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Go Away, Passenger!!!!


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Lately, I have been getting unsolicited mail from the band Passenger. Seeing as how there is also a posting to the Cavern regarding Passengers activities, this is redundant, not to mention intrusive.

I have never visited their site, attended a show, or even heard one note of their music, so I don't know how my e-mail ended up on their list, unless they have combed through everyone's profile from this website.

Passenger, since you have sunk to the level of the porn sites, credit advice companies, septic tank problem fixers, viagara suppliers and Russian mail-order bride programs who daily plague my inbox with unsolicited e-mail, you have reduced the chances that I will ever attend one of your gigs tenfold (and the chances are already quite slim, unless you plan on doing an extensive Korean tour). Congratulations!! [Mad]

Is this really necessary?

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Whoa, dude, a little harsh there. Most e-mail programs have a reply button(so you can return mail) and I get the same e-mail although I added myself to thier mailing list and I'm quite sure at the bottom of thier gig list is a note of how to unsubscribe to the mailing list. Maybe a friend of yours added you to thier mailing list, to try to get you to go out and see them...wierder things have happened.

I'm POSSITIVE that if you ask to be taken off, they'll take you off.

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Originally posted by Super Freak:

Whoa, dude, a little harsh there....Maybe a friend of yours added you to thier mailing list, to try to get you to go out and see them...wierder things have happened.

I'm POSSITIVE that if you ask to be taken off, they'll take you off.

Harsh? Maybe. But...

1. I don't think any of my friends signed me up for *anyone's* mailing list... but if any of the five people or so that I personally know on this board did so, let me know and I'll be as apologetic as I can. Then, Superfreak, you may come and give me a paddlin'. Actually, you can paddle me anyway, if you want. [Wink]

2. If addresses were lifted from other bands' mailing lists (as MoMack has suggested may be possible), then that's just wrong. I don't intrude on other strangers' private lives - why should they do it to me? Particularly when forums - ie. this one - exist for informing people of exactly the same information. Plus, I'm not on any CanJam band's mailing list aside from the New Deal, and they use a blocking thingy so you can't see who's getting it anyway.

3. If names were lifted by combing through the profiles of users on this board, then that's wrong too. You could argue that simply listing your e-mail address in your profile invites that kind of thing, but we all know that that's not what it's there for. Of all the websites that I visit, this is the last one on which I would expect to find such behaviour.

4. Yes, I agree that if I asked them to remove me they probably would, but that's not the point either. It's like negative billing - "you're gonna get this unless you say specifically that you don't want it"; at least I'm not paying for it, anyway. Why should *I* have to make the effort to not receive something I don't want in the first place?

I guess my point is that I'm tired of getting shitloads of spam, and the reason that this particular case annoys me is that, as I said before, this is the last place that I would expect that this sort of behaviour would take place.

Since I'm still literate, I can - and do - read about these events right here on the Skank.

Sorry all - rant mode *off* now...

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I usaully don't put my opinion in - but in this case I completely agree with hamilton.

Unsolicited email is dirty,... very dirty.

The issue here isn't whether Passenger is a good band, or how easy it is to unsubsribe to such an email list, it is the fact that this band is using intrusive tactics to get their word out, which I find totally unacceptable. I'm also on this email list and I have never visited the site nor signed up for their email list - and I guarentee that none of my friends have signed me up.

The bottom line is Spam is Spam. In fact for their last update they send me the same message twice, one with the subject "mike" and one with "nice". Passenger is using Spam to get their point across which is the same reason that I won't check them out. So in this sense their Spam campaign is detering people from seeing their shows.


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Yo all'y'all! I'll throw in my two-cents as well, I've received unsolicited mail from Passenger as well, so I don't think it's a coincidence that hamilton and others have as well - it seems pretty obvious that this is a tactic the band or someone associated with the band is using. Personally I don't get that worked up about it 'cus I receive WAY worse spam on a daily, hell, hourly basis, but I'm generally with hamilton and fresco on this, spam ain't cool, and I'll add my voice to those who discourage all bands and folks from all walks from using it.


Mr. M.

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I'm with Ham & Fresco on this one. The Passenger spam sucks. I delete immediately without ever reading any of their emails.

And was everybodies subject titled "Boner" or just me????

Good for them for jammin', but i'm turned off...doubt you'll find me at a Passenger show!

(Although it is my FAVE Grateful Dead song these days:)

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Hey SF, I totally hear where you're coming from. Personally I just wanted to make the point as a cautionary tale for others, not as an anti-Passenger rant by any means.

Recently, a Toronto artist whose mailing list I'm on sent out a message with all the recipients revealed in the header. I have to tell ya, I had a split second where I thought "hah, in 5 seconds I could suck all of those addies on MY mailing list!" Then the light side of the force took control again and I didn't. [Wink]

I think we just don't want other folks in bands that hang out here to think "hey, well if a veteran band like Passenger's doing it, I'm gonna go through the Sanctuary and suck out as many email addresses as I can and put 'em on MY mailing list too!" I just think as a community we have to point out that such behavior is not cool.

- M.

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Mine was titled 'asthma'

I've been receiving the Passenger emails ever since I started posting on this board. I applaud Jim's resoucefulness, but he should also know that these tactics can piss some people off.

So, since you got my email address from here in the first place, here's my removal request:

Hey Jim! Please remove me from your list!


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Just an aside. I had about 300 pieces of spam a day on hotmail, I shit you not. I was for a long time, setting my filter to exclusive and then getting everyone on my list so I could just skim the junk mail folder and pull out the good ones, dump the rest. That was a pain ni the ass too. then my buddy alan turned me onto ziplip.com. I have, in the past year, received maybe 10 unsolicited emails. It is free up to 2.5 mB, and like 3.95 a month for 12.5mB. I am very satisfied and I think you all would be too.

PS - Neither I, nor anyone I know work, for this company. [smile]

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