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QotD: 2006-06-14: Disliked Band Names


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Who in their right fucking mind names their band Default? Real assertive boys. [color:purple]Great Artists

Deeps' comment got me thinking: leaving aside a given band's music, which band names do you dislike the most?

For me, it's "Godspeed You! Black Emperor". Apparently it comes from the title to a Japanese movie, which may explain its complete awkwardness, gramatically, but I hate it just the same; maybe it's the way it would be pronounced ("Something IM-portant! [And then something else irrelevant]"), or the way it's easily misspelt (it's tough to accurately position the !), I don't know. I just don't like the name.

Which ones particularly irk you?



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booty juice...makes me think of ass sweat

edit to add: re default...a friend of mine 6 or 7 years ago was in a band by the same name, and when default made it big and they were from canada i SO thought my friend had made it, but alas...there were 2 bands who'd chosen that name.

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Actually "Moist" was my first choice, too. I deleted it, though, because I can't put my finger on why it grosses me out. (I think it may be a psychological thing, ever since Neil Young inflicted that band on me in Hamilton about a decade or so ago.)

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Back in the late 1990s, when my only source or jamband info was from reading rec.music.phish, I used to see the phrase "string cheese incident" in the odd post, and figured it was something that happened at a Phish show, like a glowstick war or something. I don't think I had it figured out until 2000 or 2001.



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The New Deal. A little cocky to call yourself 'fresh' IMO

I wonder whether the name is taken from FDR's The New Deal.

Aloha' date='


Not very Canadian of them then... eh?

I've always thought the name was a bit too American for a Canadian band, but the fact is that tND have a bigger US audience than Canada, anyway. I also couldn't help but think of Grand Theft Bus, who obviously adapted their name from an American term for a crime, "grand theft auto"...

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