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new logo - new banner testing


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I've been messing around with photoshop for a new banner/logo. I've just been hit with a thought that I should just post my progress as I go along. Basically, The Sanctuary Logo that Little Miss Pink made (still love it) is out of date because it was originally meant for the forums when the forums were seperate from the main site.

Since jambands.ca is pretty much driven by the forums the site needs a more generic banner that conveys the sitewide name of jambands.ca

So, when you notice a new logo and banner, please post your thoughts here. Eventually, I think a poll could be put together to have a vote on the communities favourite banner.

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So far, I definitely like this improved look; and I do think it is an improvement.

Good slogan, too; (although I wonder if it wouldn't be prudent for you to send an email off to the merchandising branch of a certain defunct jamband, just to make sure they don't mind you using a line that they arguably hold copyright over).

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I like the new look muchly!

If you are looking to tweak it at all, I'd suggest making the background part a one pixel tile that could be repeated over the background of your header space. Then all you'd need is the jambands.ca section, would essentially float over the background. Why do all that you say? To accomodate different browser widths. I know, that's madness... I'm silly that way.

Lookin' tight man!

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I like the new look muchly!

If you are looking to tweak it at all, I'd suggest making the background part a one pixel tile that could be repeated over the background of your header space. Then all you'd need is the jambands.ca section, would essentially float over the background. Why do all that you say? To accomodate different browser widths. I know, that's madness... I'm silly that way.

Lookin' tight man!

i'm trying to do just that I believe. I have a graphic but it's not showing.

I setup a class called .myheader and the colour is right, but the image won't show.


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concerning the colours, I've been inspired by the look of Web 2.0 sites like Flickr, Digg, Technorati, etc.

Check out this article on the Web 2.0 colour scheme weapon ;)

So Lime Green just may fit indeed! I am just trying to keep it down to a few colours though.

Hopefully I'll figure out why that background image isn't showing. I did want to add some photography in there, but then the banner would be a complicated image.

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really like the colors, especially with the reverse

was thinking "come waste your" comes across kinda dull because the orange "Jam:" is quite bright... as I say though, looks great (only mention it because I love getting constructive critisism)

did a lot of reading up on Web 2.0 a few months back... appreciate simplicity in design

Web 2.0 means:

getting bought by Yahoo

- Paul Hammond, Projectionist

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limey 'nough indeed... nice...

my cherry online design collaboration... I like it! just say things then watch them happen... take that Web 2.0! I'm starting a company!

not sure bout the limey dot, limey overkill perhaps... (though I understand the quest for balance... balance be damned!)

paisley constructive critisism overkill perhaps

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I work in tech support and you'd be surprised how many people call in and it takes about 15 minutes to get them to type www. let alone the rest of the address.

Granted, those likely to frequent this site most likely understand how to do it properly.

Just to mention: Firefox 1.0.2 with screen resolution of 1280x1024, the logo is off center (it's too far to the left, the s.c part is around the middle of the screen whereas it should probably be somewhere around the a in bands that's in the middle. Then again, I'm using a fair size monitor at work with pretty high resolution so it probably doesn't matter all that much

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this is the way to revamp things ;) I am going to likely overhaul the current style sheet to include them new lime and pinky colours.

It seems like you guys could have suggestions for doing that as well. Let's just do it together! I did send the logo and banner to another skank to play with a bit more, but I must say, I'm quite pleased with the current banner. The logo should only be tweaked to include the web address so when it's on the back of a bus, people know where to go ;)

So, where do you think the Lime and Pink would work?

I want to flatten the 3-d looking buttons too. Maybe the menu buttons can go pink...or borders around the tables can go lime. I dunno, but 2 new colours ROCK!

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