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POLL : Ottawa Slip Love Roll call


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Oh boy! I forgot about that too. Dicky betts is in town here and I know that alot of people are into that as well. It could be a HUGE music day in Ottawa.

Just see Trey in TO the next week with everyone else. It'll be good and you can avoid seeing another "I KNow You Rider" ;)

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I voted yes and then found out about 20 minutes later that I'm going to see Trey, Mike and Phil in vermont that night so I guess I have to change my vote to no (can I still be cool?)

hmmmm. The vermont show goes on at 4pm and we're heading back right after. I wonder if we'd make it back in time to catch the end of the Slip show. Probably not.

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No question I would be all over this.

On a hunch that positioning this as a charity benefit might help sweeten things, I am happy to get some names together. I have key contacts in the international development field (World Vision, Oxfam and CARE for instance) who would probably say yes to a concert in their support.

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No question I would be all over this.

On a hunch that positioning this as a charity benefit might help sweeten things, I am happy to get some names together. I have key contacts in the international development field (World Vision, Oxfam and CARE for instance) who would probably say yes to a concert in their support.

Interesting concept.

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I voted yes and then found out about 20 minutes later that I'm going to see Trey, Mike and Phil in vermont that night so I guess I have to change my vote to no (can I still be cool?)

Make sure you try to meet Vermontdave. I don't know if he's going to the show, but if he is, you want to hook up with him.

hmmmm. The vermont show goes on at 4pm and we're heading back right after. I wonder if we'd make it back in time to catch the end of the Slip show. Probably not.

Definitely not. It's at least a four-hour drive back, so if you want to be in Ottawa by 1am, you'd have to leave the show by 9pm, and I doubt it'll be over by then.



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