've sat for years and promising yourself to leave right after the next round.

To the folks headed to That Place today. Ask the boys to play The Sonics tune for you (I don't know the name). It's a shitload of of rock 'n roll fun! Have a good one, folks! Hope to see some of you tonight.

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Great night!

Best version of O Canada I've ever heard. James atop a three foot monitor his guitar leading the way and everybody....and I mean everybody.... in Mavericks Bar belting out our national anthem with a force and a pride I've seldom encountered. I'll remember that moment for a long, long time. Salut Ottawa!

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The Spades were a real treat at That Place yesterday. I was very happy to have finally experienced them. I got some more shots worthy of posting, but I didn't anticipate how many photos I'd take throughout the day. I have alot of work to do to get them organized for viewing.

Dr. J, I was hoping to meet you but I guess we can't always be at the same place at the same time. Maybe I'll see you on the 12th at Maverick's after Bluesfest?

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Dr. J, I was hoping to meet you but I guess we can't always be at the same place at the same time. Maybe I'll see you on the 12th at Maverick's after Bluesfest?

Looking forward to the photos, bouche. Was thinking seriously of trying to make it to That Place, but being in Peterborough at the MoHo on Friday nite and wanting to be at Mavericks on Saturday, I knew if i tried to party in between, this ole body would start to kick up a helluva fuss :P missed seeing some familiar faces at Mavericks, but with the BNB show on Friday and an all-day party on Saturday, I completely understand why. Next time. And yeah still keeping the 12th in mind as well.

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