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So I didn't get let across the border...

afro poppa

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that sucks afro poppa, sympathy here. last time i crossed with guigsy and fairysari we had a tough time at the border due my 'lying' to them. bastards. we made it across, but not without wasting the best part of our buzz in the customs office. bastards x2.

i'm trying again today, with my boss... here's hoping it's smooth.

good luck buddy. and enough with the lies! dont you know you're making the baby jesus cry?

no swearing at border cops.

no beef.

and for the love of god, no mr. goudas ANYTHING!

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once, my buddies and I were crossing into VT for Phish's Coventry, and the Border Guards confiscated our meat and eggs. This turned out to be the BLESSING IN DISGUISE!!!

A few exits later into VT (and closer to the venue) we pull into a tiny town, stock up on food, and spoke to the VT locals. We are informed that the concert grounds are infested with mud (thus we all stock up on boots and rain gear from the local hardware/sports shop). The locals also inform us on the MASSIVE traffic jam that awaits us... but have no fear, they share with us their "short cut"!!!

After taking these sketchy back roads to get to the venue, we were greeted by the Coventry entrance with cars lined up miles long the eyes could see. But before we could enter, there's a Cop motioning us to keep driving down the line, as if we're supposed to drive all the way to the back of the line?!?! Yeah right! The second we passed the cop, there was an opening within the car line up left behind by some dude who had taken a nap behind the wheel, so we pulled the quickest 3-point turn in history and snuggled ourselves within the line.

In total, we waited 35 minutes to get into Coventry! From that day on, I always travel with meat when crossing borders ;-)

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for those interested in part 2 of our luck in Coventry, read on...

-my friend Jory, who traveled all the way from Israel to see Coventry without a ticket, scored an extra minutes before we hit the road from Toronto due to a last minute drop-out!

- while on the road, we all discussed what would be the one song we wanted to hear before Phish called it quits. Jory (from Israel) belted, "Before I die, I need a "Curtain" with a "With". Lo and behold, the encore... Jory staggered into me with disbelief when he heard the opening notes ;-)

-after all was said and done, we return to our tents after the encore to discover that our neighbors took off and ditched all their garbage!!! Before anyone of us could express our disgust, we find two of their coolers in the rummage. As we opened them, imagine if you will what it feels like when you open up a treasure chest and the gold shimmer brightens your face... one cooler was stacked half way with cans of beer and a bottle of Jack and Jager! The other... spicy sausages and cans of guinness!

-After partying for 30 minutes, we realize there's no way in hell we'll be able to finish all this! So we pick up the coolers, set up shop in Shakedown (what was left of it), sold the beer + shots (luckily I had those commemorative Phish shot glasses!) and we each banked $75 bucks (US) that night.

What a way to retire our Phish careers...

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Aaaah! My coolers! I've been looking for those ever since Coventry.

Please mail them back to me in Whistler. I'll take a cheque for the $75, too, which must be about $85 Canadian (please), but you can keep the interest.

Thanks for taking care of my coolers!

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I remember some heady kid giving me shit when he heard me telling the story to a friend of mine in line at that SCI fest last summer (what was that called again?!@?). He was like, "not heady man, you cut in line; thanks to you we all had to wait longer and eventually ditch our cars and walk for miles".

I'm like, "get over it buddy; what would you have done in our situation?!?" Well, it turned he was super pissed because him and his buddies rented a fat RV only to be left behind on the highway. Oh well...

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hey Afro Poppa - keep your head up bud. It sucks that your buddies were messed over but things happen, right? I'm pretty sure next time you cross an international border - hopefully sooner than later - you'll be extra careful.

You could do a lot worse than to be "stuck" in a place like Canada!

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I remember some heady kid giving me shit when he heard me telling the story to a friend of mine in line at that SCI fest last summer (what was that called again?!@?). He was like, "not heady man, you cut in line; thanks to you we all had to wait longer and eventually ditch our cars and walk for miles".

He needs to chill.

I know I managed to piss off about 150,000 people with the way I got my car into the Everglades Millennium show, and I'd do it again if the same situation ever arose!

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what do u mean all the time?

only here.

and i'm only posting my opinion on your behaviour at the border. a story you chose to tell.

don't post a story about how you acted like a dumbass at the border if all you expect to hear is sap answers and false support of "yeah man....the border sucks dude!...its all cuz of bush brah"

some people, are going to think you're a dumbass.

if anything, be thankful i gave you a stern talking to about your behavior...sorry i had to be the bad guy here...but you needed a spanking.

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"Before I die' date=' I need a "Curtain" with a "With". Lo and behold, the encore... Jory staggered into me with disbelief when he heard the opening notes ;-)


Too bad they were all the wrong notes ;)

Also in the wrong key!

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ah red foreman...they don't make em like that anymore.

so the shitting their pants at the border story:

(note: i know i post alot of bullshit on here...but thats just cuz i have no respect for anyone of you...i kid i kid...i love you all. but this story is TOTALLY true.)

so, we are on our way home from bonnaroo 2004 and about 20 minutes from the border we decided to eat one last american filth meal. We spotted a "Bob Evans" and took advantage of a good opportunity. 45 minutes and 3 meat skillet's later we were back on the road towards sunny ol CANADA.

As soon as we got in the car and merged onto the highway, my best buddy Andrew says "awww man..i gotta shit", to which we all replied that we'd all shit at the Border Duty free because the washrooms there are so damn good (we were only 15 minutes away from the Border anyways).

So about 10 minutes from the border we notice about 2 miles of traffic from our vantage point. We stop and get in line for the border, next to us stands a sign that says "From this point, 2 hrs". We all settle in for the long, annoying wait for the border, and proceed to make fun of Andrew for having to shit.

About 15 minutes goes by, and Andrew really starts complaining about how bad he has to shit. I suggest that he runs off to the woods and takes care of business, but he refuses. Another 15 minutes goes by, and now, andrew is a little red in the face. More time goes by, and we are now on the foot of the huge bridge to cross into Sarnia. Traffic is at a snails pace; movement at about 5 minute intervals. Another 15 minutes are up, and we are now dead centre on this massive bridge, and poor Andrew is nolonger complaining. Infact, poor Andrew has not said a word in a while. I look over, and his eyes are red and welling up with a fine film of tears.

I suggest that he hang his ass over the bridge and let loose, people would understand. We are all still cracking up at the situation, at Andrew's expense ofcourse. At this point, a middle aged couple in a huge RV pull up next to us, and Andrew rolls down the window and begs to use their washroom, insisting its an emergency. Unfortunatly, the couple have emptied their septic tank and have no facilities.

Five minutes later, and with no warning, andrew turns around to the back seat and yells "GIVE ME THE CUP!!!!! GIVE ME THE CUP NOW!!!!!!!!" , confused, i hand him my big Gulp cup full of Pepsi. "NO!!!!!!" he cries, "POUR THE PEPSI OUT OF THE CUP! AND GIVE ME THE CUP NOW!!!!!!!!!". I do as i'm told.

Andrew pulls down his pants right there in the front passenger seat, and with a moan and a groan, begins to fill the Big Gulp with a pale brown goop. At this point, all three of us have rolled down our windows and are laughing harder than any of us have laughed before. At the same time however, i am gagging and trying not to puke, still laughing ofcourse (very strange feeling). Andrew pretty much fills the entire big gulp, and in the heat of the moment, tosses it out the driver's side window right past the Driver's face (poor guy). He then requests a bag, and his pillow case. He finishes up in the bag, and cleans up with the pillow case and the ordeal is over.

I cannot beging to tell you how incredibly funny the whole thing was. I have never laughed so hard, and we all still crack up telling this story to pretty much everyone who wants to hear it. If only the cup tipped the driver's door and landed in his lap...oh god...that would have been even better. The smell that was in that car, is for sure the worst smell i have ever experienced but it was totally worth it. I am also very impressed with andrew's aim and sphingter (SP?) control...not a drop on the apolestry.

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